Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Tuesday, November 30, 2004
The way things should have went
I have found that I regulary undermine my collage teachers. I do not enjoy storing facts that have come from other peoples heads, since I already know all. Besides for all I know they are incorrect. I must always validate what I am told by the teacher, and quite often I find that they are wrong.Lets take an example from last week where the teacher interrupts me and says "Your lab does not specify the correct magnetos which means the Type Certificate Data Sheet is invalidanted or you lab is wrong . Your going to come in friday and rewrite your lab with the proper acessorys, and this time do it properly". So I reply "The fuck I am" and storm out of the lab.After a while I dig out my lab and go up to the teacher and press my index finger on his forehead and say "Listen boy, YOU can FUCK RIGHT OFF. It specifys the corect magnetos and the Type Certificate Data Sheet is correct". I then remove my index finger from his forehead and slap the lab across his face. For good mesure I then knee him in the testicles, give him a wedgie and piss on his desk.
posted by MrV at 7:17 PM
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
"It's better to burn out than to fade away"
Watching someone fade away can be almost unbearable. It is sad and heartbreaking to see someone that you have put on a pedestal fade away as death suddenly becomes a reality. Why is it that the circle of life can end in such a cruel and almost ironic way?I have been fortunate enough in life to be blessed with both a grandfather and a great grandfather on my mothers side. Both men where far above the rest and led an example that I could only hope to follow in my life. In their own way they where both very intelligent, articulate, polite, master of their craft, and truly devoted to the woman they loved.My grandfather and I had a very close relationship. I can remember many of summers and weekends spent at my grandparents house swimming in their pool, playing billiards in the club house, trips to various theme parks, long weekend drives, and hanging onto every word my grandfather would say when telling one of his most informative life stories. I will never forget the time when he took me to my first professional baseball game. As we approached San Francisco he begin to tell me some of the history and stories behind some of the buildings (he was a native of that beautiful city) as he proceed to speak and pinot out some of the many landmarks I realized that the entire bus had grown quite and was hanging on every word he spoke.When he cam down with alzhiemers during my high school years I don't recall realizing the full ramifications of the disease. You see this man was the model of health having worked out regularly for the last quarter century, taken my grandmother dancing two-three times a week , and traveling the world. As the disease began to spread and his condition worsen I began to stay away more and more. It' only now that I look back and see how hard it was on my grandmother because she put her life on hold and took care of him until the very end.I will never forget one of the very few visits I made to see him in the latter stages of the disease. He had been mostly lathargic and somewhat out of it for most of the day. As we where all leaving he called me into the back room and gave me a box. For a brief moment he seemed to be all there as I realized the box had the last of his art supplies. (he was quite a artist and a retired draftsman.) I will never forget the look in his eyes as he said " I just can't do it any more, I try by my hand shakes to much. I get he image in my head as clear as day I just can't put it on paper" We both just stood there a moment on the verge of tears then he walked out of the room and toulsed my hair. That was the last direct conversation we had before he died several months latter.When he was in the hospital on deaths bead, I went to see him late one day. Although he was comatose and could not hear me I said I was sorry for not spending more time with him. I told him how much he meant to me and that I would spend the rest of my life trying to live like him. He died the next day.Now here we are back to the present and it seems like history is repeating itself. This thanksgiving seemed to be more of a goodbye more than anything else. Sadly my great granfather is now knocking on deaths door. Our relationship may not have been as close, it was still unique for I was his first great grand child. Likewise I spent may of summers, weekends, and holidays playing in their fields, swinging in their barn, and running through their pumkin patch. Memories that my daughter got to share and have as well. I will never forget his 2 0'clock Pepsi times and eating zucchini bread with him.Dancing with the ripe old age of 90+ his health has deterated to the point where there is not much time left. Sadly I fear that once he answers the call of death my g-grandmother will go with him. Their heart has long ago joined as one and formed a bond that will never be broken after 65 years of marriage. Their marriage is not one of convince or one of staying together for religious reasons or apathy; they truly love each other and you can see it in their eyes. He is a man who is also intelligent, respectful, polite, and truly devoted to his wife. He is a farmer of a dyeing breed, one that instead of focusing on money turned his focus on family. He loves and respects his land like no corporate farm could. Sadly the irony of the circle of life has debilitated him to where he could not go outside for the last couple of years; cruel and heartless being how this man took pride and joy in his fields and found relaxation in his gardens.I can't bear to see to such strong men whom I have the utmost admiration and respect for fade away. Maybe I am selfish but I want my memories of them to be strong and powerful. Seeing the vunerabilty does not make me love or respect them less it just makes me sad. The circle of life is cruel, heartless, and shows no mercy.I can only hope when my time comes I can just burn out rather than fade away
posted by MrV at 5:38 AM
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Cortez Cortez
He came dancing across the waterWith his galleons and gunsLooking for the new worldIn that palace in the sun.
