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Saturday, April 30, 2005Saturday, April 30, 2005 A memo of sorts In response to alberto\\\\\\\\\ and anybody else for that matter...While I am just tickled to have you as a reader I feel I must inform you of a few things. First of all I am neither a conservative nor a liberal. Hard to believe I know especially in today's day and age but I prefer to align myself with a Independent free thinking ability to vote for the man not the issue. More often than not I align my self with the libertarian philosophy and have spell out my believes quit well in this former post which I ask you and anyone to please read but I have outlined a few points below.I believe any self-righteous liberal OR conservative with a cause is more dangerous than a Hell's Angel with an attitudeI hate liberal, non logic thinking, gutless mamby pamby, chicken boned, babyfide trumpet monkeys.I also hate sanctimonious, self serving, conservatives pushing their idea of family values down my throat. I have my own set of family values thank you very much.But once again i ask you to read the whole post so you don't take anything out of context.As for my belief in religion or god... I try not to get into that to much with this blog but if you have read the archives you know that I have touched on it form time to time maybe not always in a favorable light but I have touched on it.So do I believe in god???? Yes...In fact at one time I was rather interested in religion and studied under a local minister who supervised my correspondence courses. It is a shocker to many but actually involved youth and music ministry for some time when I was with my daughters mum. But many radical religious zelots would call me a backslider. You see my hypocrisy only runs so far then I get disgusted in my self.I was part of a touring religious contemporary group at one time and was actually kicked out of a church based on my looks. They could or would not believe that a long hair hippy was playing Jesus music in their church. I was told I was a heathen because I wanted to continue to make my own music, I was even denied communion and the right to marry in another. So don't come to me with any religious zelotry.personally I don't really give a rats ass what anybody believes. But I have found that zelotry such as yours (I don't mean to pick on you) seems to turn people off. You and I both know my friend that it is not in your position to judge anybody or condem them to "burning in hell".I fiend it hard to believe that God is going to send me to hell for linking Hooter Heaven or any porn for that matter. I love women and hooters in fact god really did a great job when he gave women two of them and latter gave doctors the knowledge to make them better. Perhaps he had a thing for tittys as well. (I also believe he has a sense of humor)I don't judge any of the readers who read this blog and I ask that you don't either especially on their blogs. This is my little corner of the web where I can spew forth my thoughts and opinions about anything I want. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. But I won't turn this into a fundamentalist page of any sort and I ask that you control your comments and remember it is not god will for his people to condemn anybody espically in his name. posted by MrV at 9:20 AM postCount('111496763983067161'); Comments (2)Comments postCountTB('111496763983067161'); Trackback (0)Trackback Thursday, April 28, 2005 Air America Does it Again I am just absolutely amazed at just how dumb, the democrat ideology has become. Take this latest brain fart from Air America. Air America, what is that you might ask? For those that missed it, Air America is a liberal biased, news talk radio format, created by liberal minions who thought it would counter act the predominantly conservative talk radio market. Well the key word in that last paragraph is"Thought", as Air America has struggled to stay afloat, and is on life support as I speak.I had the privilege (if i dare call it that) of listing to it the other day on a brief stint up in Seattle WA last week, and I have never heard anything more pathetic and outlandish. I was able to catch the Al Franken show and I am convinced that this man has not had an original thought in the last decade. His show, format, web sight, and book is a complete rip off of Bill O'Reilly and most of his show is spent playing clips ripped off from the Rush Limbaugh show.It is one thing to do a parody on another show or rival but what he is doing is blatently ripping off his rival and distorting their facts which would explain the pre election Fall 2004 ratings; where the best Franken could do was a meager 1.8 percent share to Limbaugh's 4.1-percent share. To through a little salt on the wounds as Air America approached their one year anniversary they fell even further to a 1.2-percent share. It appears as if people just don't want to hear the doom and gloom, pro obstructionist, America sucks message that they continue to spew forth.The latest hate filled tirade on Air America has caught the eyes and ears of the Secret Service, according to an article on The Drudge Report Website. Government officials are reviewing a skit which aired on the network Monday evening-- a skit featuring an apparent gunshot warning to the president!The skit unfolds like this:The announcer: "A spoiled child is telling us our Social Security isn't safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here's your answer, you ungrateful whelp:[audio sound of 4 gunshots being fired.]Just try it, you little bastard."