Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'll tell you what you can do with that finger

Days like yesterday make me realize just how dumb and stupid people are ....

So I am out running errands, just minding my own business, cruising along down the road. I was in the outside lane, and some lady, in 4x4 truck that was way too big for her to drive, was in the middle lane. Without paying attention, she decided she wanted to be in my lane of traffic.

There was a small problem. I was already there, right along side of her. But that didn't stop her from trying, as she moved into my lane, forcing me to slam on the brakes, and throw the parachute out the back of my jeep to get myself stopped. Naturally I hit my horn. Out of her window, comes the MIDDLE FINGER (a real classy lady).

Ummmm, excuse me ass wipe, but you were the one that made the illegal, unsafe lane change, I should have flipped you off.

Anyway I make it to one of my destinations, the grocery store. Yes, even us sloppy men make it to the store every now and then. I find a parking spot and get out of my jeep to walk into the store. This knucklehead teenager, comes into the parking lot at Mach 10, and turns the corner right where I was walking. I stop like a deer in the headlights, as I knew I was going to be road kill. So what happens? The little piece of shit FLIPS ME OFF.

Ummmm, excuse me ass wipe, but you were the one that was driving like you were racing at the INDY 500, and almost hit a pedestrian (me). I should have flipped you off.

Ok, later that day, I was on my way to meet my wife for dinner. Again, I was just driving minding my own business. I get to the restaurant where I am meeting the lovely and gracious MrsV, and get ready to pull into the driveway of the parking lot. But first I have to wait to enter the parking lot because some fucktard that is leaving the parking lot is taking up the whole damn entrance to the lot.

He gives the old exaggerated look like he can't see out into the street to see if cars are coming. Sorry I can't move my jeep, as there are now a dozen cars behind me wanting to enter the same parking lot. I can't enter the parking lot, because Jr. Doesn't know that he isn't supposed to take up the whole damn entrance/exit.

As he peels out of the lot, out the driver's side window comes the FINGER.

Ummmm, excuse me ass wipe, but you are the moron that caused your situation. I should have flipped you off.

So to everybody that flipped me off yesterday, (despite that fact tat you dumb fucks where the cause of all the situations) I have one thing to say. RIGHT BACK AT YOU, shit for brains!!!

Posted by MrV :: 4:58 PM :: |