On the shore lay MontezumaWith his coca leaves and pearlsIn his halls he often wonderedWith the secrets of the worlds.
And his subjectsgathered 'round himLike the leaves around a treeIn their clothes of many colorsFor the angry gods to see.
And the women all were beautifulAnd the men stoodstraight and strongThey offered life in sacrificeSo that others could go on.
Hate was just a legendAnd war was never knownThe people worked togetherAnd they lifted many stones.
They carried themto the flatlandsAnd they died along the wayBut they built upwith their bare handsWhat we still can't do today.
And I know she's living thereAnd she loves me to this dayI still can't remember whenOr how I lost my way.
He came dancing across the waterCortez, CortezWhat a killer.
"Neil Young"
Happy Thanksgiving
posted by MrV at 11:54 PM
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Bi-polar Bloggers
(Thirty something bi-polar social retard strung our on paxil, prozac, ritalin, dexatrim, zanax,claritan, advil, caffeine, and what ever else the doctor could give. My parents where bad to me and my life sucks I want to die. I am a looser, you won' understand me. I am better than you")When did it become cool to have a mental condition? Did I miss the boat on that? Do I need to go out and fine a doctor to give me a prescription to Paxil, Prozacc, or some other "I am not a happy person pill"? If i become bi-polar ,depressed, or perhaps a sevear case of ADD would I become cool in the bloging world? What if I ad a sexual problem to that maybe I could be even cooler.I was surfing some blogs on one of the search engine I have listed below and one thing I did notice in the header or profile was the litany of mental problems that a lot of blogers had. I could not help but wonder how these people mange to wake up in the morning and get out of bed. Hell you fuck jobs should be in an mental ward. I know what it is like to be a a bad mood or get angry, feel bad, or even get a bit depresses but geez folks life goes on.All of these "who unto me Blogs" my life sucks blame my parents for me being a social retard or mental not job are a fucking joke. How did we as a society function without Paxil or Proazac.Hell folks just do what i do....Drink vodka every night and you will always feel good!!!
posted by MrV at 9:52 PM
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I know the feeling little Dude, "Bartender another one for my short friend here"
posted by MrV at 9:17 PM
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Monday, November 22, 2004
Thoughts of the day
Have you ever been driving and had someone just piss you off in such a way that you wish you had some sort of flame thrower or machine gun attached to the hood of your car so you could "take care of business". Or have you ever had a boss, coworker, friend, or hell ever your wife chewing your ass out about something so utterly stupid and mondane that you could not even possibly remember nor care what it was and the whole time they are babbling your imagining kicking the shit out of them and not hearing a fucking word they say. How about the one where your in the store and some little ass fuck of a devil child is being a utter shit and all the while his mother or father keep saying "do that again and I will spank you"...Have you ever felt like grabbing the little shit and whipping his little ass into next week and then telling the parents "their I did it for you"...Maybe it's just me but these are just a few of the thoughts I have had dancing in my mind today....I feel agitated all the time, I don't know why, but I do I wonder what it is. People in general, piss me off a lot and I hate other peoples kids. Kids I find are sort of like farts...In that you really don't mind your own. Their is nothing worse than somebody else's annoying little kids. The little kids that live next door to me are monsters. Yet my daughter always wants to play with them. There mum is a big sack of shit and the kids are little images of their mum. I hate those unruly little fuckers yet they are always over hear. My wife is good with kids and I seriously doubt I want to give her any of her own. I go back and forth on it...Hell she will probably get me drunk some night and take advantage of me. Speaking of drunk; Vodka is the nector of the GODS...I love vodka.Neil Young is fucking fantastic, I just brought home his greatest hits album and it's great. I am sure i already have all the songs and various disk but something about having them all on one disk is fucking great.I don't know why I dislike most people. I have often thought about shutting myself in and becoming a recluse loner, but that would drive me fucking crazy. But then most people seem to go out of their way to really piss me off.I feel I can not relate to about 85% society. For the most part people are just stupid. I mean seriously I go to school with a guy that has not read a book (other than school text) in over 5 years. Yet this dumb ass watches every show in the fucking world. Don't get me wrong folks I am not one of those ant TV crusaders in fact I have one in pretty much every room. But Other than cable modem I do not have cable teli, dish, or any other premium package. TV sucks I am convinced that reality shows are a secrete attemp by Europe (mainly the British because of that whole revolution thing) to dumb down America...Sadly its working.