[audio of gun being cocked].The audio production at the center of the controversy aired during opening minutes of The Randi Rhodes Show."What is with all the killing?" Rhodes said, laughing, after the clip aired."Even joking about shooting the president is a crime, let alone doing it on national radio... We are taking this very seriously," a government source explained.Well I think those guys in the black suits and black sunglasses must have paid a visit to Air America and Randi Rhodes, as Air America and Rhodes had this to say today. Air America President of Programming and co-COO Jon Sinton said in a release: "We regret that a produced comedy bit that was in bad taste slipped through our normal vetting process. We do acknowledge that it was an internal error and internal discipline will be enforced."Rhodes apologized for the skit on Wednesday. "It was a bit," Rhodes said."It was bad. I apologize a thousand times."The liberal pot smoking, Birkenstock wearing, Green Peace supporting, hemp clothing wearing, half calf' half soy caramel latte sipping morons on the left can say conservatives are mean spirited, but at least we are not a waste of a perfectly human embryo, and waste of human intelligence!You know it just might be time for the democrats to start practicing what they preach when it comes to abortion. They should all start having them! posted by MrV at 9:29 AM postCount('111470936174741365'); Comments (8)Comments postCountTB('111470936174741365'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, April 27, 2005 Another Milestone in Aviation History I am not sure I will ever get the chance to work on one of these, and I am still kind of iffy if these monstrous planes are a wise idea. Considering the only airlines that air making a profit seem to be the Regional carriers. Never mind the fact that if one of these ever go down you are looking at 500-800 lives lost.But dam if they are not awesome! The shear size of this thing and the fact that it can get off the ground is nothing more than amazing. Aviation has come a long ways in 100 years posted by MrV at 10:46 AM postCount('111471041868705540'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('111471041868705540'); Trackback (0)Trackback Tuesday, April 26, 2005 Guys...Tired of that awkward flaky navel crust after well....You know. Sticky pages getting in the way? Don't feel like grabbing that dirty t-shirt or old sock any more. Is mom getting suspicious of the stains on her fancy bathroom towels? Well then fear not just try CUM-KLEEN posted by MrV at 11:10 PM postCount('111458941287237798'); Comments (3)Comments postCountTB('111458941287237798'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, April 25, 2005 Frustration!!!!!! Fuck Fuck Fuck !!!!!!! The suspense is killing it has been a week and still no word. Hell I am not even 30 yet, so their is not that much shit to dig through and their sure and the hell is not any skeletons in my closet so what the fuck is taking so long. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!Ok I fell better now.....I don't feel very funny or even very creative so I am just going to rant about how George Bush is a fucking idiot, and has got no domestic clue. I wish I could take my vote back and through it away on a third party canidient.Bush is selling out his country and sticking his head in the sand when it comes to immigration. So is the rest of his inept and clue less party (with the exception of that guy in Colorado). Mark my word the first person that comes along and starts taking a tone with immigration (regardless of actions or party) will change the landscape who controls the legislative and executive branches of government. (anybody pay attention to the harsh anti ILLEGAL-immigration tone Hillary is now taking). Bush and the republicans are really dropping the ball on that one.Think back to the 80's and all the stuff Ronald Reagan got accomplished with a opposition party in control of both houses. I really don't give a shit if you agreed with him or not but he did get things done and he changed the political landscape of our country. With few exceptions Reagan came out and defend his nominations and fought for his plan and vision for the country. All the wile he had an opposition party in control and did not have the likes of Rush or any talk radio to spread his message, and he sure and the hell did not have any FOX news to back him up.So now we have George Bush who's claim to fame is the war on terrorism. Domestically he is a spineless little jelly fish who is out of touch with the values of his own party. Despite what the democrats say he has been their best friend form the day he took office. Need I remind you of the education bill in which he let Ted "hiccup" Kennedy write, or what about the fedralization of airport baggage handlers that was Tommy boy D-asshole baby. Don't forget the Medicare drug entitlement and increased farm subsidies (family farms my ass). He has all but caved on his plan to reform social security. He hung Trent Lott out to dry and is basically doing the same thing with Delay. All of this done under a republicans president who held control of both houses for both terms who had the right wing radio machine, the "new" media, and fox news to help him get his word out.He puts forth qualified nominations and fails miserably to back them up and support them thereby letting the Democrats smear machine swallow them whole.The latest being John Bolton which is a no brainier. John Bolton's approval as Ambassador to the United Nations is being held up by the dumb asses in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee because: John Bolton allegedly yelled and threaten to fire someone at some State Department in the past. Big FUCKING DEAL!!!!!And let me guess... These people ended up not feeling very good about themselves. I say what better place to put John Bolton than right smack in the middle of the United Nations. And instead of being a detriment to his approval, that alleged yelling thing should be the very reason why it's a no brainier to pass him with flying colors. There is no place that needs to be yelled at more than the United Nations.Further if we aren't going to pull out of that joke of an organization completely, which apparently we're not, then at least let's assign someone to represent us who has balls. Big Balls! And if John Bolton fits the the bill, then by all means HIRE HIM already!And George Bush needs to get his head out of his ass and back his nominations and quit buckling to the MINORITY party. posted by MrV at 9:30 AM postCount('111431706180068596'); Comments (6)Comments postCountTB('111431706180068596'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, April 22, 2005 Need A Date Are you bored, lonely, tired of a non-existent social life? Ladies are you tried of picking up the same losers at the bar, looking for that one