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Friday, July 29, 2005California Nutty, Fruity, and LiberalI have gotten a few eamils from people asking me, "Are Liberals that bad and why do you pick on them?" Well living here in California we have to put up with the nuts, fruitcakes and liberals, everywhere we go. From the fruits in Hollyweird to the freak show in Bezerkly, we get it no matter where we are at. The pot smoking, birkenstock wearing, Greenpeace supporting, hemp clothing wearing, no common sense making, do as I say not as I do, half-calf, half-soy, caramel latte sipping morons, never amaze me anymore with their little antics that they like to pull. They like to go for "Shock Value" but what it really boils down to is them making complete assholes of themselves. Recently in Bezerkly, on July 23rd, a group of these tree hugging liberals, decided to protest the war in Iraq, by parading around town with no clothes on. See the story here. Now I don't know about you, but take a look at that one girl with the grey sweats, with her tits that hang down to her waist. Hey lady, you ever hear of a fucking Gillette Razor? Shave those fucking armpits, will you? I can smell your body odor from here. Then we have the woman, (I think she is a woman) with the tattoo's proudly parading around like she is the shit. Ummmm, well, I have news for he, she, it, whatever. You are a dumb ass. And what is up with the little guy with the tattoo across his chest. I hope he isn't trying to impress the women (Again I think they are women) with his overly small, little shriveled up dick? But take a look at the dude with a inflated scrotum...what the fuck? I tell you folks. This is what the real battle is over, Sanity Vs. Insanity. Common sense, and a society with a moral and social compass, or the no common sense crowd like these fucktards in Bezerkly that think parading around in the nude in public is the normal standard day of living. What is even scarier is that these people breed!!!!!! Moving on did you all hear this bitch Helen Tohmas, the long time White House News Wire reporter, who has been reporting on White House Politics since George Washington, had some great news and hope for mainstream America. Thomas was quoted as saying today that she vowed to "kill herself" if Dick Cheney announces he is running for president. ![]() ![]() I can only hope that more of Thomas'co-workers in the liberal, biased news entities will follow her to the slaughter house if Vice President Cheney does decide to run. Every waking day the liberal press of America is around, the more they look like Al-Aljazeera. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if some day we woke up and found that Al-CNN, Al-ABC, Al-CBS, Al-NBC, Al-New York Times, and Al-LA Times, had somehow managed too lose the war on terrorism for America and we were then forced to fight he war on terrorism on our streets, in our neighborhoods and in our towns. Please Vice President Cheney. I beg you. Please run for office! Thursday, July 28, 2005People Watching and PonderingJust when you think you have everything all figured out, and you are cruising through life, WHAM, something will undoubtedly hit you square in the face just to remind us that sometimes, we in America are kind of lazy. The other day, I ventured into Target. Now I usually go to Target to get the important things in life, like household goods, and other cleaning stuff. They are usually cheaper, and well their crowds aren't as bad as Wal-Mart's, plus they are cleaner and easier to get around in. The Wal-Marts out in hear in the west usually smell like piss and look look like they just suffered through a riot. Plus you don't have to deal with the "Crowd" that is associated with Wal-Mart. But I have a question? Is the American public so dam lazy that we can't even pick up our feet when we walk? I was crowd watching while I was shopping, and I cannot tell you how many people just waddle, and shuffle their way through life. They are often oblivious to their surroundings and often have their heads up their ass. What about the fuck twat that will hold up traffic for twenty minutes in the parking lot while he waits on that person parked toward the front of the store in the "prime parking spot" to load their car, buckle in the kids, start the car, make a cell phone call, primp their make up, or do what ever else it is they due that seems like it takes them an eternity. These douche bags will sit there upwards of 10 minutes or more waiting for that "golden" parking space when their is twenty friggen acres of parking all around. God forbid they have to walk an extra 20, 50, hell even 100 feet. Not only that, but as I watched two, twenty something year old women, that were both a Hostess Cup Cake shy of 300 lbs, waddle through the store, I couldn't help but ask myself, "How in the hell do people get that