Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Supper Friggen Tuesday

Is it possible that you're being just a wee melodramatic? I think it's been proven at least fifty-whatever times over that the country is not going to burn to the ground regardless who's running it.

Is that overly simplistic?

Yes, because it seems to me that the details amount to little more than false or broken promises made by people who just want to get in our pants. In that respect, the "issues" are widely ineffectual, I'd say.

None of them care one salty lick about your butt. They just want to keep their jobs (or get better ones). Me? I don't particularly care for either side, honestly.

In fact, I feel that the very existence of these "teams" is far more damaging than either of them winning. To hell with church and state…a separation of sports and politics would be time better spent, I think.

Feeding on brand loyalty makes politico bullshitting that much easier, and I don't buy that either side exacerbates the polarization any more than the other.

All commission reports, alleged facts, transparent propaganda and partisan crap aside: Over the last many years, I see a platform built almost entirely of defensive posturing from Democrats. From the Republicans, I see assertion and defined perspective. Whether or not I agree with those views is immaterial (again, absolute alignment is not my bag)...that's simply why I think that they're winning.

No. I'm afraid they all lie.

Dishonesty is not party-specific. What bothers me most is how much breath is wasted by bullshit artists proclaiming that how one votes is not the issue, but that one does. You were lying and you know it because record numbers of people did come out to vote—just as you asked—but you didn't get the result you wanted so now you're spewing hatred, insults and disrespecting the validity of a difference of opinion.

I can understand the disappointment, but these temper tantrums are not helping your cause in the least. It is my opinion that you serve the division even more severely this way.

All that said I voted for the mormon fellow......

Posted by MrV :: 9:10 PM :: |