night stand? Guys, areyou tired of trying to find that special gal that you can take home to meet mom? Or maybe your just a fucking lame ass looser with no socail skills and WAY to much time on your hand.Well if your answer to any of the questions is yes, I encourage you to visit Write A, a completely different dating service.All you have to do is hover your mouse over the state of your choice, and click your mouse. You will be taken to a page where you can select from several names, where you can view all the vital stats on your new lover, even what they are in jail for , and when they are scheduled to be released from custody. You can literally be a mouse click away from the man or women of your dreams! So what if they are serving life in prison, for murder, you can always have weekend conjugal visits, were the two you can get the funk on, and fornicate like little bunny rabbits.Ok, enough of the tongue and cheek commentary!I have a few questions that maybe you the viewing public might be able to help me with.Is life so fucked up, that people want to fuck it up even more by dating, oh, say, a drug dealer, a wife beater, a wife murderer, a sex offender? What the hell is wrong with people? What kind of a fucked up, screwed up, moron, would want to date a girl who shares a bunk and more, with Big Bertha? Worse yet, what kind of a woman, would want to date a guy, whose only form of a romantic date consists of romantic walks around the prison courtyard with a guy named, Greasy Bubba?What woman, in their right mind, would want to tell their mom, "Guess what mom, I met the most amazing guy"and then have to explain that your guy, doesn’t quite have a state job, but provides state jobs for corrections officers?The sad, sad, sad, thing, is there are people out there with more than a few screws loose that would toss what remaining life they have down the shiter, to date the likes of a cold calculating murderer like Scott Peterson, or some other piece of shit, that not only deserves to be in jail, but dead as well.Now you can call me crazy if you want, but I on the other hand would much rather have a nice bottle of wine, a jar of vaseline, and call Rosie Palm and her five sisters over to my house, for the rest of my life, instead of stooping to the level of dating inmates.But hey that is just my opinion, to each their own. posted by MrV at 4:26 PM postCount('111429904905382372'); Comment (1)Comments postCountTB('111429904905382372'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, April 20, 2005 Some People are Just Fucking Idiots From the roadI am not Catholic nor do I pretend to play Catholic on TV. However, I have been somewhat fixated on the transition between Pope John Paul II and the newly selected Pope, Pope Benedict XVI. Having married into a catholic family I have also watched the effect of the Popes passing and conclave on my wife and her parents. I have been somewhat awe struck with the impression that pope John Paul has left on the Catholics of the world and even the non Catholics.I was too young to remember when Pope John Paul was selected. But I do know history when I see it, and I have been fortunate enough to realize and witness history with the passing of John Paul II and the selection of Pope Benedict XVI.What strikes me while watching the cable news networks, and scanning the internet for articles on Pope Benedict XVI, is the audacity of some people, to put a political label on the selection of Pope Benedict XVI. What the fuck are they thinking, from the moment I got up and watched the selection of Pope Benedic XVI unfold live on TV I was blown away by the shear arrogance and audacity of the commentators to say that the new pope needs to reach out to disenfranchised Catholics, gays, and abortion rights groups. To hear people like Chris Mathews say that the new pope must be a liberal so he can bring the church out of the middle ages is a blatant example of his general stupidity and the overall lunacy of the liberal party. To think that the new Pope is going to change hundreds of years of tradition to satisfy a far left fridge (predominately Americans) is just asinine, do liberals think the world completely revolves around them.While Pope Benedict is the new leader of a segment of a religion that has over 1 billion followers, you cannot please every single one of those members of the Catholic church. However, Catholicism is a religion. It is a beacon of a moral and social lifestyle, just like all different religious segments of the world, from Baptists, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodists and so on. (lets just be thankful Catholics are not strapping bombs on their back and blowing up innocent people) As a believer or follower of religion, it is not up to you whether you wake up one morning to decide if you only want to abide by oh, say 7 of the 10 commandments, or that you decide that you don't really feel like following the Catholic Doctrine today. There are rules and there are guidelines that are set in every religion on the planet. If you break one of these rules, you have to answer your indiscretions to your maker. Hence there are ramifications for your actions. One of the key factors to any religion is the idea of self sacrifice , a sense of morality, and sense of humility.It is appalling to hear people say that Pope Benedict XVI is too strict and conservative and he will not be a good leader of the Catholic church. What the heck people, it is religion. Do you expect him to say,"Ok, people, gay orgies, open sex, are now permitted, and today we are getting rid of the 10 commandments so feel free to do whatever your heart desires, as there are no longer consequences for your actions?" Again, there are guidelines and fundamental values that are instilled in every religion. That is part of the moral and social makeup of each and every religious sect in the world. It is not up to the church or religion of your following to change the values and guidelines that have been instilled in that church for centuries. It is up to each individual to change their life for their religion.To all those Fucktards out there that think an institution or in this case a religion should change their beliefs to accommodate them, shut