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Sunday, January 30, 2005Monday, January 31, 2005 They Voted!!!!! On a day when every liberal pundit, and nay sayer, said that the elections in Iraq, would be a failure, the people of Iraq showed, they too, want peace, liberty and freedom. They joyously walked around the country, displaying the purple ink on their index finger that signified that they had voted.Just a few short days ago, Teddy, "I'll have another Martini" Kennedy said America should pull out of Iraq, because America is part of the problem. I would like him to face down a marine and tell him he is part of the problem. Kennedy is a chicken shit little fuck who as been ridding the public dole and his brothers name for far to long.In fact, on the day of the elections, in which almost 60% of the registered voters in Iraq, braved terrorists threats on their lives, and stood in line for hours to vote, John FUBAR Kerry, was quoted as describing the Iraqi elections as "significant" and "important" but said they should not be "over hyped."Kerry continued, "It is significant that there is a vote in Iraq," Kerry said in an interview with NBC televisions Meet the Press. "But ... No one in the United States should try to over hype this election."UNFUCKEN BELIEVABLE!!!!!!Elections were held in a country where there were no elections. Iraqi citizens went to vote, not knowing if they would be killed by the cowardly terrorists. Try getting a liberal democrat to stand in line for more than 20 minutes to vote, and they scream "Disenfranchisement." I would like to see them risk their lives, just to vote.But when you talk to the people in Iraq, who are in the "know" and know what is truly going on, all you have to do is listen, to Ali Fadel.Ali Fadel is the man replacing the mayor of Baghdad " who was assassinated for his pro-American loyalties says, he'd like to erect a monument to honor President Bush, in the middle of the city." We will build a statue for Bush," said Ali Fadel, the former provincial council chairman."He is the symbol of freedom."To John Kerry, Teddy Kennedy, Joe Biden, Barbara (Babs) Boxer and all the other big mouth, negative, self serving, moronic, idiotic, stooges, who have their heads buried up their asses, pull your head out, and take a look around.It is called 'FREEDOM' and everybody is entitled to it!!!!Even the Iraqi people. So to Kerry, Kennedy, Biden, Boxer, and all the other liberal nit wits, the next time you want to open your pie hole, stop, remove your shoe, and insert it into your mouth, and shut the fuck up! posted by MrV at 10:54 PM postCount('110724142636180703'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110724142636180703'); Trackback (0)Trackback Sunday, January 30, 2005 Conspiracy I've realized, I'm a conspiracy theorist. I've come to this conclusion because of watching the History Channel, where they talk about conspiracy theories. I believe many of them. But I'm not crazy, and I'm not Mel Gibson. (I feel it was probably unnecessary to state the latter, but what could it hurt?)I believe Kennedy was probably assassinated by elements of the government (possibly his second in command.) Though I believe men have been to the moon, I also believe most or all of the photos from moon landings were fakes (the reason being that the US would assume the Soviets would be paying close attention and would want to copy any technology they could. Faking the photos would prevent any accidental giveaways.)Though I don't necessarily believe in Extra Terrestrials, I have personally seen UFO's twice, had one as a roomate once, and I believe there is something going on that the Government knows about (and may even be doing some of it) and doesn't want it to get out. I also believe most of the hype about space aliens and ships and stuff is promoted by the government, to discredit anyone who tries to legitimately investigate it. I actually think some parts of the government worry about space invasions, because they know Will Smith is really just an actor, and wouldn't be able to save the world if it happened, just as Bruce Willis wouldn't really be able to save us from an asteroid.Some people would think I was a nut, I guess. Especially since I've admitted my "strange" opinions on these things. But, you know, people conspire all of the time, whether they're in the government or not.Practically anyone who has reached the age of 15 has had someone conspire against them at one time or another, and when people conspire, what is produced is a conspiracy. It's also nearly impossible to know what's going on in the government, since they're constantly hiding things, and disseminating disinformation (as do all governments in order to protect themselves from each other.) It's only natural that sooner or later people are going to suspect them of things they aren't doing.To believe there are no conspiracies is as foolish as to believe everything is one. I also know that George Bush is reading this right now, as he's choking on a pretzel and fumbleing trying to open a Yoo-hoo. He, his father, Bill Clinton and jimmy Carter are going to have a conference call later, just to try to decide if I'm right. If I am, they're going to have me killed.Ok, now, I was serious about this stuff, and I've just sank into ridiculousness... Oh well... posted by MrV at 5:25 AM postCount('110717818373028077'); Comments (4)Comments postCountTB('110717818373028077'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, January 28, 2005 Horray!!!! The wonderful rain is back!Q: What's black, white, red all over, and can't turn around in an elevator?A: A nun with a spear through her