way?" These two women had their children with them. Two of the three children were barefoot. None of the kids looked like they had been bathed in several days. Not only that, but the women, obviously skipped the "How to be a Parent" class, as they exercised no parental control over the children. I thought well maybe they were struggling financially. But then as I saw them leave the electronics department with a DVD player, and two new games for an X-Box, I thought, well that can't be the case. As I made my way up to the check out stand, I got behind these two women yet again. If they walked any slower they would be going in reverse. I tried to get around them, but foot traffic was pretty heavy. So now I am standing behind these two women. Their children are nowhere to be seen. I am thinking, "Ummmm, did you loose your kids?" As they completed their purchase of almost $300.00 dollars worth of merchandise, they started to leave, as the cashier takes my merchandise to ring it up. Finally, one of the women, says, "Hey where are the kids?" I was literally amazed at the lack of awareness, and common sense these two "Adults" had. As I made my way out the front door, the two women, were still looking for their kids. Just outside, I could see the three kids running around, unattended outside the front door of the store. I stopped in the doorway, and said, "Hey, your kids are outside, running around, un-attended. You might want to get a leash and tie them to a friggen pole where you know where they will be." Of course I realized that these two women would have just forgotten about the kids tied to the pole until it was time for the children's baths. Oh, that could be a while those poor kids don't have a chance. A prime example of dumb ass's raising more dumb ass's So somebody else takes the bait....Well at least I finally get some friggen recognition. I consider myself to be in fine company. Thank you Mr anonymous douche bag. It's pretty fucking easy to try to insult (none take hear) behind the mask of anonymity the net has to offer. Tuesday, July 26, 2005Ricky Martin...Spokesman for the middle east?Guess what? The Arabs have a new spokes person. Who might that be you say...Well it is no other than ...."On his first visit to the Middle East, Ricky Martin declared he will try to change negative perceptions of Arab youth in the West. "I promise I will become a spokesperson, if you allow me to, a spokesperson on your behalf. I will defend you and try to get rid of any stereotypes," " appears as if a bunch of middle easterner teens (or future suicide bombers) are a little concerned about being labeled terrorist by western society....Gee I fucking wonder why??? So now they can all rest easy knowing that the former member of Menudo will be their new spokesman. ""I have been a victim of stereotypes. I come from Latin America and to some countries, we are considered 'losers,'drug traffickers, and that is not fair because that is generalizing," said Martin, who was born in Puerto Rico.".... he then went on to snort a rail of cocaine in a failed attempt to disprove this awful generalization. ...""My role is entirely humanitarian, and I will continue to promote the elimination of stereotyping anyone - be they from Latin America, the Middle East, or anywhere across the globe," he said in the statement."... After saying this the eager teenage future terrorist attempted to blow themselves up in jubilation. What is with all these two bit celebrities who think we honestly care what they have to say....Just shut the hell up and sing Mr. Livada Loca. When did it become ok for singers and actors to become unelected politicians. The problem is there are enough pathitic looser out there who will lap this crap up just like they did the live 8 bull shit form a few weeks ago. Next thing you know Bono, Modana, and Sting will be over there with the fucking answers for everything from world peace to male pattern baldness. I am not sure what is worse the celebrities fucktards spouting this shit are the fucking retards believing it. But hey we can all rest easy because Ricky Martin is going to change the negative perception of middle easterners. His first attempt to do so is to give out free Cd's to every middle east teenager who brings in 1pound of TNT or more. Monday, July 25, 2005Reson #512 to hate GreenPeaceGreenpeace. The name of an organization that is synonymous with potsmoking, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, hemp clothing wearing, environmental whacko's. You have probably seen members of this organization on the highway, in front of you, in their little teeny weenie environmental cars that have bumper stickers plastered all over the rear of the car, so you can't even see what type of car they are driving. Or perhaps you have seen members of their organization sitting in the coffee house near you, as they sip from