the fuck up! In this case you are one voice of 1 billion. Either you adhere to what has been in place for centuries or you pack your bags, and become a member of another religion. The fucking Muslims are always looking for dumb asses to strap a few bombs on their back posted by MrV at 10:51 PM postCount('111406473440320181'); Comments (7)Comments postCountTB('111406473440320181'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, April 18, 2005 Rants, Rambles, and Bullshit Technology sure is fantastic I mean hear I am sitting in the airport typing away on my laptop with my iPOD shoved in my ears. No longer do I have to sit next to some lame ass fucktard who will proceed to bombard me with petty bull shit small talk. Ok well I still have to sit next to some fucktard but hey at least I don’t have to talk to him. No longer to I have to sit and suffer why someones baby cries incisively, when a simple wad of paper down the throat would shut the little shit up. Now if we could just abolish unruly kids who run around making noise none stop while kicking the back of chairs and asking fifty god dam questions to ever complete stranger they come across who just want too be left alone while mommy and daddy sit back and make goo goo gushing faces at little Johny’s first ride on an airplane; air travel would be fucking perfect. But I would settle for the sterilization if not complete castration of these parents. Seriously folk what fucking business do you have pro creating; we license every god dam other ting in the world why do we not license parenting.But enough of that…I went for a job interview and I really hope I get it. I can not think of a single thing I would want more in life other than a lifetime supply of cold MGD and for my wife to become a complete and utter nymphomaniac. This is my dream job…at least at this point in my life but only time will tell if I get it. I won’t know for sure until Thursday.One Pearl of Wisdom I would like to impart on the legions of fans that I have, that read this beloved piece of soon to be classic literature is to pay attention to every fucking detail in your life. I mean you must think about the consequences of every fucking action you do. The slightest little fuck up no matter how irrelevant or no matter what the reason my in fact be the thorn in your ass that haunts you for the rest of your fucking life. It is fucking unbelievable the amount of shit prospective employers now want to dig through to bring out the deepest darkest corners of your past. Don’t get me wrong I am not blaming anybody or any thing other than myself I am just saying to all you funky ass mofro’s to be mindful of every fucking decision and action you partake in your journey of life.On to another more pressing and deep minded thought provoking contemplation; I have come to the understanding that I love my PC in ways that only a computer lover would understand. My PC rivals my iPOD in both my love and affection. In fact as lovely and gracious as the lovely and gracious MrsV is she pale in comparison to my beloved iPOD and PC which is a fact she has come to understand and except. She is well aware their is enough of the MrV to go around. But despite my love for my PC late at night when I think nobody is looking I sneak in and use my daughters MAC….yes it is true and I love it!!! And I am not ashamed to admit it; but as much as I enjoy my daughters MAC I am still devoted to my PC. So does this mean I go both ways? Am I a bi computer user? Is it wrong to be? Was I born this way or is it a lifestyle choice? Are there other PC lovers who secretly stray across the fence and dabble in the ways of the MAC from time to time? Maybe I just have needs that cannot be filled from just one operating system. Maybe my operating system desire just burn so much, that one just cannot fill me needs forcing me to stray and seek comfort in the arms of another operating system. Then again maybe I am just a selfish user who does not appreciate my operating system for all it does for me. posted by MrV at 3:58 PM postCount('111395159320179925'); Comments (2)Comments postCountTB('111395159320179925'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, April 15, 2005 Teachers in California are Whinny Little Bitches There I said it! I will call it like I see it...They are a bunch of whinny little cry baby bitches who DO NOT have your children's best interest at heart. They are selfish, ungrateful, unrealistic, demanding, uneducated, self righteous, pompous assholes who have some idiotic concept of their self worth.First of all I would like to point a few things out1. The average school year starts around mid August and ends in early June. That is a 2 1/2 month break in between. I understand that teachers must work a few days before the start of the term and after so lets for this argument say a 2 month break2. They also get several holidays combining well over a month during the year...Christmas break, Spring break, thanksgiving weekend, and several other holidays and in-service days3. If you take 12 months and subtract 2 month (summer break) and the 1 month in other holidays the average teacher only works 9 months a year4. The average school day begins around 8:30 and ends around 3:30 depending on the district for argument lets say the teacher must arrive an hour before and stay and half hour late. This may vary from district to district but it is a relative constant for the sake of argument. So that is a standard 8 hour work day (pretty normal) but they also get a standard lunch hour and in many grades a prep period (free time where they have no class or another teacher takes care of their class). They also get whatever breaks, recesses, and free time the students get. So their 8 hour day is now roughly 6 1/2 to 7 hours5. A teacher must attend college for 4-5 years which is pretty normal for most professional industries.6. A starting teacher will make a 28-33 thousand their first year and their pay will gradually increase over the course of there career. In roughly 10 years with proper credentials and education a teacher can make 50-55 thousand.7. Teachers are tenure in two years. This means they CANNOT BE FIRED!!!! Regardless of how shitty the teach your kids.8. They