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Thursday, September 22, 2005All the news that is new....(or bull shit filler)Man, what a day in the news today. In case you missed all the wonderful things happening in the world, here they are in a nutshell. Hurricane Rita, storms toward land fall scheduled to hit Texas, with a slight chance of Louisiana to Mexico. The United States may not even have a gulf coast after this storm hits. This storm is bigger than Katrina, and we all know what Katrina did to Louisiana. But it looks like the leadership in Texas, knows what they are doing, unlike the dumb fuck dynamic duo of Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor, Ray Nagin. Hopefully Hurricane Rita's bark is worse than her bite. On a Satellite Image, Rita is almost as big as the entire Gulf of Mexico. This thing is huge! John F. (FUBAR) Kerry has said he will vote no on the conformation of John Roberts to the United States Supreme Court as its Chief Justice. (big surprise...can sobebody say sore looser) In a letter to his colleagues, Kerry wrote: Monday, I shared with you my Brown University speech setting out what needs to be said and done at this critical moment for our country. Today, in that same spirit of clarity and conviction, I want to tell you how I will vote on the nomination of John Roberts to serve as Chief Justice of the United States. I will vote against this vitally important nomination. Win or lose on this vote, it is essential that we act on our deepest convictions. And I refuse to vote for a Supreme Court nominee who came before the Senate intent on demonstrating his ability to deftly deflect legitimate questions about his views, opinions and philosophy. John Roberts owed the American people far more than that. If he is confirmed - and he may well be - the Roberts Court will shape the course of constitutional law for decades to come. It will decide dozens of cases that will define the depth and breadth of freedom in America - our commitment to civil rights, our dedication to civil liberties, our devotion to privacy and a woman's right to choose. With that much at stake, Judge Roberts needed to show us where his heart is. Instead he recited case law and said little about what he really thought. He needed to engage the Senate Judiciary Committee and the American people in a genuine conversation. He failed that test. And, while I recognize that other members of the Senate will legitimately make a different choice, I will vote "NO" on the Roberts nomination. Why does this not surprise me? I wonder if Kerry will pull another, "I actually did vote for the $87 Billion dollars, before I voted against it" routine and come out with some other retarded quote, "I actually did vote for John Roberts, before I voted against him." What a freaking loser. Oh, hey John Boy...You still lost the 2004 Presidential Election. And finally, Cindy Sheehan, the self righteous martyr mother, and wind bag of the looney left wing cowards of America, has finally made it to Washington DC on her "End the War In Iraq Tour." Does this finally mean this looney bitch will go home to what is left of her family, after they have all abandoned her, so that she can sulk in her misery that is her life? I can only hope so.