Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Blogging rules revisited

I don't have a whole lot of spare time, but sometimes I do mange to steel a few moments and I get to view some other Blogs out their in Blog land. I have my favorites which I share in a list somewhere over their (pointing right) but every so often I will use Blog Explosion or Blog Clicker to scroll into some uncharted territory. In doing so I have come up with a few observations, pet peeves, and just some shit that plain ol' pisses me off.

In somewhat of a loose order I present the following whines, gripes, bitches, compliments, and observations.

1. Senseless use of Profanity!!! Are you so simple minded that you can't grasp the english language enough in such a way to to express yourself with out showing us your utter ignorance and limited vocabulary...Wait a minute, I am guilty of this and I find it to be funny...Really FUCKING funny, so ignore this one.

2. Music that automatically plays on a site. First off, I hate your music and therefore I am pretty sure I would hate you as well. So regardless of content I don't even give it a second thought if I hear music I pound the 'NEXT BLOG' key with my face. Anyone who is so arrogant that they think that every visitor to their site wants to hear some shitty song which undoubtedly has been illegally downloaded, is a fool. What the fuck makes you think I want to hear YOUR crappy favorite song be played on MY computer in MY house.

3. Those faggy animated back grounds. Especially the ones that need me to change my browser setting or to click "OK" to view it. I don't care if it is teddy bears, elf's, or some gay little mythical fairy tail bull shit. It looks stupid and ridiculous and I won't even bother reading. That also includes anybody who uses whatever boy band or teenibopper that happens to be popular at the moment as a background; for fuck sake get some originality.

4. Weather & Temperature in YOUR location. Like what the fuck do I care about the god dam weather in YOUR location! Are you so arrogant that you think I am going to visit your hometown if I see the weather is mild and pleasant?

5. Pop-up or Pop-under Advertising These really annoy me because they are almost always advertising shit that no one in their right mind would ever click on voluntarily to buy so they have to use this unethical intrusion to get their slimy products in your face.

6. Sites offering me a free IPOD or a free anything for that matter. I really Fucking hate that shit. I can afford to buy my own IPOD, or at least I have family that loves me enough to buy one for me and if I couldn't I would not try and get one through some lame ass computer scheme.

7. Clocks of YOUR city or timezone. Very similar to the weather thing above. I don't need to know the time from whatever redneck, hillbilly, shit hole, sister fucking town your from. Stop being so fucking arrogant you dumb ass.

8. Shitty spelling; just another way to show how stupid you are. I don't give a shit what your message is if you can't take the time to spell check then I won't take the time to read...Wait a minute, I am guilty of this one to. in fact sometimes I spell a word so bad the choices the spell checker gives don't make any sense....So just ignore this one also

9. Donation Buttons ...Four words for you: GET A FUCKING JOB! Donation buttons are only for greedy individuals who think we should give money to them or their snotty nosed kids for no reason whatsoever. I don't want to hear their hard luck story or why their freak kid needs an operation. Stop whining and begging and shut the Hell up.

10. Tittleing you Blog with whatever psychological defect or illness that you have or claim to be suffering from. Your sufferings will not make your blog any more interesting. Nor do they make part of the "cool bloger" crowd. Just Blog about your interest, your life, even your illness but if I had a quarter for every title I read with the word "Bi-Polar" I'd be rich. Personally I don't give a rat's ass that you found some clever medical condition to cover the fact that your moody, your blog still sucks.

Posted by MrV :: 8:21 AM :: |