posted by MrV at 6:46 PM
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Saturday, November 20, 2004
Is it me or am I surrounded by Idiots
Last night as I returned home from the local watering hole a bit early I was pondering just how brilliant I was when I began to wonder, maybe my super brilliance is a reflection of the utter idiots that surround me. You see going back to collage and getting my degree and A & P license has truly thought me one thing. What is that one thing you may ask...Well it is to have an utter fear of flying because I have seen first hand that 98% of the retards that this collage puts out with an A & P license probably could not put their own shoes on if it was not for velcrow straps.One of my biggest fears in going back to collage was that I would not be able to keep up with the younger people just out of high school or perhaps all this political talk about collages being a liberal pruning ground for the uniformed and easily manipulated. But all that was quickly put to rest when I realized that the public school system has pretty much flat lined since I graduated high school. Seriously folks the only thing more scary and more abusive to a child than a public education is perhaps the church.As far as the liberal bastion I was expecting it did not take long for me to once again remember that I was still in the central valley where a majority of men fuck their own sister out of boredom. I am utterly convinced that the smog and pollution that blows in from the Bay Area and Southern California has permanatly stopped the evolution process hear in the central valley. Perhaps one day the valley will be coordend off and made into some form of wildlife preserve so that future generations from the rest of the country can came and look and see what humanity once was and how far they have come. They will smile to themselves and wonder how such ignorance once feed the entire world with their produce and dairy products.I can only hope that my eventual departure from this vast right wing, bible thumping, sister fucking, county music loving, nascar watching, rebel flag waving, cow tipping, reality TV watching Barron waste land will come soon enough fro me and my family.But then I think perhaps their are others like me and maybe if we unit and form a alliance of independent thinking free spited people we can bring down the inbred hicks and send them to the caves where they can fuck their own sisters in peace and if they are nice we will satellite feed them NASCAR and football and they will be happy and all will be good.
posted by MrV at 7:15 AM
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Friday, November 19, 2004
It's a small world
I was 17 and dating this girl I had met in high school. She was a little freak in more ways than the word "freak" implies but she was unique and stands out in my memories more than most of the past girlfriends.I was playing with a group called "Trip Wire" when I first meet her at school. We had just done a lunch time gig in the quad and she came up and told me that she thought we sucked. Looking back she was probably right...We where chasing the whole grunge seen and other than original licks and lyrics their was not much else that gave any hint to originality. But hey we had fun and built up a good following and played just about every shit hole bar and collage campus on the west coast. (another story for another blog will be about how 4 kids where fucked out of every penny they made while doing that)Back to my story...There is nothing like a hot babe telling you how much you "suck ass" that can convince a guy more that the babe absolutely wants him. So convinced that she was more than willing to fuck my brains out I did every thing shy of stalk her until she finally agreed to go out with me. To get to the point of the story we started dating and spending a enormous amount of time together. (Did I mention she was 16 well underage).Like most kids in the "hick and shit" town we realized that their was not much to do other than fuck we did...A lot. Her folks where interesting people in that they where pretty liberal despite their conservitive jobs that kept them away quit a bit. Her mum was a school administrator and her dad was a sergeant on the (insert city hear) SWAT team and quite a very big guy that would tend to strike fear in most of the criminal and non criminal element.One day while left at home alone she called me to come over and watch a few movies...So I did. Obvislouly their was very little movie watching done or even intended. I am not sure how we ended up in her parents room but we did and we where well on are way to orgasmic oblivion.Until I heard the booming voice "hey guys haven's fun" talk about amending buzz kill.At that point in my life I do not think I had ever been so afraid. Especially when he told me to get dressed and we where going to take a ride. What unfolded was pretty much what you would see in a Hollywood movie..."Do you know who I am..What I do"..."I can make you disappear"..."I can make it hurt" Needless to say it was and interesting ride and one that I vividly remember. What came latter was common sense and the awkward discussion with both his wife and daughter.Despite his size and stature he was a relitlvly cool dude who understood that it takes two to tango. We dated for a few more months then like all young dudes I was caught balls deep in somebody else.I haven't given him nor her much thought until yesterday. Come to find out Mr sergeant is now in charge of the (insert city) airport police and fire force. Despite what you may think 11 years after fucking his daughter I still can't look the guy in the eye and not be somewhat intimidated
posted by MrV at 9:09 AM
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Stupidity is the basic building block of the universe.