their cups, drinking a half-calf, half soy, caramel latte, as they talk with a supreme, " I am better than you" or "blame America" lisp or speech impediment. Funny because I can totally picture this guy and this guy doing just that as they take a break at their local StarBucks after leaving their weekly NAMBLA meeting on their way to their local terrorist sympathizer meeting. But I digress... You can't miss these fucktards. They make no bones about their political agenda. Their disruptive protests on everything from fishing, to oil drilling, to deforestation and everything else in between have made the news for decades. Some of their radical views and agenda, would leave even some in the mainstream to consider them terrorist in their own right (and rightly so) , even though their name has the word "Peace" in it, they often hold protest that are anything but peaceful. When they whine, cry and bitch about whatever their agenda is for the day, the only thing they accomplish is the alienation and resentment of their cause of the moment. Now they have stooped to an all time low with a commercial that depicts, Britain's Prime Minister, Tony Blair, giving a blow job to President George W. Bush. Click Hear You will have to watch a short advertisement before the commercial from Greenpeace begins. If any conservative organization had created a commercial insinuating an act that demonized the Liberals in the world, the Liberals would be out in the street, holding impromptu protests, walking on the steps of Congress, demanding heads to roll. The liberals would scream that it was an unfair characterization of their core beliefs. They would settle for nothing less that somebody's head to roll off the table and even then that wouldn't be enough for them. However, it is all too evident that it is ok for the Liberal agenda and Liberal organizations like Greenpeace to produce filth like this commercial. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for everybody, who is sick and tired of these anarchists', hypocritical, do as I say not as I do, obstructionist, domestic terrorist organizations and the screaming and squelching that is constantly discharged from the left to be held accountable. It is time to fight fire with fire. It is time for the conservative movement or just plain normal logical thinking people, whether it is in the political arena, legislative arena, judicial arena or social and moral arena, to say enough is enough and we are not going to stand for this kind of juvenile behavior anymore. The longer we allow the radical, socially and morally inept asshole's of the world, to run amuck, the more difficult it will be to counter their ideology. Stand up and be heard, or don't complain when the world as you know it, is forever changed. Well shit on a pogo stick....What a way to start my fucking week. Somewhere off in cyber space is my fucking blog. But hey shit happens...Right, that's what back ups are for. AS you can see I have rebuilt my template, pretty easy because I keep it simple and backed up most of the code. As far as my archives I have pretty much everything except for the month of July. I always backed up my archives monthly. I pretty much just cut and pasted them to a word document. So I still have them...Though I doubt I will put them back online unless one of you geek heads out there can tell me how with having to each post one by one. Shit happens people....So I recommend you back your stuff up. But you liberal, mamby pamby, spineless little jack offs don't worry I'm not going any where I will keep bloging and calling you fucktards out and working your panties into a bunch every chance I get. But In the mean time I have to work....Shocking isn't it some of us have jobs...Real jobs not waiting some table or making over priced coffees so you can pay your mother rent like I am sure this guy does. Sunday, July 24, 2005I fucked upWell fuck.....Talk about a SNAFU, it appears as if I erased my whole god dam blog!!!! This is not good and really pisses me off. You see I had started a another blog related to my profession and was trying to create seperate profile sections for the two of them. Looks like I really fucked the dog on that though. Well shit happens and I guess this is as good as time as any to clean house and Teddy up a bit in this little corner of the web. So I think I will make the best of it and perhaps get a little more in depth with the layout and such. Fortunately for man kinds sake I pretty much have all of my brilliance archived on my hard drive. I will be adding the same blog roll for all of those guys are far better reads than this p.o.s. Anyway bear with me as I try to fix this dump up over the next couple of days. Also if any of you computer geeks out there can help in any way with some ideas on what to do or even how I might mange to save my other blog drop me a commet or email.