head. posted by MrV at 7:22 PM postCount('110704454205988242'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110704454205988242'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Tax this bitch!!!!! So the average American works till May 1st of every year, for free. So what do I mean, by saying you are working for free?Basically, May 1st is considered Tax freedom day. The first 4 full months of your salary are tossed out the window and go directly to all the taxes that you will pay during the year, like Federal Tax, State Tax, and Sales Tax...So, now French President Jacques Chirac called on the world's richest nations, on Wednesday to provide billions of dollars in aid for poor countries through new taxes and other measures that would help combat AIDS, poverty and natural disasters."The world suffers chronically from what has been strikingly called the 'silent tsunamis.' Famine, Infectious diseases that decimate the life force of entire continents,'' Chirac said in a video message from Paris to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.The French leader outlined a number of steps to raise billions of dollars through taxes on international financial transactions, plane tickets or fuel used by airliners and oceangoing vessels.Jacques also proposed that countries with bank secrecy laws make a special contribution to Third World aid and that developed nations provide "coordinated tax incentives'' to stimulate private donations.And guess who would be in charge of this? The United Freaking Nations!Jacques can you do me a favor?Can you go take all the money you made off of the morally, socially, and politically inept Oil for Food Program were you made millions if not billions off of your relationship with Saddam Hussein. You remember that right Jacques? It was when you turned your back on starving children, and crimes against humanity that Saddam was committing, when you jumped into bed with Saddam, to line your pockets with that evil oil money.That’s right Jacques, fork over that money to the cause? I am sure that the money you have stashed in a bank can help alleviate the suffering that the third world counties are experiencing.You are a joke, Jacques! posted by MrV at 11:04 PM postCount('110689968140184167'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110689968140184167'); Trackback (0)Trackback Sunday, January 23, 2005 A lame and boring entry Last night we hosted a couple of band from the Bay Area, the first one sucked ass and I was close to getting pissed because I thought they where going to do some damage to the sound gear. But the second band Von Iva was pretty good. They are an all chick band from San Francisco with a really unique sound.I got an iPOD....Hooray for me!!!! I also cataloged my whole music collection on a seperate hard drive...Why because I am a geek. I have almost 40 gig of cds. That's not counting any old cassettes or vinyl from back in the day. So needless to say I did absolutely nothing but sit in front of the computer yesterday.I finished reading Angles & Demons by Dan Brown on Friday if you are looking for a fast paced read then check it out. It is the same guy that wrote the De Vinci Code so I guess I will have to read that now.I have a couple of really intense FAA exams coming up so I may blog kind of infrequently for a couple of weeks. I say that to the 300 people that have visited hear since I put that state counter on a little over a month ago.have you ever been lucky enough to be able to afford a really good quality mattress. yea I know this is a lame blog today. I don't ever remember having a new mattress in my whole life but the other day me and MrsV went out and got one and I am not talking about some sale at the local Mattress barn. We dropped a wad of cash that I cringed about and regretted until they delivered it on Friday and we spent our first night in it. All I can say is Oh my fucking god I can't remember ever having slept so good.Well this blog entry is rather boreing and lame so I am going to sign off before I delete the thing. posted by MrV at 10:23 AM postCount('110650718619837084'); Comment (1)Comments postCountTB('110650718619837084'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, January 21, 2005 On second thought I was thinking maybe I was a little to hard on Bush in yesterdays post. But the fact is I really did not like much of his social agenda in his first term. But he is spouting of a few good ideas for his second term, social security reform being one of them; but I seriously doubt anything will be done to fix the democrat's big baby. I mean seriously anybody that has uttered the words "social security" in the past has pretty much committed political suicide.The whole war thing really did not bother me I was all for it but maybe not for the reason most people where. I felt it had to be done in order to back up and show their was a set of balls behind the 91 peace accords from the first gulf war. But so be it...What scares me is when I read the Administration has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran at least since last summer. "Much of the focus is on the accumulation of intelligence and targeting information on Iranian nuclear, chemical, and missile sites, both declared and suspected. The goal is to identify and isolate three dozen, and perhaps more, such targets that could be destroyed by precision strikes and short-term commando raids."My first reaction was, quite honestly, "at least they're getting intelligence before invading this time." I wonder who came up with that? Too bad they didn't try that before invading Iraq. My second reaction, of course, is that this is