I am convinced that America's fasination with Reality TV is prove that we as a society have stopped evolving. I mean do we really care about the next "Idol" or how much weight some fat person has lost...Simple answer fat ass put down the cheese burger and try walking. But do we really need to make some "boo woo cry baby touchy feel good" show for all the uneducated masses to get all worked up about.How about Survivor; want to make it interesting try putting a serial killer on the island. What about Donald Trump; lets make a reality show about his good looking wife banging a few random strangers and Donald shouting "Your Fired" at the ones who don't make her climax ...I might actually watch that."The Swan" has got to be the best one of them; they take a bunch of ass ugly women who hit every branch of the ugly tree as they fell from from it and put them through some brutal plastic surgery and get thin quick regiment then parade them around stage like a Nevada Brothel. What ever shred of dignity and self respect these dumb ass women had going into the show sure gets trampled on by the time the season is over.I go a few ideas for my own reality show.... "The priest and the new alter boy"..."How many foreign objects can we stick up this man's ass"...Or my favorite...."Who what's to torture a suspected Iraqi terrorist" The sad truth is a good percentage of dumb ass American's would watch these shows.Yes my friend who needs books and free thinking when we have the magic picture box to think for us....Just turn on the tube America your goverment will take care of you...
posted by MrV at 8:56 PM
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
Arnold for President?????
Well fuck me with chainsaw...The Arnold for President movement is really picking up some steam. There where a few rumbleings about him possibly running for president after he was elected govenor and then a few more after his speaks at the Republican convention but they were quickly put down. This fucking group has got to be out of the mind... Come on people he is an actor and a opportunist. Id don't care where you stand on his policy's "we as a nation do not want to start down the step slope of changing the constitution" so this man or ANY OTHER FOREIGNER can run for president.I just assumed that when he got elected for govenor he would term limit out and then run for senate...but president!!!! Give me a fucking Break....What was that Canadian immigration web sight.........
posted by MrV at 9:04 AM
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
Scott Peterson
Ok Folks get ready for the book tour and the post trail commentary from all the reporters and legal talking heads. Truthfully I am surprised that they found him guilty. It is almost amazing to me that they did being that the prosecution was about as in-ept as a high school mock trail team, their was no cause of death, no murder weapon, no blood, no wittiness, no big insurance payout, no physical evidence relating to Scott Peterson that he even committed a crime.What they did have was proof that he was a lying piece of shit scumbag that cheated on his wife when she was eight months pregnant. But we do not know what the marriage was like so it is really no our place to judge. For the most part guys are like cows, in that "they will not jump or look over the fence if they are being fed" that said I am sure that pisses off a lot of women but get over it. For every guy that cheats on his wife their is usually a woman involved and women cheat just as much. But back to my point, other than overwhelming proof that he was a lier and a cheat all the prosecution had was a hair on a pair of pliers. Now I will admit it has been a while since I have brutally murdered anybody but will someone tell me how the fuck a pair of pliers can be used as a murder weapon. As for the hair on them...well one look at MrsV long flowing hair will explain that. As much as she sheds its a friggen wonder she has any hair at all. Maybe my marriage is the exception but we do not have a "hand off my stuff" rule so I am figuring since my wife has at least half a brain and a bit of inicative to do a few simple things around the house using tools (i.e. hanging frames, turning a couple of screws, fixing a small leak) you might find more than my wives hair in my tool box or on my tools.The media had this guy guilty from day one. He did not have a chance at a fair trail it did not matter what fucking county it was in. Weather or not he is guilty or not I could give a shit in fact I yea I think he is a stone cold killer. But the prosecution had to show "beyond the shadow of doubt" and I think they failed miserably lucky for them they had 12 eager fucks who did not want to be sequestered for another weekend and who were ready to sighn that book deal.what's with the estimated 1,000 dumb ass's who in the middle of the fucking day had nothing better to do than stand around a court house and cheer like a bunch of fucking lunatics. Like him or not it his still his life which is on trail people. people like you fucks are the type of assholes that back up traffic at a accident because your gawking at the blood and shiny red lights. Your parents should have aborted you, you stupid fucks!!!
