Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What people are not listing to

By now everybody knows about the liberal fiasco that is Air America. Many of you have read in the news, or seen on TV, how Air America is on life support, and is struggling to pay even the power bill at most of their stations.

Oh, wait, you probably didn't read about or watch a news piece about Air America as it falters into oblivion, because the liberal mainstream media doesn't want Air America to sink into the Abyss.

Well for those that do know what has been going on at Air America, things apparently have sunk to an all time low . Air America is now asking it's listeners to send in money, which leads some analysts to believe that the liberal talk radio network is about to go belly up.

How pathetic is it that Air America has to pimp it's self on the air waves to its two or three listeners, to keep polluting the air waves with their liberal diarrhea?

So the next time you see the poor guy sitting at the intersection or a freeway onramp somewhere, just think and reflect. Man that guy isn't alone. He has Air America to pimp and beg for your money, right along side of him, only on the public air waves, of America.

Air America....What people aren't listening to!

Posted by MrV :: 8:43 PM :: |