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Monday, February 27, 2006The Port DealOk, folks hear it is... My long anticipated post on the Port deal with the UAE. Believe it or not I have received a few emails the past week, from my legions of loyal fans inquiring my thoughts on the Port deal with the United Arab Emirates. I should have written something about it earlier, but I really didn't know which side of the debate to join. After some careful thoughts, here are my brilliant opinions on the Port Deal with the UAE. The port deal is a double edged sword. First we have a growing ally in the middle east in the UAE. They allow us to run many of our military operations out of their region. You and I both know that the battle in the middle east is going to last for decades, no matter how much the democrats cry over this fact. After Iraq, we will have to deal with Iran and or Syria and in all likelihood we will have to deal with Hamas at some point. So having an Arab ally like the UAE is a great asset on our part. However, knowing that radical Islamic fascist from the UAE helped finance and plan the 9-11 attack really concerns me. Granted not everybody in the UAE is cut from the same mold as the terrorist funding extremist, but I guess it is a case of guilt by association. The USA military, Coast Guard and Government have said that all personnel hired by the UAE and not of American citizenship, or from America will have to undergo work visa background checks. The USA will still control what comes in and out of our ports and what to inspect and what not to inspect. In a round about way the only thing that is changing is the name on the top of the checks that the employees receive, meaning that instead of a British firm now, it will be a UAE firm. On a workplace perspective I know that the UAE is very anti-union. I have heard that there are very few if not any unions in the UAE. Not that I really care for unions either. Now this raises an alarm as to why the Democrats are so fit to be tied, seeing as how their campaigns are always financed by union money. The Long Shoreman Unions stand to loose a lot of bargaining power if the UAE does take over the Ports. I can see the UAE making everybody put in applications again. By law they have the right to do that, seeing as they are the ones in charge of signing employee paychecks. So my gut tells me that the Long Shoreman have approached the Democrats and demanded that they act because the Long Shoreman stand to loose substantial clout both politically and financially as employees of an UAE business. With all that said, as sad as I hate to admit it, and sound like a racists, I think the UAE deal has serious problems. I don't like it. If the UAE were to take over the ports that it wants, there would be just one too many ways for something bad to happen or for something to get smuggled into our Ports if a terrorist sympathizing worker from the UAE turns his head. But then I am reminded of Tim McVeigh and OK City. I guess what bothers me the most is the lack of an American owned company that "can" and is willing to take over port operations. While I see a sincere problem in having a Muslim country run our port operations I also see a bigger problem in losing a genuine ally in the war on terror. So I guess I am still torn and a bit undecided on the matter. Now with that said, if you really want to solve the problem, but ruffle the feathers of the Democrats, the government should see if Halliburton is interested in purchasing the ports. President Bush could really corner the Democrats if he plays this card right. He can say, "Ok the UAE deal is off the table, and a United States Company, Halliburton, will be running the ports." Of course Halliburton would have to put in an offer to purchase the port rights. The democrats would have no recourse because they would be boycotting an American Company from running American Ports, and they would be essentially be talking out of both sides of their mouths, since they don't want the UAE to take over, then who would they want? And we all know how much the Democrats hate Halliburton. After all Halliburton is the root of all that is evil and all that is purely sin, in the eyes of the Democrats who do nothing but keep their eyes closed to begin with. Friday, February 24, 2006Bathrooms, reading, and pain![]() Today I threw my back out and bruised my ribs. I'm not ashamed to tell you my favorite times of the day are when I can sit down with a good book, like James Bradley's Fly Boys and go to the bathroom. I love reading on the toilet! You should know that before borrowing a book from me. Being a germ phobic person, everything must be cleaned; I open my plastic bottle of LYSOL Brand Sanitizing Wipes and clean around the seat. Sometimes I dry the seat with a dry lint free cloth, but today I figured my ass could use some sanitizing as well, so I plopped down on to the still moistened seat. I then completely slipped off the seat because it was as slick as butter. Hit the wall, slammed my back into the toilet roll dispenser and got wedged between the toilet and wall. My pants around my ankles, the book and ass on the floor with the wind knocked out of me, but yet I'm all clean! Wednesday, February 22, 