posted by MrV at 7:33 AM
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Friday, November 12, 2004
A Smorgasbord of Comments
Michael MooreSo Moore is going to make a sequel to Fahrenheit 911 to inform the 51% who in his words "where not told the truth" or at least the truth as he wants us to know it. Bowling for Columbine was a great piece of work that truly exposed the NRA for the shitbags they are and made a mockery of the already pathetic American Media. To bad Moore has become so blinded with hate the he has to resort to being a political hitman.When I look at Michael Moore, outside of the fact that he is a Hostess cupcake shy of 350 pounds, he reminds me of Jim Jones, the notorious leader of the famed People's Temple Church. They both cast a spell over their followers, and their followers believed in what they say or said. The only thing left for Moore to offer his followers, is the magical Kool-aid that Jones used to kill all 900 plus of his followers. But then again, Moore's tool of the trade isn't Kool-aid, it is merely his movies.Music I am not going to lay down a opinion on the downloading because my opinion often changes. Yes you can argue it is stealing and it's wrong but so is smoking a joint, speeding, and cheating on your taxes and I have done all. For computer safety I stay away from downloading but yes find myself with a hand in the cookie jar from time to time. Anyway a friend of mine downloaded a unmixed copy of the new "U2" album and it is fucking great...But don't worry Bono you sill still get my 15$ bucks. Neil Young is realizing a remaster greatest hits album which is a must have and the nirvana Box set (shudder I can harly wait) Great month for new music....George BushYesterday are newly re-elected President Bush pissed on his own hardcore supporters by reviving plans to begin a program of “amnesty” for over 15-million illegal aliens.Well fuck you to George, I am confused as to when the definition of "mandate" was changed to mean 2% margin of victory. You where elected to finish the job in Iraq...Whether people are opposed to the war or not you started and now you have to finish it and rebuild. You where elected because since 911 their has been no more attacks on our soil. You where elected because the Dem's choose a canadaint with absolutely no positive qualities. The Dems did not give anybody a reason to vote for them other than they where not you. you where elected because despite what the left said any free thinking fucktard with a newspaper could open it to the fiance section and see that the economy is on the rise.Scott PetersonThere are four ways this case might end:Guilty, first-degree (death penalty),Guilty, second-degree (life in prison),Not Guilty (a book tour) and possibly,in a “hung jury” (a re-trial and 12 book tours and a made for TV movie).remember folks innocent until proven guilty despite what ever opinions you have already reached thanks to the overwhelming amount of media coverage. I think a verdict will be reached today because I doubt the jury wants to spend another weekend sequestered. My prediction...Not guiltyYasser ArafatI am amazed at the reaction to this shitbags death. This man was a horrible terrorist and the fact that he his be ligitmized as a statesman and a true leader is boogling. The whole idea of Palestinian state is joke; they are being used as a tool by all the Arab states to continue to fuel the hatred of Israel. Their is plenty of real-estate in Jordan, they had an offer in 47 or 48, and Baroque (former Israel prime minister spelled wrong) gave Arafat nearly 90% of what he wanted in 2000; if peace and statehood is what they wanted well they had it offered many times. History will judge this man as a killer and murder and nothing more.Well a few comments from a great and brilliant mind. Sometimes I amaze myself with the level of genius and intellect that spews forth from me...