looking more and more and more and more like Vietnam. Cross-border incursions into Cambodia, anyone? But once again so be it...Bush is an idealist and I won't fault him for that. When you see him you pretty much know what your going to get whether you like it our not. But I just am sick and tired of his flowery platitudes and his inept ability to see that regardless of who you bomb and invade we are still as vunarable as ever as long as the border coninues to shine like a beacon in the night to any and every one who wants to cross illegal.The dems however continue not to get it; which to me is no surprise. I still hold the believe that if they had ran anybody else other than "John FUBAR" Kerry we would be watching their inauguration instead of Bush's. But on the other hand I don't think the republican's are with the program either. These people have no balls and fail to realize that they are the majority and this past weeks treatment of Condi-Rice is just further prove.I guess we will have to wait and see, history shows us that second terms are somewhat mired with controversy hence the term "lame duck". But I wish George the best and regardless I know this great nation will survive no matter who leads it. posted by MrV at 11:53 AM postCount('110633946654323564'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110633946654323564'); Trackback (0)Trackback Thursday, January 20, 2005 Inauguration Day Live Inauguration Coverage...Just Kidding..."sort of" Ugh. This shit is driving me FUCKING CRAZY!!!!!!!I simply can't stand Bush anymore."Freedom is on the march", "democracy will prevail,"blah blah...fucking blah.It's inane boiler plate shit like this that makes me yearn for the the cynical conservatives -- the down-to-earth realists who understand the world, and who speak in clear, crisp, and meaningful terms.The fact is, I'm tired of Bush's flowery platitudes. I'm tired of the mindlessly repeated catch-phrases about democracy and freedom. The President's rhetoric used to be inspiring; now it's just trite. Bush will go down in history as a brave pipe-dreamer whose delusions of American grandeur cost the country billions.The next four years will bring the collapse of those delusions, the erosion of the Republican majority, and the continued isolation of the United States.And I say this as somebody who supported Bush's re-election -- which goes to show how pathetic the alternative was. posted by MrV at 8:48 PM postCount('110628314581321449'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110628314581321449'); Trackback (0)Trackback Tuesday, January 18, 2005 The quickest way to dismantle furniture I have found that I can break most of my furniture with my feet. I simply kick it and the furniture tends to explode apart, its much easier than getting hammers, screw drivers and such like. My favorites are tables and bookcases. I like kicking wood furniture and have had plenty of practice at home the good thing is I am allowed to do it!!!!! At least until my wife gets home. She will probably be uspset by the fact that I have discovered my artistic ability to break furniture with my feet. She is understanding but not that understanding.Once I've kicked a table into little pieces I put its remains in the trash. I am very keen to breaking furniture at home as it's so much fun!!!!! It is also a good way to relieve stress and frustration. posted by MrV at 9:38 PM postCount('110611339567137908'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110611339567137908'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, January 17, 2005 Lazy Monday Three day weekend....Hooray!!! Thank you Martin Luther King. I tip my heinikin at you and give you a great big MrV cheers. It is just a bloody shame that your truly great legacy has been high jacked and taken over by the likes of Jackson, Sharpton, and all those other poverty pimps and race whores.I spent the day geeking out the back room..."MrV's intersanctom" and hung out with my wife and kid for a spell. Hell the day was nice I even spent a little time on the phone with my dad.The joy and greatness of this three day weekend will soon end as a dark and dreadful Tuesday await us. Yes people I am talking about the season premier of American Idol. First of all what the fuck is wrong with you sad sack lame ass dumb asses that thrive on that show. I understand their is a bit of comic relief in watching a bunch of idiots who have not got a fucking clue make complete asses out of themselves on national t.v. Hell I even agree that the British guy is somewhat funny and can zing a few good one liners and Paula has got some great tits and is pleasant eye candy (we all know that is why she is their) but folks that host you know Mr Pink...Seahorse, Seesaw, Seacrest, what ever the fuck his little faggoty ass name is; that guy is so gay that even the guys from "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" are ashamed of his homosexuality.What is it about that fucking show, the winners are a bunch of Karokke rejects that the dumb fucks of corporate media buy up like their is no fucking tomorrow. Their artistic ability is pretty much that of a lounge act on a second rate budget cruise ship. But the thing that blows me away is the friggen losers and dumb asses that get caught up in that show.I am convinced that American Idol and shows like that...In fact I am conveivnced that reality telivision as whole is a secret plot by the British and other European nations to dumb us down. Perhaps their still a bit cheesed off at the whole revolution thing. posted by MrV at 9:07 PM postCount('110611261933525496'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110611261933525496'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, January 14, 2005 Dropping my daughter off at school So I drop littleV off at school the other day and she was a little late. No big deal I thought, after all it was my fault she was late. So I reached into my bag and grabbed a note pad and wrote out an excuse note. I forgot exactly what I said but it was something like "please excuse littleV for being late she was at an appiontment" (a little white lie but who gives a shit, she was actually late becasue I was fucking around on the computer) I then signed it and thought nothing of it. Beside littleV did not mind it was still raining that day and she was only about 15 minutes late.