Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Port Deal

Ok, folks hear it is... My long anticipated post on the Port deal with the UAE. Believe it or not I have received a few emails the past week, from my legions of loyal fans inquiring my thoughts on the Port deal with the United Arab Emirates. I should have written something about it earlier, but I really didn't know which side of the debate to join.

After some careful thoughts, here are my brilliant opinions on the Port Deal with the UAE. The port deal is a double edged sword.

First we have a growing ally in the middle east in the UAE. They allow us to run many of our military operations out of their region. You and I both know that the battle in the middle east is going to last for decades, no matter how much the democrats cry over this fact.

After Iraq, we will have to deal with Iran and or Syria and in all likelihood we will have to deal with Hamas at some point. So having an Arab ally like the UAE is a great asset on our part.

However, knowing that radical Islamic fascist from the UAE helped finance and plan the 9-11 attack really concerns me. Granted not everybody in the UAE is cut from the same mold as the terrorist funding extremist, but I guess it is a case of guilt by association.

The USA military, Coast Guard and Government have said that all personnel hired by the UAE and not of American citizenship, or from America will have to undergo work visa background checks. The USA will still control what comes in and out of our ports and what to inspect and what not to inspect.

In a round about way the only thing that is changing is the name on the top of the checks that the employees receive, meaning that instead of a British firm now, it will be a UAE firm. On a workplace perspective I know that the UAE is very anti-union. I have heard that there are very few if not any unions in the UAE. Not that I really care for unions either.

Now this raises an alarm as to why the Democrats are so fit to be tied, seeing as how their campaigns are always financed by union money. The Long Shoreman Unions stand to loose a lot of bargaining power if the UAE does take over the Ports. I can see the UAE making everybody put in applications again. By law they have the right to do that, seeing as they are the ones in charge of signing employee paychecks.

So my gut tells me that the Long Shoreman have approached the Democrats and demanded that they act because the Long Shoreman stand to loose substantial clout both politically and financially as employees of an UAE business.

With all that said, as sad as I hate to admit it, and sound like a racists, I think the UAE deal has serious problems. I don't like it. If the UAE were to take over the ports that it wants, there would be just one too many ways for something bad to happen or for something to get smuggled into our Ports if a terrorist sympathizing worker from the UAE turns his head. But then I am reminded of Tim McVeigh and OK City. I guess what bothers me the most is the lack of an American owned company that "can" and is willing to take over port operations.

While I see a sincere problem in having a Muslim country run our port operations I also see a bigger problem in losing a genuine ally in the war on terror. So I guess I am still torn and a bit undecided on the matter.

Now with that said, if you really want to solve the problem, but ruffle the feathers of the Democrats, the government should see if Halliburton is interested in purchasing the ports.

President Bush could really corner the Democrats if he plays this card right. He can say, "Ok the UAE deal is off the table, and a United States Company, Halliburton, will be running the ports." Of course Halliburton would have to put in an offer to purchase the port rights.

The democrats would have no recourse because they would be boycotting an American Company from running American Ports, and they would be essentially be talking out of both sides of their mouths, since they don't want the UAE to take over, then who would they want?

And we all know how much the Democrats hate Halliburton. After all Halliburton is the root of all that is evil and all that is purely sin, in the eyes of the Democrats who do nothing but keep their eyes closed to begin with.

Posted by MrV :: 5:47 AM :: |