get union benefits which is a state funded retirement and health care plan. Their health care plan will rival any in the private industry. The average teacher has a minimal out of pocket expense for any health care or prescriptions.9. Teacher are not held accountable to any standardized testing. Meaning that if they fail to teach your kids it does not matter. Our schools are failing in California and are near dead last in the nation. As a nation our schools keep falling lower and lower in comparison with schools across the world.10. California spends more than per student that any other state in the nation roughly 10-12 thousand per student per year depending on district and other circumstances.So the average teacher makes 35 grand a year for nine months of work with well above average union benefits. They have a job security not afforded to the general work force. But yet they want more...They under the guise of their union have gone a crusade hear in California to justify their constant sucking off of the public trough. They continue to think that the public doll is there for their taking despite their lackluster if not failing results. They whine and complain about having to take work home for grading despite their minimal work day. They piss and moan about having to buy supplies to run their classroom despite the 10-12 thousand a year per student that is spent.They continue to lambaste the govenor and his attempts to try and balance the budget by reeling in some of the state spending and out of control unions. In his proposal no existing teacher will loose any existing benefit. His plan calls for changes on new hires and investing retirement plans in the market which over the long run will give the retiring teacher more money. The govenor is trying to end tenure and hold teachers accountable for their pathetic results and their continuing dummying down of our children.The simple fact is teacher have failed our kids but they don't want to be held acountable. They want unrealistic pay and benefits despite their continuing effort to avoid accountability when it comes to teaching our kids.I am sure teachers or teacher supporter will try to justify their cause and try and tell me how hard the job is, but hold your breath I have talked the talk and walked the walk so save the the speech. The simple fact is that California has a gluttony of existing teachers and teachers coming out of college and those that can do "DO" and those that can't "TEACH" posted by MrV at 5:38 PM postCount('111370320459832829'); Comments (10)Comments postCountTB('111370320459832829'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, April 13, 2005 Rock On ..."or not" From the roadDo you remember rock and roll radio? Sure you do. It was the sound of teenage angst, rebellion and revelry all rolled up into an atomic audio wave that shook the senses. The eighties and early nineties produced some major icons of rock and roll that were revered as deities among high school teens across the country. These men (and a few noteworthy women as well) were the baddest of the bad.Unfortunately these days, the bad don’t seem so bad any more. In fact, you may be wondering what happened to the bands that purely rocked out. Seems like they are doing a little bit of the old - timer stuff lately.Back in high school, you were labeled a loser if you did not love the music of such icons as Ozzy Osbourne, Motley Crue, Metallica, Van Halen and other bands. The T-shirts were adorned by every burn- out, dirt-bag, jock, stoner and other stereotyped person of age. It was truly a right of passage to be seen listening to these musicians and watching their music videos. Who can forget those guys with the long hair, bad attitudes and women up the wazoo flashing their devil horn signs with their hands and flicking their tongues like some demon possessed? Ozzy was a god. James Hetfield was a god. Everyone wanted to grow up to be Tommy Lee and Vince Neil.How times have changed. Ozzy Osbourne has become a cartoon character that has the nation laughing at his situation with his outrageous TV sitcom. His shaking and stuttering along with the consistent profanities make him just look like a tired, sad, dirty old man. If you said a word about Ozzy in the past, you would likely get beaten up in the schoolyard. Today, everyone laughs at the feeble star leaning on his wife like a crutch. It is a very sad spectacle for those of us who grew up with this “prince of darkness” with the incredible voice.The members of Metallica are no better. Their recent documentary, “Some Kind of Monster” showcased such things as group therapy, clashing whiney egos, and a lead band leader named Hetfield totally wussed out after entering alcohol rehab. Plus, these guys are dealing with wives and children. Kind of reminds us of our parents or the parents we are becoming. Scary stuff. What happened to the rock and roll stadium tours where everyone rode the aggression for three thrilling hours? The guys in the movie look like a bunch of wimps clinging to their crashing fortune. It didn’t help that the “St. Anger” album that was produced by the group during the making of the film was probably their worst effort to date. Those “Master of Puppets” shirts are being shoved way to the back of many closets.Motley Crue is another band that is dangling over the cliff of former glory. The success of their new CD release “Red, White and Crue” is most definitely more of a nostalgia trip than a rocking reunion. This is a band whose lead singer Vince Neil was wallowing on the program, “The Surreal Life” just a few months ago. This is a band whose drummer is the man who is responsible for negligence in allowing a child to drown in his outdoor pool during a party and hitting the very beautiful Pamela Anderson, which any decent civilian knows is the most cowardly act a man can commit, no matter what size his johnson is. In another year, these guys will be playing the Westbury Music Fair along side Wayne Newton and Edie Gorme. Rock on!Axl Rose of the band Guns N Roses has become a hermit and has only made about three public appearances in the last ten years. Maybe THIS YEAR the new Guns N Roses album will come out. It’s like waiting for Hailey’s Comet. At this