Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Heading Home.....

Well my time hear in MKE is coming to end, and I am most certainly looking to heading home. A few of the MKE boys came by the hotel and took me to the Miller Brewing Factory which was really cool. Over the years I have drank enough of their fine product so I was quit impressed to see where it all came from. Latter then we drove over and saw Lake Michigan which the thing I found most impressive there, was that Milwaukee dumps over 1 billion tons of raw sewage a year into that lake which ironically is one of Chicago's main sources of drinking that explains so much.

So anyway back at the hotel for a little nap then off to the hanger to help out one last night. Then about 6am 2moro if all goes well I will hope on a flight and head home with a 45 minute lay over in Denver. Hopefully I will be pulling the jeep into the driveway about 12:30 and be on my motorcycle and riding hard by 1...

So long to the delicious chocolate chip cookies which are quite addicting... and hello again ton the stale pretzels.

Posted by MrV :: 2:24 PM :: |