posted by MrV at 8:34 AM
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Yasser Arafat is dead..big fucken deal
...RAMALLAH, West Bank - Yasser Arafat, revered as the champion of Palestinian statehood and reviled as a terrorist, died Thursday at the age of 75, spreading spasms of grief among Palestinians and rekindling calls for new peace talks with Israel.Arafat's death marked a turning point in modern Middle East history, leaving the Palestinians without a strong leader for the first time in four decades and arousing fears of a chaotic power struggle that could lead to fighting in the streets....Ok folks hear is a man who is a stone cold killer, lier, terrorist, obstructionist, and just a general piece of worhtless shit. I can't figure one thing out...Why is the whole fucking world saying how good of a person Arafat was? People... He was one of the founders of modern-day terrorism!!He would tax his subjects and keep all that tax money to himself. He attempted genocide on all Israelis - like Hitler with the Jews- but was not successful. He still tried!! Please, why do people think he was a good person? I am seriously in question here. If Saddam passed, would everyone be crying? How about Osama...If he passed would we all break down and cry...What is the big fucken deal people. The real problem I see hear is that Israeli forces did not bust down his fucken door and stick a bullet in his head.Hear is a man who held a rocket launcher and blew a buss load of Israeli school children, he sent numerous young sons of Palestine to a senseless death in many cases takings innocent civilians with them. This man was evil and proved at every opportunity presented to him he did not want piece with Israel. When Clinton managed to persuade Israel to give Arafat what he claimed he wanted for his Palestine people , the lying sack of shit backed out at the last moment proving that he truly wanted nothing more than the extinction of the Israel people.This man is nothing more than a evil piece of shit terrorist who not only has the blood of Israelis on his hand but the blood of his people. It is a sad thing to see the American and world news networks treat him better than they would many head of states in there coverage his passing. What's next people are we going to take 21 young palestine and strap bombs on them and give Arafat a "21 son" salute.
posted by MrV at 11:35 AM
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Korn comes to town....
So Korn came to town tonight...emmm well o.k. been there done that before and I have never been a big fan. But alas when given a free ticket by a friend far be it from me to turn down a good time. Well as the shit would go it was pretty good time. They put on by far the best show I has seen them do. In fact i could see they have really evolved from the last time i has seen them wich would explain thier staying power. I was impresses and had a fucking great time.I remember back in I think it was 92 playing a gig and some little hole in the wall in Bakersfield Ca. I was the youngest one in the bar and way underage to be their but i was in the band so it did not matter. The locals where your typical welfare moms, bar whores, and fat ass men who still live at home with momy who frequant the most run down of shit hole bars in Central Califoniana. But it was one of those nights where the more you drank the better looking the women got. We were opening for another band by the name of LAPD wich I thought was a pretty cool name. We were not being paid shit for the show in fact I can't remeber if we even recouped our gas money. But we did get free beer so the women were starting to look pretty good by the end of our set.After our set I found the girl who had been flashing me throughout the show and we went out to her car (shudder) I hate to think of what she really looked like. But after getting a complete tour of her car paying extra detail to the backseat we went back into the bar and saw the house band.The band was pretty good but nothing to wright home about, the frontman was the best thing it had going for it. He used every bit of that bar wich was probably the size of my garage as a stage. little did i know at the end of that show when the little baby faced frontman gave me a copy of a six song cassette whom he so graciously sighned, I was looking at the future lead singer of Korn.Tonight was a fantastic show this makes the third time and best time I have seen Korn. the first two times i have liked the opeaning band better. The first time I saw them was once again in Bakersfield and Disturbed was opeaning (they went on latter to suck) the second time i saw the Godsmack was the opeaner. (Godsmack albums are like ACDC albums in that they all sound the same but they put on a good live show)Well suffering form a slight buzz and maybe enven a contact high i think i will watch a little teli and try to unwind...After seeing Korn tonight I give a solid recomindation for thier greatest hits album...the other six suck ass
posted by MrV at 11:55 PM
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Sunday, November 07, 2004
Loving my lady's
It is official me and my family have entered the world of computer geekdom. Thanks to some extremely generous help I am hear in the kitchen typing a Blog entry, my wife is in the office paying bills online, and my daughter is in her room with my niece on the instant messenger playing around. Hell to even make it better I sent my wife an email as opposed to walking down the hallway to ask "what was for lunch?".... Yes isn't technology great. It is nothing but gorgeous Califonia sunshine outside and hear we all are in front of a computer in separate rooms listing to the depressing music of the Cranberries. Hell yea we are a perfect family : )This whole Bloging thing is pretty cool and I must admit I am having fun with it. I have found several that I read quit regurly and hell I even have fun going back and reading some of the old post I have written just a few short weeks ago.musically I have not done much of my own stuff as of late. Although I am still playing my lady's and try to make a point to strum one of them at least 30 minutes a day. Having been just reunited with the "Black Rose" it is one of the ones I play the most but then their is "Lady Red" who is a delicious five string bass that loves to be stroked up and down the fret board. But just because those to gals are at the top of the list does not mean I forget about the faithfully like "Betty Joe" who is a vivacious little acoustic and "sweet samatha" yea baby she is a real little bitch with a great sound but a bit of an attitude because she is hard to stay in tune. Then there is "old Betsy" a faithful four stringer and "luscious Yolonda" a great little six string and "Charlie" a fantastic little hollow body whom as taken ill and needs to spent a little time at the repair ship when I find the funds....Yea do I love my lady's..."Dull Intentions " is going to start playing regurlary again we are looking at a place in Tulare and for sure a venue in Visalia were we can make some niose a couple of times a monthe and prehaps some looser may come and see us.Some great music coming out this month a new U2 album which I can hardly wait for and whom I am putting on my must see concert list of 05. I know they will tour in the U.S. unfortunately it will be a bit of a drive as I am living in "Buck Owens ville". Nirvana's box set which is a must have and Neil Young's greatest hits album is also something to look forward to.