point, nobody cares any more.Van Halen has the greatest dysfunctional family of all time. They have had so many lead singers that a reunion tour of everyone would be like going to see Chicago in concert. David Lee Roth is probably throwing away his last singles in some strip club while Sammy Hagar looks like the old uncle at your summer reunion BBQ.Rock and roll just isn’t the same any more. The new breed of rock and roll features teeny gumball bands and distorted noise replicated to the nth degree. That larger than life rock and roller is fading away. Even AC/DC can’t bring it any more. Who would have thought that? Only Motorhead keeps on motoring, but they have only garnered a cult following through the years.Yes, those heavy metal nuts must be wondering where all the good times have gone. You mention their obsession with one of these singers back in the day and they will say that they never really that “hardcore” about them. The bad boys of rock and roll are getting old and it isn’t a pretty picture. It is just another shining example that the aging process is a major bummer. At least the rock and roll dreams live on every time we pop a CD into the stereo. posted by MrV at 4:46 PM postCount('111343634029574972'); Comments (7)Comments postCountTB('111343634029574972'); Trackback (0)Trackback Saturday, April 09, 2005 Sweet Irony Do you see the irony hear?...I laugh every time I look at this posted by MrV at 4:03 PM postCount('111308782523053092'); Comments (3)Comments postCountTB('111308782523053092'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, April 08, 2005 The Schiavoing of the ENTIRE PLANET When I first heard the words "Codex Alimentaris" I thought it might possibly be some arcane Roman Catholic dietary law, Latin as it is, and as I'd never heard of it before. It turns out, though, that these two words will lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, and an acceleration of the profiteering cycle of the private medical/pharmaceutical oligarchy around the world.What is it? Formed in 1962, "CODEX" was initially set up as a joint program of the WHO (World Health Org) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Its original mandate was to establish a "harmonized trade standard" to govern international sales of all food products all over the world, especially in Third World countries. In fact, "standards harmonization" quietly became a bureaucratic euphemism for establishing "one universal standard" for supplements world wide , enabling key mega-pharmaceutical companies to more efficiently (translate "more profitably") ultimately control world-wide production and distribution of all critically needed health products. They arrive at this control by isolating and patenting nutrients from therapeutic plants, jacking up the price, and prohibiting access to them by any other means; giving them the giant pharmaceutical companies, a monopoly over such natural ingredients as Vitamin C.But near-term profits are only part of the story. Longer-term, the agenda of giant global corporations is to cooperate with certain "green-minded" globalists who want to reduce human population to a "sustainable" 500 million. To get there, the health care of the entire world has to be retooled in such a way that it will be detrimental to health rather than beneficial. They want people to DIE, and they will do it by any means necessary:1) At birth, babies are given dangerous vaccines which are detrimental, rather than beneficial, to health.2) During school years, children are doped up on psychotropic drugs intended, not to make them healthy, but to FREAK THEM OUT randomly, producing school shootings and other violent juvenile crime.3) In young adulthood, they are sent off to wars to kill and be killed.4) Throughout the overall course of life, they are steadily denied access to holistic and nutrition-based health by regulation, and placed increasingly at the mercy of the pharmaceutical industry which will kill them slowly while profiting off of their death.5) When people reach a loosely-defined "degraded quality of life", using the Schiavo precedent they will now begin the mass extinction of invalids and the mentally disabled.6) When they are too old to be useful to the pharmaceutical machine, they will be similarly "schiavoed".7) Wash, rinse, repeat until human population is down to the desired levels.The Codex is a key step in this 7 step plan toward reducing global population. While it does generate enormous profits for such corporations as Merck, it also chokes off human access to vital nutrients, which have already been sapped out of mass food production by way of chemical-based farming and genetically altered crops (sacrificing nutritional quality for YIELD, i.e., PROFITS).The ENTIRE PLANET is in a Terri Schiavo-like state: we are brain damaged from all the mind-altering drugs pushed on us since childhood, and in our reduced quality of life the Code REMOVES OUR FEEDING TUBE, that is, removes the availability of adequate amounts of key natural ingredients needed to keep us healthy. And when we cease to be healthy, the medical quack-whores will finish us off, all sanctioned by a legal system which no longer gives a flying fuck about JUSTICE.Does human population need to be reduced? Certainly. But that can be achieved by limiting fertility, by sterilization, and by the education of women throughout the world (that they have alternatives to being permanently barefoot and pregnant).Of course, the humane way of reducing population is nowhere near as PROFITABLE to sick and twisted and selfish oligarchs, so they choose the cruel way to get there instead. posted by MrV at 11:23 PM postCount('111247744973183213'); Comments (2)Comments postCountTB('111247744973183213'); Trackback (0)Trackback Thursday, April 07, 2005 Trouble Fnding Parking Parking is getting really hard to come by around here posted by MrV at 8:24 PM postCount('111301705492900801'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('111301705492900801'); Trackback (0)Trackback Bumper Sticker Politics April 6 From the roadFive months have passed and I still see presidential election bumper stickers on the back of cars wherever I go. Every other vehicle has either a Bush – Cheney or