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Sunday, February 05, 2006Loosing my blogging mojoIt's not that I have become tired or burned out with blogging...In fact that is far from it. I guess you could say I have become somewhat frustrated with it. I have hit the mental roadblock where I often just don;t know what to say. I have discovered that this blog is in fact well known among my family and circle of friends, which in all reality is fine by me. In the begging in order to get readers I was the one the pimped this little corner of the web to anybody I knew with a computer. But because of that the seriously limits the confidentiality of many of my post ... I guess I was a bit surprised that people I know would actually read this... Yea I guess I would rather have a thousand strangers that I will never meet know certain things, thoughts, and actions about myself that a few family members or close friends. So I will admit I cheated on this little corner of the web and posted a few post on a anonymous blog and even resorted back to a youthful pastime and begin keeping a journal. The most recurring theme in this blog has been political commentary with a dose of twisted humor and social cynisim. That is what appears to have garnered the most readers and comments. I mean seriously lets be honest do you folks really want to know which co-worker of mine rarely showers or who bogarts the last of the sugar at the coffee maker. Do you really care that Mrs. V hates it when I piss in the backyard or never makes the bed....Hell those kind of blogs bore the shit out of me the only worse is some friggen money blogger blabbing about little Jakes first dookie or little Sammys first day of school..... But back to that train of thought I have just become so disgusted with politics as a whole ...I guess you could say more apethitic.... and as for any kind of social commentary .... Please I am convencied now more than ever that the average American is about as stupid as wet dog turd... need proof... Two words American Idol. So have I quit blogging???No just took a little break. Will i blog again??? No shit dumb ass i did not spend all after noon changing the template. I just need a couple more days to find my blogging mojo. By the way people, if you like the template I found them hear after stumbling on the link hear. The template was free and their is a good selection. Check it out and give it some linky love. They are also idiot proof...Hey I installed it ok