posted by MrV at 1:31 PM
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Saturday, November 06, 2004
Time to get over it
OK folks time for a little post election Bitch fest. As I have stated before I am totally happy with last Tuesday election on the National level. I fell the best man won and life will continue to go on. But having a lot of liberal friends I do know that sales of prozac and Kleenex have jump up significantly last week and that not everybody is happy with the election.But to all you liberal out their, Is it possible that you're being just a bit melodramatic? I think it's been proven at least forty some odd times over that the country is not going to burn to the ground regardless who's running it. Is that a tad simplistic? Well yes, because it seems to me that the details amount to little more than false or broken promises made by people who just want to get in our pants regardless of who wins. Every election cycle it is the same "kitchen table" issues over and over with no reluts. In that respect, the "issues" are widely ineffectual.The shear fact that you are surprised by your lose somewhat boggles me. I mean if you think about it now is the time to reflect on you platform and take an inner look. Over the last many years, I see a platform built almost entirely of defensive posturing from Democrats. From the Republicans, I see assertion and defined perspective. Whether or not I agree with those views is immaterial because quit simply they're winning.Instead of coming out and insisting on Bi-patizenship and "let's all play nice" you should be thinking about what you must do to win. Because clearly their is no more need for bi-partizenship because at 55 votes it should not be that hard to pick up five to 8 votes from you Dem's in order to get past your dam filibuster on judicial nods. Face it Dems the republican's one fair and square and I think a lot more of your senators will look at Tommy Boy dAss-ch-hole and see that it does not pay to be an obstructionist. Also when are you going to fucking get a clue that Kerry was perhaps the worst of the (serious) contenders you could've run against Bush. Libermain, Clark, hell even Dean would have made a much better canident and may have had a chance at beating Bush.
posted by MrV at 7:50 AM
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Thursday, November 04, 2004
Election Satisfaction
Well the elections have come and gone. Not only am I pleased that the "election season" is over I am somewhat satisfied with the outcome. I will freely admit that I am not the biggest Bush fan and have a serious problem with how he won his first election and disagree with him on many social and domestic polices. I am also sick and fucking tired at his "bible thumping" policy of governing. I do wish he was a bit more pragmatic on domestic polices but I do admire his steadfast determination and his ability not to wavier under pressure.Over all I do feel safer knowing that Bush is in the White House and take great joy in knowing that Tommy Boy Daschle will be packing his bags and heading for home.I m by no means a Republican and have aligned myself with the Libertarian party although I do part ways with the party on when it comes to the "war on terror", health care, and open borders. I must admit that I once was a big time Perot supporter and I did vote to re-elect Clinton in his second term. But I did find Gore to be utterly repulsive and voted for Harry Brown in 2000. But along cam Bush whom I had nothing but disgust and ill feelings until shortly after September 11 2001.Bush leadership and commitment to our country is what brought me to support him. It was the honest and sincerity that I saw when he stood at ground zero and talked to the firefighters or the compassion and caring that he gave this girl .When it came down to doing what was right there was no global test. As a statesman he did go to both houses and even went to the Worthless United Nations and asked them to back up their own resolutions. He did what he could but when it all came down there was no political pole or satistical sample done he went and did what was best for the protection and soveringhty of our great country.On the home front he pandered to the Democrats, the elderly, collage students, illegal alien's, and just about any body else he could in order to do what politician do best and that was to get re-elected. Under his domestic policy government spending ballooned along with the government payroll. Medical saw the biggest entitlement give away to a bunch of ungrateful old farts, Ted Kennedy wrote his education bill, and he toyed with amnesty to illegal alien's all the while ignoring Californians and the nations energy crisis and health care care crises. Despite all that I was able to see that