Kerry – Edwards signature on the back bumper proclaiming to the world the occupant’s political point of view. There is nothing like proclaiming to the world that you voted in the losing column of the most recent presidential election. Due to the fact that I reside in a blue state, there are thousands of cars that pass me everyday with the Kerry – Edwards mantle shining in my face.Who was the genius that created the presidential election bumper sticker anyways? Don’t people realize that there is a fifty – fifty chance that you can be driving around town the day after Election Night looking like a schmuck. Why would anyone subject them-selves to being judged as being one of the many who just follow the herd? Besides has their ever been a person driving around on election night with no clue on who to vote for then suddenly sees a bumper sticker and say's to himself "that's the one" ...ok bad example becasue with the dumb asses voting now a days I would be invlined to think so.“Hey Joe, looks like you were in the losing column once again.”“Yo, Barney, I still have to show my support win or lose.”“Oh yeah, even if you side with the losers?”“Sure, don’t want to jump off the band wagon and look like a front runner. We will be back in 2008!”That’s just the petty kind of conversation I choose to avoid in my daily routine. I don’t need some sticker on the back of my 00’ Jeep Wrangler announcing to the world that I voted for the loser or the winner in the previous election. I’m surprised these folks are not scraping those stickers off with the ice scrapers the moment the election polls come in. But I did enjoy the looks and stares I got in the months running up to the election with my "I (heart) Haliburton" bumper sticker.“Nope, Johnny, didn’t vote this year.”“But Bill, I saw you driving around with a Kerry – Edwards sticker for the past 9 months. Where did it go?” “I don’t know what you are talking about!”At least the past two elections were close enough that one could justify their arguments in keeping the stickers on their bumpers. It is a way to legitimize the candidate that they hoped and prayed would get into office, only to fall oh so short.Imagine driving around with a Mondale – Ferraro bumper sticker on the back of your car. Sure, you could say that you kept it on your car because you wanted to show your progressive stance of wanting to elect a female to one of the highest office in the land. However, you are more likely to be considered to be a dimwit for being one of only 4% of the country to vote for Mondale in the 1984 election. Kudos!You could also be driving around with a Perot – Stockdale sticker on your car. Nothing like announcing to the world that you voted for a psycho Texas billionaire with airs to control the world along with his running mate, the deaf and drooling Admiral Stockdale who was a man of courage, yet way too old for office.My favorite would be the Dukakis – Bentsen bumper sticker. If you drive around with that sticker on your car, it means that your dynamic duo were defeated by George Bush Senior and Dan Quayle. Scary.I wish they made a Dukakis bumper sticker with him wearing that oversized military helmet. At least that would be good for a laugh when driving to work.I am also curious how many times Al Gore saw the Bush – Cheney sticker in his home state of Tennessee following the 2000 Presidential disaster. You know you are in trouble when you lose your own state. Welcome to sticker hell Mr. Gore.The simple fact of the matter is that people are quick to follow the popular trends without thinking through the consequences. Do you really think that the Democratic Party and its candidates really care if you have their names plastered to the rear of your car?Not at all. All they want is your campaign contribution and for you to stay out of their way. So next time you drive to work and you pass a vehicle with a losing presidential candidate on their car, honk your horn, laugh and point. You will feel much better that you were not one of the lemmings. posted by MrV at 6:55 PM postCount('111301238606947105'); Comment (1)Comments postCountTB('111301238606947105'); Trackback (0)Trackback Tuesday, April 05, 2005 The Bully Gets His April 5 from the roadOne of the interesting things about driving a truck is the ability for people observation. You are literally faced with hours at a time if not a whole day of watching cars and the people in them whipping past you in such a hurry, you can’t help but wonder where they are going.It’s sort of funny because the average person gets in their car and almost seems oblivious to the fact that they can be seen by another car let alone a big rig with a much higher vantage point. I could regal you with stories of the interesting acts I have witness from my vantage point. I have seen everything from finger deep in the canyons of some nose oblivious to all around that it is being watched to the ever so popular “Road head”One of my all time favorite observations was a few years ago when passing through Texas.I was passing through one of those one stop light towns late in the evening and I witnessed a car rear end another car driven by a grey hair old women. Imagine the classic example of a gray haired old lady who could barley see over the steering wheel holding up traffic because she was driving well under the speed limit. When the light turned yellow she came to a stop and the car behind her rear ended her.The guy got out of his car and threw his hands up in the year in a sign of disgust and it seemed to insinuate that the lady was at fault when this guy obliviously was not paying attention and was a fault.Now this guy looked to be in his early 20’s and the tight t-shirt clearly gave way to his muscular build. He had a set of arms that looked like they had rattled a few teeth in the past and an arrogant swagger that was probably somewhat deserved given his physic.He approached the car driven by the old lady and seemed to be shouting a few obscenities and implying it was her fault. As he approached the driver side window of the car I begin to think perhaps I should get out and maybe offer my assistance to what I had seen and diffuse a situation which appeared could get very ugly.As he got to the car and