2006Another day in paradiseDear Dumb Ass Person Behind the Register in The Not-As-Evil Discount Department Store: I can smell your crotch, your breath, your pits, your ass, and your feet. Sorry to bust your bubble, but the odors do not magically blend into something palateable. Spraying what I'm fairly certain is off-brand Febreeze on your failed-the-sniff-test clothing doesn't cut it either. Filth is not a fashion statement. Go take a bath and run a load of laundry before I beat you senseless with this bag of "Cap'n Mateys" ghetto cereal. Tuesday, February 21, 2006More on the relegion of peaceIslam is a religion, which interprets kindness as weakness and by calling for a Palestinian state in the aftermath of September 11th, the only signal Bush sent to the Moslem world was that "terrorism works, we are winning the jihad, allah is giving us the victory, America is making concessions out of fear." We are expected to pretend that none of this has anything to do with the politics of Arab oil and the economics of petrol dollars recycled through the banks of London and New York. We are expected to forget that 18 months prior to September 11th, Vladimir Putin warned Tony Blair that the Islamic terrorism he was fighting in Chechnya would soon arrive in the West and that the western position towards Serbia, who was fighting the Islamic Kosovo Liberation Army, backed by Al Qaeda, was unbalanced when Blair and Clinton intervened militarily on the side of the Moslems in defiance of the NATO treaty, which only allows intervention when a NATO country is attacked. We are also expected to forget that prior to September 11th, the Israeli Government had repeatedly warned the White House that the Islamic terrorism they live with would soon become a reality in the American mainland, whilst Bush held a Ramadan celebration in the White House and failed to attack Kandahar and Kabul to kill bin Laden and Mohammed Omar before they were able to escape, for fear of offending the oil interests and their House of Saudi partners. No-one enjoys the death of civilians, but the priority of the Western governments must be the lives of their own citizens. We are expected to believe that it could have nothing to do with the oil interests who control the Bush White House, that America limited its response to September 11th to Afghanistan instead of launching air strikes against Yemen, Libya, Iraq and the Bekka Valley of Lebanon and allowing the Israelis to bomb Damascus in retaliation for the assassination of an Israeli cabinet member by a Syrian based Islamic terror organization. Despite all of this and more, Bush still states that Islam is a religion of tolerance, and political correctness says that we are expected to believe this obvious and dangerous lie. We are expected to believe it despite the fact that in one poll, 40% of British Moslems expressed support for bin Laden. Instead of protecting British and American citizens, the way that Putin protected Russian citizens from the cancer of militant Islam, Blair and Bush reject the clear need for the mass deportation of Moslems not holding British or American citizenship and the closure of mosques funded by militantly orientated Islamic interests and governments; but would rather leave their own citizens at risk of further terrorism. "Islam", the politicians tell us, "is a religion of tolerance and peace that believes in justice". In being expected to believe that Islam is a peaceable, tolerant and just religion, we are expected to suspend our powers of reason and to pretend that it is not an irrefutable fact that there is not a single Moslem country in the world that is an authentic democracy and that there is not a single Islamic country in the world where Christians are not persecuted. Our politicians expect us to believe their rhetoric and to accept at face value the propaganda of Moslems living in the West that their religion is not one of hostility towards the West, nor towards the Judeo-Christian faith, despite the fact that while the Saudi Arabians fund the construction of mosques all over Britain, America and elsewhere, these same heathens, who decapitate people for becoming Christians, will not allow the construction of a single church in Saudi Arabia. TOLERANCE?? These are blatant facts the Blair Government and the Bush White House expect us all to ignore. We are expected to forget the 200,000 Christian refugees in East Timor - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance? We are expected to forget the 50,000 murdered in the Southern Philippines - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance? We are expected to forget the World Trade Centre, Lockerbie and the Pentagon - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance? We are expected to forget the Saudis hanging a 15 year old boy for his Christian faith while their country is under the strategic protection of America and Britain - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance? We are expected to forget thousands upon thousands of Moslems rioting in the streets of Britain's cities, demanding the murder of Salmon Rushdie, a British citizen, for authoring a book they didn't like - - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance? We are expected to