(a quick sidebar the school is on the other side of town and their are no bus routes to the school and the kid is only in the 1st grade and has barely learned to tell time...All relevant you'll see) Imagine my surprise when I got home and my daughter informed me that she had a detention at lunch because she was late. I asked if she gave the teacher the note and she said yes but it did not matter. The nerve of that school giving a child detention when they have no contol over how they get to school or when.Now my daughter took this all in stride and really did not seem to care because a detention meant that you forfeit your lunch recess and sit in a class a write sentences. It was still raining pretty hard and my little one being the pre-Madonna she is was probably grateful that she was not forced to go out to the playground. But this being beside the point I was furious.So today I decide to take action and put a stop to giving children detention when their parents make them late. So I waited till my daughter went for morning recess and I marched up to the teacher and said. "listen hear Bitch who do you think you are giving my daughter a detention" but before she could say a word I bitched slapped her. When she tried to speak I quickly punched her in the face on knocked her out. I then said something quite clever like "detention this sucka".Not being satisfied I went to the principle office to try and understand why little kids who can't tell time, live to far to walk to school, and no buss routes pass by their house are given detention when their parents make them late. So I barge into the office and the secretary says "excuse me sir is their a problem" and I say "bitch you can sure as hell bet their is" and I walk up to her and backhand her. She falls to the ground and wriggles around crying a bit so I kick her in the head for good measure and knock her unconscious.I then walk into the principles office and she looks at me startled and says "whats the problem sir" and I say "besides your secretary lying on the floor unconscious I am just wondering why you give little kids detention when they can't help being late" I then reach behind her desk and pick her up and throw her to the ground. Realizing it had been a while since I practiced any of my WWE wrestling moves I decided know was as good as time as any so I jump on the principle desk and proceeded to body slam her a few times. Strangely I think she was somewhat aroused by this because she did not try to run and keep screaming "boooyaaa big man!!!" I then rolled her over and gave her the ultimate wedgie followed by a good hard bitch clap and said "it's time for a rule change princi-poo no more detentions for little kids"Felling satisfied like i had accomplished something i got up and smoothed out my shirt and left with a big smile; knowing that little kids would now be free of detention when their parents make them late. posted by MrV at 3:15 PM postCount('110574678307642507'); Comment (1)Comments postCountTB('110574678307642507'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, January 10, 2005 I love the rain Dear Mother Nature,This is just a thank you from the bottom of the deepest cavities somewhere around my cold dark area where my heart should be. I really love the fact that you decided to bless us hear in the middle of Suck Ass-ville Ca with your almighty presence and give us lots of rain.You see unlike most lame ass, imbread, shit kicking, sister fucking, turd eating, nascar loving, shit for brains, rebel flag waving, ignorant voting, homophobic, clossed minded christian wacko, short bus riding, window licking, circle jerking, dip shit, k-mart cowboy, fucktard, idiots around hear who piss and moan; "It's to hot I wish it would rain" then when you come; "man I am sure tired of this dam rain". JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU CRY BABY ASSHOLES!!!!!And fuck all those cry baby pussy ass farmers who would never know a good day in less they where butt fucking a buss load of wet backs out of their hard earned under paid wages. I am sick and fucking tired of all those cry baby corporate farming millionaires who cry about the sunshine, the wind, the rain, the cold, the heat, the hail, the lack of rain, to much rain, whatever; you fucks are never happy no matter how many poor immigrants you mange to rape on your way to cash your fucking farm subsidies. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!.And a whole hearted FUCK YOU STUPID!!! To you dum shits who build right on the ass crack edge of the coast over some bluff and look down on the common folk like a bunch of pretengious snobs then act all fucking shocked when your house falls into the sea. Cry me a river you dum ass!! Serves you fucking right, idiot!!!! .... and don't let me forget you green peace, save the earth, love the gay whales or whatever the fuck you environmental FUCKTARDS call yourselves. If I hear one more of you dum ass's refer to the NORMAL FUCKING PHENOMINION THAT WE CALL SEASONS, as global warming I am going to kick your ass.I love the rain and I don't want it to go away. But I understand it has have to but please if you can do me one more favor. Please make a big storm that will knock the tree down 2 houses to the east of mine. preferably knock it on the house when that dip shit is still in it. Pretty Please.....Rain Rain Don't Go Away Stay Again For Another Day posted by MrV at 8:09 PM postCount('110541806524435942'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110541806524435942'); Trackback (0)Trackback Sunday, January 09, 2005 Sunday Rambles and thoughts Another Sunday morning spent over the keyboard. I have said before that I have come to love my Sunday mornings I am always awake first and it gives me time to make some coffee, read the paper, relish in the first fruits of the day, and perhaps write or read a blog or two.But this Sunday I slept in a bit. Now some of you pillow heads are probably thinking that means getting up around 11 or so. But not me sleeping in for me usually consist of 730-8am. Which is kind of ironic because when I was a kid I was such a hard sleeper it usually took a marching band followed by an air raid siren to wake me up.But today MrsV beat me up because she had to go to work and little V is at her mothers so I have the house to myself. Whish is still cool I had my coffee and spent a bit of time on the patio watching the rain and reflecting a bit. It is kind of funny but if you can slow down enough to watch the rain it can be quite beautiful and somewhat impressive. It has been raining hear for the better part of a week and looks like it will continue for another couple of days. It also rained pretty much the whole time we where in NYC so a lot of the locals are getting a bit bummed out by the sky pissing on us. But not me I love it, in fact I relish and thrive in it. I literally could be tickled shitless with a constant drizzle year round. But alas I live in the central valley. Did you know the central valley has a breath taking view of the sierra Nevada's, but to bad you can only see it about three weeks a year.But this valley sucks, it's know secrete to all you in Blog world that I hate this place and would love to move someday. Perhaps the only ones I hide my desire from is my family. But hell after putting up with all my athsma and allergy bullshit as a kid I am sure they would eventually understand. Thankfully the wife feels the same way I do and it's safe to say that one day more latter than sooner I will stop at the edge of the road and give this place a bare shot of my ass as I leave hear. But till then I make the best of it and I do what I can, little V needs me and is really the only fucking reason I am still around. But as she gets older she can pave her own way and make her desion.MrsV has strong family ties but long before I voiced my desire to leave she expressed her willingness to explore and move beyond the safety net she has come to know. Her family bonds are so strong it does not matter where she lives they will still remain strong if not get even stronger. You see when you are surrounded constantly by the ones you love sometimes you take then for granted, which is one of the reason why me and MrsV belief in separate vacations once in a while. Her desire to want to leave this place is based around the same reasoning as mine; perhaps just wanting to leave that safty net of what she as always known. Or wanting to live just far enough away where every fucking thing you do is not scrutinized by some relative who can't mind their fucking business. But health is also a reason for her it seem as if breathing has become to over rated in the valley.But for now I am hear and will be hear for a few more seasons. But mark my word I am leaving this valley someday whether it be for good or just temporary; it's going to happen. I am just about done with school and I will find some work close to hear to cut my teeth on for a bit but when the time is right I will set out to explore. That's a great thing about a A&P license, I have a ticket to work any where I want in the world, and what I don't want is some little valley job working on some dumpy little commuter plan for some rich snob or working at some hole in the wall crop dusting outfit.Let me ramble about something else a bit.....2005 is starting off a bit slow and is trying like fuck to bring the same baggage as 04 but we have managed to hold it off and keep it at bay. I am determined to make 05 one of the best years I've had. I am not going to state any goals because I won;t determine the years success by the number of items I have completed. Success will be determined more by state of mind, happiness, and contemptness. But I do believe that is those three things can be keep in a positive vive that all other awards that deem "success" will soon follow. 