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Monday, July 25, 2005Reson #512 to hate GreenPeaceGreenpeace. The name of an organization that is synonymous with potsmoking, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, hemp clothing wearing, environmental whacko's. You have probably seen members of this organization on the highway, in front of you, in their little teeny weenie environmental cars that have bumper stickers plastered all over the rear of the car, so you can't even see what type of car they are driving. Or perhaps you have seen members of their organization sitting in the coffee house near you, as they sip from their cups, drinking a half-calf, half soy, caramel latte, as they talk with a supreme, " I am better than you" or "blame America" lisp or speech impediment. Funny because I can totally picture this guy and this guy doing just that as they take a break at their local StarBucks after leaving their weekly NAMBLA meeting on their way to their local terrorist sympathizer meeting. But I digress... You can't miss these fucktards. They make no bones about their political agenda. Their disruptive protests on everything from fishing, to oil drilling, to deforestation and everything else in between have made the news for decades. Some of their radical views and agenda, would leave even some in the mainstream to consider them terrorist in their own right (and rightly so) , even though their name has the word "Peace" in it, they often hold protest that are anything but peaceful. When they whine, cry and bitch about whatever their agenda is for the day, the only thing they accomplish is the alienation and resentment of their cause of the moment. Now they have stooped to an all time low with a commercial that depicts, Britain's Prime Minister, Tony Blair, giving a blow job to President George W. Bush. Click Hear You will have to watch a short advertisement before the commercial from Greenpeace begins. If any conservative organization had created a commercial insinuating an act that demonized the Liberals in the world, the Liberals would be out in the street, holding impromptu protests, walking on the steps of Congress, demanding heads to roll. The liberals would scream that it was an unfair characterization of their core beliefs. They would settle for nothing less that somebody's head to roll off the table and even then that wouldn't be enough for them. However, it is all too evident that it is ok for the Liberal agenda and Liberal organizations like Greenpeace to produce filth like this commercial. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for everybody, who is sick and tired of these anarchists', hypocritical, do as I say not as I do, obstructionist, domestic terrorist organizations and the screaming and squelching that is constantly discharged from the left to be held accountable. It is time to fight fire with fire. It is time for the conservative movement or just plain normal logical thinking people, whether it is in the political arena, legislative arena, judicial arena or social and moral arena, to say enough is enough and we are not going to stand for this kind of juvenile behavior anymore. The longer we allow the radical, socially and morally inept asshole's of the world, to run amuck, the more difficult it will be to counter their ideology. Stand up and be heard, or don't complain when the world as you know it, is forever changed.