this election which was quite possibly the most important election of my lifetime came down to safety and sovereignty.unfortunately the Democrats and John Kerry put their own quest for power ahead of the safety and well being of our country and saw the consequence's. I was troubled and sadden to see that party's like the libertarians and independents set out to play the role of spoiler instead of uniters in this troubled time. But alas I can see that it boiled down to nothing but politics and the quest for power.The libertarians put up a great canadient in Michael Badnarik and I do hope that he remains a for runner in the party's future. I had the privilege of seeing him at a event in Fresno and do think that someday himself our others like him will do great things for this country. Unfortunately this election was to close for myself and others like me to cast ballots in protest and risk the chance of a Kerry win.The two party system is broken and both the Democrats and the republican's are nothing more that two puppets on a string being controlled by the same special interest. I truly believe that in my life time a third and maybe even forth party will rise up and lead America back into greatness. Until then I will gladly call George W. Bush my president.
posted by MrV at 8:00 PM
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Tuesday, November 02, 2004
My Votes
Ok guys, I doubt you folk really care but out hear in California our legislator seems inept and incapable of making descions on its own and doing the job we sent them up there to do. So the fucktard with no backbone put all the tuff decisions on the ballot so the uniformed and uneducated can make all the choices. So below is a list of my votes and positionmeasure 1A (yes) it protects local revenues from the fat pigs up in Sacramento and keeps them from robbing the community's to pay for there bad budgetsmeasure 59 (No) it involves changing the state constitutionmeasure 60 (No)wants to fuck witht he primmaymeasure 60a (yes) allows for the sale of state surpluses propertymeasure 60 (No) I don't give a shit what it is for but it involves a bond measure and California is in no finacial position to float any more bondsmeasure 62 (No) Bla Bla Bla it wants to change the primary processmeasure 63 (No) another Bondmeasure 64 (yes) prohibits frivolous lawsuits in case where "no harm no foul" requires a specific victim rather that an attorney attempting to shake down some small businessmeasure 65 (no) wants to allow the state to take local government funds to pay for state deficit and services measure 1A is the protection for thismeasure 66 (no) changes the states three strikes law...Do the crime do the timemeasure 67 (no) a tax...Any thing else need to be saidmeasure 68 (no) allows "gaming" casinos on anything other than tribal landsmeasure 69 (yes) collects DNA samples from criminalsmeasure 70 (no) quit fucking with the Indians and let them keep their money we have screwed them over enoughmeasure 71 (no) I am for stem cell research but not funded by the state measure 72 (No) I am torn on this one but I fell that it is a job killermeasure Z local (No) fuck the Zoo tear it down and lets Bar-B-Q the animal'sState Senator = Bill Jones who ran a shitty campaign and will probably looseUS representative = Devin Nunes (personal friend of Mrs V) good guy President = Does it really matter early, vote often, and vote Informed!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by MrV at 5:10 PM
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Monday, November 01, 2004
Election Prediction
Here are my random predictions for the November 2004 U.S. Presidential elections:1. George Bush will win the popular vote by a margin of one and a half or two percentage points;2. George Bush will win about 300 electoral votes; John Kerry will win about 240;3. John Kerry will claim victory based on "exit polls" shortly after the polls close on the west coast (8:00 PM Pacific Time);4. George Bush's margin of victory in three to five key states will be less than one percent of the popular vote;5. John Kerry's army of ten thousand lawyers will descend on the closely contested states and file hundreds, if not thousands, of complaints of election irregularities; dozens or hundreds of lawsuits claiming violations of "equal protection provisions" will be filed in states all around the country;6. Democrat Party,, and labor union orchestrated demonstrations will be instigated at vote tabulation centers in closely contested states; these will mirror the demonstrations by Republicans at Florida vote tabulation centers in 2000;7. The Kerry campaign will not concede Bush victory for at least eight weeks.And that's the way it is . . . or will be, after Tuesday evening.

Posted by MrV :: 5:51 AM :: |