lowered his head to the window; the elderly lady whipped out a can of pepper spray and blasted him right in the eye. That in it self would have probably diffused the situation but then she jumped out and proceeded to beat the man with an umbrella.Now imagine an elderly lady who could not have been much more than 4’8” dressed in her church going best wielding an umbrella over her and beating a man who was clearly over 6’ tall, 50 years her junior, well built and clearly looked like he could defend himself in any situation.He fell quickly to the ground and curled up in somewhat of a fetal position while this lady wielded her umbrella in such a fashion that it reminded me of an Indian wielding a tomahawk in a battle. Now the lady who clearly did not need any of my assistance and who was no doubt doing a very good job at beating the living crap out of the guy did not seem to miss a beat when the passenger of her car jumped out and assisted her in her conquest by hitting the man with her handbag in one hand and her bible in the other.Now my shock at the situation had by now turned into a mild satisfaction as this guy who was clearly and asshole and thought he could bully a couple of old ladies around was getting his just reward. I had by now called the police and reported the accident but I neglected to inform them of the ensuing ass kicking by two old ladies to a muscle bound jack ass.As I watched the unfolding situation I realized just how hysterical it looked when you had two old ladies who where well dressed and in any other situation where no doubt very primed and proper; one wielding a umbrella over her head with both hands in she now looked like a lumberjack swinging an axe and the other with a purse who looked like it may have had a 50lb brick in it swinging it wildly in one hand and also using the bible in the other hand to land a few blows. The man by now was crouched in a full fetal position and shouting out in a beging fashion “please stops!!!!”Now perhaps I was a bit cruel in not getting out to over my assistance to this man who now clearly needed it. But a big part of me thought h was clearly getting what he deserved. Beside it was one of the funniest dam things I have seen to this day. These two ladies where no doubt somebody’s grandmother and the whole unfolding situation was now getting funnier and funnier by the minute; but just as suddenly as it started it stopped.Apparently the lady with the umbrella felt the man had been degraded enough and stopped wielding her umbrella of pain and in unison the other lady stopped swinging about the handbag of death.The one with the hand bag then straightened out her dress and adjusted her hair, then went back into the passenger side and took her seat. The one with the umbrella went to the car and placed her umbrella in the back seat and then to my surprise and no doubt adding insult to injury grabbed a hanky and handed it to her victimized conquest. Watching her crouch down to hand the hanky and seeing the man still in the fetal position flinch with fear was the icing on the cake of this whole now hysterical event and I lost it as I busted out in an uncontrollable laughter.As I watched the ladies then drive off and the man still wither in pain on the ground I found it hard to get my laughter under control. Finally after near pissing myself because of laughing so hard I drove off through the signal light as well watching the man slowly getting up and looking around him in fear.I have since wondered if he ever admitted to his ass kicking but regardless I learned never to underestimate those grey haired old ladies who may look harmless but no doubt can pack an awesome punch posted by MrV at 6:51 PM postCount('111301161909474567'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('111301161909474567'); Trackback (0)Trackback Saturday, April 02, 2005 It's Not Neil's Time Yet... I guess with all news that the Pope is about to pass away and the inevitable history making Conclave that will follow I guess it's a little frivolous to thank the maker for taking Neil Young just yet.There is no doubt that the Pope was a great man; a man of god, and a man of conviction. You can not look back on the last 25 years and realize that he was very influential in world affairs such as the fall of communism and other monumental events that have shaped the world in which we live in. He has touched the world and will surely be missed, his successor will have very big shoes to fill.Not being born a catholic I have a lots trouble wrapping my mind around much of the catholic doctrine. But having married into a devoutly catholic family it obvious that the Popes passing will bring a great sadness to many. In talking to my wife and some of her family you can see a true sadness; it is almost as if they are losing a member of their own family.I got home late last night and although I am home now it is technically a working weekend, I have to be in phoenix tomorrow night.You know it is a long fall from the top when Sprint shuts off your phone service, your hiding your car in the garage to avoid the repo man, and your trying to convince your wife that since it's warming up we really don't need gas (since it's about to be shut off any way) beside could showers will most definitely keep us from pro-creating (which in light of our financial mess is a good thing) ...Yes I can look back and tell myself going back to college was a good thing. At least I have a neat looking piece of paper hang on the wall and remind myself money well spent as I write the check each month on the student loans. O' well fuck it...A Pearl of Wisdom from my dad a few days back was to quit trying to fight the world because I won't win anyway...Sure as shit the Old Man Bellar was right. Even if your still sinking it's a lot easier to shrug your shoulders and say FUCK IT you can't squeeze blood from a turnip so if Sprint can't wait a few more weeks then FUCK YOU...If the bank wants my Ford back then FUCK YOU TO. I will just do what I can do and keep plugging away..hindsight may always be better than foresight but what can you do. posted by MrV at 9:56 AM postCount('111246684668494640'); Comment (1)Comments postCountTB('111246684668494640'); Trackback (0)Trackback