forget the Islamic genocide in the Sudan and the church burnings in Nigeria - - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance? just as we are expected to believe that the 1000 little British girls forced into arranged marriages abroad each year has nothing to do with Islam, we are expected to believe that the Taliban, and for that matter, the entire history of Islam, with its bloody debauchery and unspeakable oppression of human rights, which continues to this day, in one Islamic country after another, has nothing to do with Islam! Political correctness has indeed gone mad and reason is a casualty of a misguided sense of what brotherhood and equality actually are. Now we are expected to further ignore the absolute and incontrovertible fact that in their own backward countries, Moslems uniformly deny to others the same rights and privileges they aggressively demand from Great Britain, the USA and other civilized nations. Tuesday, February 14, 2006Kanye Christ![]() Well now Kanye West thinks that he should be in the bible. What you don't believe me? Cocky shit bag rap star KANYE WEST is calling for a revised edition of THE BIBLE, because he thinks he should be a character in it. The JESUS WALKS hitmaker, who picked up three Grammy Awards last night (08 FEB 06), feels sure he'd be "a griot" (West African storyteller) in a modern Bible. He says, "I bring up historical subjects in a way that makes kids want to learn about them. I'm an inspirational speaker." I changed the sound of music more than one time... For all those reasons, I'd be a part of the Bible. I'm definitely in the history books already." News Link Here. Kanye West needs to be in the bible like Osama Bin Laden needs to be the 13th Disciple. This of course comes on the heels of West portraying Jesus, on the February cover of Rolling Stone Magazine. Word of advice for Kanye West. Shut the fuck up, go back to whatever basement you crawled out of and join the other left wing, nut jobs in thinking up, dreaming up, and making up, more black helicopter theories about how President Bush is oppressing the black community, and fighting the illegal war on terrorism, while violating every amendment of the United States Constitution. There you have it folks. Proof once again that the socialist left wing loons, are completely out of touch with reality! Friday, February 10, 2006To you fags that have Audio in your blogHey dick weeds, I might be inclined to read your pathetic piece of shit blogs but I think your taste in music sucks. You see quite often when I am surfing throughout the blogoshpear I am at home on my laptop watching TV, or sitting at my desktop listing to my own music. So perhaps you might understand just how shitty your crappy music or cheap video may sound when played on top of My own stuff. This may fucking shock you dumbass but when I am in MY house on My computer I don't want to hear YOUR fucking music!!!!!! So regardless of your content the only thing I am looking at is the "next" button. I don't want to listen to your shitty music which more than likely was illegally downloaded. SO GET RID OF THE FUCKING AUDIO YOU FAGS!!!!!!! Thursday, February 09, 2006Saw that coming....As drink the last of the Crown Royal before passing out, I'm bothered ... although not all that surpriseded by the fact that Kelly Clarkson won a Grammy. If you needed any more proof that a Grammy means nothing look at these. ![]() Tuesday, February 07, 2006The Religion of Peace?![]() Throughout history it has happened time and time again,with other not so favorable depictions of Catholics, Jews,Baptists, Jehovah Witness, Mormons and others. It has happened time and time again with not so favorable depictions of African American's who were called jungle bunny's, Hispanics who were called border hoppers, Japanese who were called kamikazes, Germans who were called krauts, French who were called frogs, and Whites who were called crackers, and so on and so on. I don't recall any of the above religions, civilizations, races, ethnics, colors or creeds, marching into the streets, burning flags, torching buildings, killing innocent women, men and children, because of a stupid cartoon depiction. Well the Germans did start a thing called WWII because of their ideology, but we all know what happened to the Germans. However the rioting, torching of buildings, killing innocent women, men and children, is exactly what has happened with the radical, Islamic Fascist extremists who tout their religion as the religion of peace, all because of some stupid cartoons. Yes, the radical Muslim extremist have their turbans in a bind over some stupid, silly cartoons. Dr. Martin Luther King marched peacefully on the streets of Mobile, Alabama, and on the mall of Washington DC but never did he promote complete anarchy, like those that shout, scream, and get wrapped up in a frenzy like the people in the following pictures. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, all you have to do is look at the pictures displayed on the above to see the vile hatred of western civilization and realize it is only a mater of time before these vile, disgusting, venom spewing, hate mongering, filthy muslim savage, fascists will kill again, while standing behind Allah and telling the rest of the world that Allah said it was ok for them to do so. It is only a matter of time before pictures and video of slaughtered innocent men, women and children will appear on TV, and resonate into our heads, all to be followed by a statement of some sick, twisted, and demented Islamic Fascist, who will say it was all justified in the name of Allah. Justified in the same manner that it is ok, to act with tyranny, without regard to human life, and without common sense, over a few stupid, albeit funny, mindless cartoons. To those that are wrapped up in the frenzy and shouting "Allah" on the street, and are torching buildings, cars, killing innocent human life, and acting without common sense, remember one thing……."It is a fucking stupid mindless cartoon." This is not Mecca in 570 C.E, this is the 21st century. It is life. Get over it. Sunday, February 05, 2006Loosing my blogging mojoIt's not that I have become tired or burned out with blogging...In fact that is far from it. I guess you could say I have become somewhat frustrated with it. I have hit the mental roadblock where I often just don;t know what to say. I have discovered that this blog is in fact well known among my family and circle of friends, which in all reality is fine by me. In the begging in order to get readers I was the one the pimped this little corner of the web to anybody I knew with a computer. But because of that the seriously limits the confidentiality of many of my post ... I guess I was a bit surprised that people I know would actually read this... Yea I guess I would rather have a thousand strangers that I will never meet know certain things, thoughts, and actions about myself that a few family members or close friends. So I will admit I cheated on this little corner of the web and posted a few post on a anonymous blog and even resorted back to a youthful pastime and begin keeping a journal. The most recurring theme in this blog has been political commentary with a dose of twisted humor and social cynisim. That is what appears to have garnered the most readers and comments. I mean seriously lets be honest do you folks really want to know which co-worker of mine rarely showers or who bogarts the last of the sugar at the coffee maker. Do you really care that Mrs. V hates it when I piss in the backyard or never makes the bed....Hell those kind of blogs bore the shit out of me the only worse is some friggen money blogger blabbing about little Jakes first dookie or little Sammys first day of school..... But back to that train of thought I have just become so disgusted with politics as a whole ...I guess you could say more apethitic.... and as for any kind of social commentary .... Please I am convencied now more than ever that the average American is about as stupid as wet dog turd... need proof... Two words American Idol. So have I quit blogging???No just took a little break. Will i blog again??? No shit dumb ass i did not spend all after noon changing the template. I just need a couple more days to find my blogging mojo. By the way people, if you like the template I found them hear after stumbling on the link hear. The template was free and their is a good selection. Check it out and give it some linky love. They are also idiot proof...Hey I installed it ok Friday, February 03, 2006Will somebody smack the little shit alreadyWal-mart... They sell everything from lawn furniture to DVD players to groceries to suppositories which means that it isn't very easy to find anything, you can never find a parking spot that is within less than 300 feet of the door, and have lines that are worse than the DMV. But still we go because, as mentioned a moment ago, they have everything, and it's usually at a pretty reasonable price. Unfortunately, due to the fact that Wal-Mart has low prices on pretty much everything, this means that the poorer half of the nation shops there, and let's face it... too many poor people have extra kids in order to get more welfare money. Well, more to the point, too many poor people have kids and can't afford a leash and shock collar for their little demonspawn brats. I suggest that new legislation be initiated wherein it would be legal for a shopper such as myself to simply smack the hell out of somebody else's kid if the parent/guardian doesn't end the child's bad behavior. The definition of bad behavior should be broad, and run the entire gamut from the act of kicking bouncy balls up and down the aisles to screaming and pulling items off of shelves during a temper tantrum because mommy wouldn't buy them the toy they wanted. As part of this legislation, all children should be forced to wear shock collars, and the frequency of each child's collar should be prominently displayed so that others can tune their kid-zappers to the appropriate frequency. Hell, Wal-mart could sell them in aisle 12 (batteries not included, of course, they're in aisle 7) for $99 and they'd make billions. I'd probably buy three of them, just in case the first two broke. I'm not taking any chances when it comes to my pleasant and relatively uninterrupted shopping experience. Either leave the fucking kids at home, or smack the hell out them when they're bad. Because if you don't, the rest of America will.