05 will be a year that I will take more time to "watch" the rain and relish in what I have rather than relish in what I don't have.I guess it was in December that my epithamy took place. I somehow managed to reflect as I was on one of my vodka induced state of minds. What was originally meant as a pitty party turned into a "fuck you I am not going to settle party". I suddenly realized that because of my family and the people I have surrounded my self with, that no matter how bad things are in life; shit somehow manage to work out. I may not always see it, and I will probably not understand it, but it always works out.I am confendent that 05 will reap the benefits of the bull shit that I endured in 04. A lot of cool people gave me some great encouragement and help last year and sadly because of my lack to express my "true" felling on a person to person level this Blog will probably be the closest they get to a Thank You. posted by MrV at 8:43 AM postCount('110529288254313359'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110529288254313359'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, January 05, 2005 Playing with My Balls I wish I could write something really serious that could change the way people view the universe or reality itself. When I browse the multitude of blogs, online articles and such, I found myself to be lacking in knowledge, opinions and wittisism.Am I retarded? When you are mentally challenged, will you know that you are mentally challenged? If you don't, then you might really be mentally unsound. This reality that you perceive now, could maybe be a figment of your own imagination. You could very well be locked up in a nut house somewhere in po-dunk shitville CA, staring up at the small window hole, high up in the padded room, without actually being aware that you are there, doing that.How can I know that I am sane? Am I sane? What use of these questions when the answers that will come of it are just make-belief that is conjured by my own mind? If I am really insane, how can I break free of it? Help me. Will anybody even hear my call for help? I am alone here, am I?yooohoooo?anybody there?meow?I am a cat.I am a cute cat. I like to play with my balls. After I play with my balls, I get tired. I will go to sleep. Meow. I am a cat. I am a cute cat. I like to hide. When I hide, I miss my balls. posted by MrV at 6:14 PM postCount('110497788797940810'); Comments (2)Comments postCountTB('110497788797940810'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, January 03, 2005 Back in the Valley Yes I am home and back after a wonderful vacation in a great city. The biggest thing that really struck me as I was driving my gas guzzling SUV down the pot hole reddened 99 freeway on my way home from the airport was the fact that the central valley is a piece of shit, backward thinking, country bumkin, sister fucking waist land of shit. Yea this area grows a lot of food and is a big dairy producing region but yada yada yada this place really sucks.My observation was proven to be more so when I woke up the next morning and picked up the local rag of a newspaper and read that the neighboring city's high school vice-principle was canceling all school dances for the rest of the school year (including the Prom) because he did not like the inapropraite way the students where dancing. In this piece of shit article this worthless fuck went on to talk about morals, god, and how parents would be ashamed if they saw how their kids danced at these dances.Now let may ask the question who does this bible thumping of shit think he is passing his so called morals and values off on every one else. It is fuckers like this asshole and all the other religious right that are driving people away from the church in droves. The simple fact is parents do know how their kids dance because hell they where in high school once themselves. But for fuck sakes people to we really give a shit, never mind the Americana public school system is a joke not to mention that CA is ranking near the bottom of the 50 states we honestly have to a give a shit how they dance at a school dance.FUCK YOU!!! YOU RELIGIOUS RIGHT WING FUCKTARD!!!!!!!!!The second most noticeable observation that I was back in the good old central valley came Sunday when I went over to help my father in law at one of his rental property and ran into a old friend who lived next door. After some casual bull shit time he proceeded to tell me that he got a new job and was just thrilled to death about it. He was bragging about the amount of money and the benefits almost to the point where I was getting a little jealous. Then he told me he makes a whole ten bucks an hour.Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw there was another dumb fuck willing to sell himself out and settle for the equivalent of peanuts. Good luck buddy...Now don't get me wrong I don't want to come off as some pretences snob but the kind of work this guy is doing deserves a lot more than ten buck an hour. Not to mention i personally know what I am worth and I am determined to get paid a fair wage. The fact is most people set thier own limmits when it comes to geting a wage they deserve. When i am done with school if the best i can find is some ten dollar an hour peice of shit job then i will move to a place where i get paid what i am worth. This valley is full of people who are either to stu[pied or just to fucking lazy to get off thier ass and make a better life for themsleve. Not to mention the last few years i have had an inside view of the dairy industry and can saw from my observation that the farmers are laughing thier ass off all thw way to the back as thier underpaid fucks work for peanuts and a thanksgiving turky.This guy reminded me of another person whom I was in school with and he finished before me and went to inter- view for a A&P job down in Bakersfield (first problem) and the people their offered him ten bucks an hour. This fellow had the sense to politely decline where I myself might have laughed hysterically at the offer and said Fuck you!!!!This valley suck ASS!!!!People around hear are a bunch of bible thumping sister fucking morons who will sell them self out to work for next to nothing. posted by MrV at 5:49 PM postCount('110480498577914974'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110480498577914974'); Trackback (0)Trackback