Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

People Watching and Pondering

Just when you think you have everything all figured out, and you are cruising through life, WHAM, something will undoubtedly hit you square in the face just to remind us that sometimes, we in America are kind of lazy.

The other day, I ventured into Target. Now I usually go to Target to get the important things in life, like household goods, and other cleaning stuff. They are usually cheaper, and well their crowds aren't as bad as Wal-Mart's, plus they are cleaner and easier to get around in. The Wal-Marts out in hear in the west usually smell like piss and look look like they just suffered through a riot. Plus you don't have to deal with the "Crowd" that is associated with Wal-Mart.

But I have a question? Is the American public so dam lazy that we can't even pick up our feet when we walk? I was crowd watching while I was shopping, and I cannot tell you how many people just waddle, and shuffle their way through life. They are often oblivious to their surroundings and often have their heads up their ass.

What about the fuck twat that will hold up traffic for twenty minutes in the parking lot while he waits on that person parked toward the front of the store in the "prime parking spot" to load their car, buckle in the kids, start the car, make a cell phone call, primp their make up, or do what ever else it is they due that seems like it takes them an eternity. These douche bags will sit there upwards of 10 minutes or more waiting for that "golden" parking space when their is twenty friggen acres of parking all around. God forbid they have to walk an extra 20, 50, hell even 100 feet.

Not only that, but as I watched two, twenty something year old women, that were both a Hostess Cup Cake shy of 300 lbs, waddle through the store, I couldn't help but ask myself, "How in the hell do people get that way?" These two women had their children with them. Two of the three children were barefoot. None of the kids looked like they had been bathed in several days. Not only that, but the women, obviously skipped the "How to be a Parent" class, as they exercised no parental control over the children.

I thought well maybe they were struggling financially. But then as I saw them leave the electronics department with a DVD player, and two new games for an X-Box, I thought, well that can't be the case.

As I made my way up to the check out stand, I got behind these two women yet again. If they walked any slower they would be going in reverse. I tried to get around them, but foot traffic was pretty heavy. So now I am standing behind these two women. Their children are nowhere to be seen. I am thinking, "Ummmm, did you loose your kids?" As they completed their purchase of almost $300.00 dollars worth of merchandise, they started to leave, as the cashier takes my merchandise to ring it up. Finally, one of the women, says, "Hey where are the kids?" I was literally amazed at the lack of awareness, and common sense these two "Adults" had.

As I made my way out the front door, the two women, were still looking for their kids. Just outside, I could see the three kids running around, unattended outside the front door of the store. I stopped in the doorway, and said, "Hey, your kids are outside, running around, un-attended. You might want to get a leash and tie them to a friggen pole where you know where they will be." Of course I realized that these two women would have just forgotten about the kids tied to the pole until it was time for the children's baths. Oh, that could be a while those poor kids don't have a chance. A prime example of dumb ass's raising more dumb ass's

Posted by MrV :: 4:09 PM :: |