Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Friday, October 29, 2004
Friday rambles
As John Kerry continues to jump onto the story of weapons, disappearing from Iraq, under President Bush's watch, the story itself just gets worse and worse for John Kerry. Kerry has jumped all over this story and seems to banking his run for the White House on it. He continues to blame American soldiers for failing to properly secure the weapons in Iraq that were never there, when the American troops invaded Iraq. In an article by Bill Gertz in the Thursday, October 28, 2004 issue of the Washington Times, it was discovered that the weapons were in fact moved from Iraq, weeks before American Forces ever stepped foot on Iraqi soil. So John Boy so much for the October surprise...As two new videos have aired today in regards to terrorism one being from "Osama bin hiding" and the from some fucktard claiming to be in America and linked to al-Qaida it is obvious that these dum ass cowards seem to think they can influence the upcoming election. On the videotape, aired by the Arab television station Al-Jazeera, bin Laden addresses Americans: "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al-Qaida. Your security is in your own hands." As usual John FUBAR Kerry repsonded with the same old rhetoric..."My policy is there's no such thing as negotiation with terrorists," the Democratic candidate said. "And terrorists, terrorism are going to be hunted down and killed, we are united on that."...Then he went on latter to say that he had "A PLAN". John Kerry's rhetoric is seeming to sound more and more like the same old Bush plan and typical Monday morning quarter backing.America will have a pivotal decision to make on Tuesday. As a nation we can either go forth and defeat terrorism or we can elect John FUBAR Kerry and turn coat and run and let the United nations dictate or future security.NEW TOPICToday was a great day and I truly believe that if Little V's mother goes home and takes stock in what she had and what she had now she will realize that she truly lost. But then again is there truly a winner other than the lawyer (whom I must give thank to mine as she has somewhat changed my opinion, but not much, I now believe that dog shit is worse than attorneys instead of attorneys being worse than dogshit) But in looking back I do believe I had to secure my rights and that in the long run Little V will be better off with both of us being pretty much equally involved in her life.My dog has just came into the room and cut one of the worse dog farts I have ever smelled and he is looking quite proud of it.My jeep is still broken and parked in my garage for I have not had the funds to pay for the labor which is pissing me off because in most situation I could do it myself. But at least I got the part. Perhaps I need to sacrifice a chicken or small goat to the almighty Jeep Wrangler Gods.Time for a adult beverage. I have the house to myself so I think I will play the stings on one of my lady's and turn the amp up and see if I can piss of my neighbors.
posted by MrV at 3:40 PM
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Way to go Boston!!!
For those of us who are convenced that George Stienbreiner sold his sole to the devil, the Yankees defeat was an incredible story. To be up three games and then to blow it; and top that with this headline RED SOX WIN THE WORLD SERIES! I mean talk about a slap in the face. So much for the curse of the Bambino. Well done Beantown, well done.On a side bar, considering that one of the two teams that was located outside of the U.S. borders is folding into non existence, is it not a bit disingenuous to refer to the "World Series" as the world series. Face it folks this is by no means a international contest and considering that the U.S. baseball team did not even qualify for last summers Olympics I am not sure if we would want it to be a international contest.But all the folks from Beantown can at least be proud to have the "World Champs" for now. Thanks to free angency and any deal the Stienbreiner may be brewing with Satan I do expect it to be a different team next year.
posted by MrV at 11:21 PM
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
My opinions
I have some opinions that many would consider being highly liberal, and even MORE that may be considered conservative, or even reactionary. The philosophy I subscribe to, the political ideology I am most aligned to is Libertarian. But my brand of libertarianism isn't considered by most Libertarians to be true and correct. Well, screw them.Rather than label myself one way or another let me give you a list of some of the things I believe in and let the chips fall where they may.First off….. I didn't like the Bush tax cuts. Because they didn't go nearly far enough! I believe the money I earn belongs to me, not some government agency. I hate the IRS and don't believe in federal or state income tax on individuals.I believe in the death penalty. Bush did that shit the right way down there Texas and did not wasit time with those fuckers. Despite what any liberal bed wetter says it IS a deterrent. Once you push that needle into the arm of some creep that killed some little kid or poor family, you can bet that person wont ever hurt anyone ever again! How's that for a deterrent? I also think that punishment should be used to deal with child molesters, and rapists.I believe that hiring a person based on the color of their skin is a wrong thing, so if hiring someone based on the color of their skin is a bad thing, what exactly would you call affirmative action?When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in areas where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling, it is the Law of Probability.I think entitlement programs such as welfare are a scourge on society. I don't want my tax dollars used to pay for you to sit on your lazy butt and watch the Cartoon Network all damn day. Put down the crack pipe and get a job.I think what you do behind closed doors, in the privacy of your own home is your business, so long as you're not hurting anyone, you sick freak.If your a homosexual, that's perfectly fine with me. Live and let live is what I always say. AND if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion.And speaking of sex, I know what sex is and enjoy it and don't really give a shit who else enjoys it, espicailly presidents. I am sure Bill was'nt the first to get a blow job in the oval office and probably won't be the last. More power to the guy and FYI Monica was not that bad looking.I believe any self-righteous liberal OR conservative with a cause is more dangerous than a Hell's Angel with an attitude.I believe Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue to make more. If it ticks you off, go and invent the next operating system that's better, and put your stinking name on the building.I believe marijuana should be legalized NOW. Like it or not IT'S HARMLESS. And besides if we taxed the stuff we would eliminate the need for the income taxes and abolish those pinheads at the fact I think ALL drugs should be legal. Probation didn't work 70 years ago and it's not working now. And if you wanna kill yourself on heroin, meth or cocain that's your right, so go ahead, and decrease the surplus population.I am sick of Political Correctness. I know a lot of black people, and not a single one of them was born in Africa; so how can they be African-Americans? Besides, Africa is a continent. I don't go around saying I am a European-American because my great, great, great, grandfather was from Europe. HEY, I am proud to be from America and nowhere else!I don't like the United Nations, or any left wing Anti-American nation, and I don't give a hoot in HELL what the rest of the world thinks of me.I believe Afghanistan and Iraq were a good start. But let's not stop there. I think we should go into Iran and Syria next and kick some more Anti-American Muslim ASS.I believe that if some suicide bomber Islamic terrorist attacks the United States, and kills innocent people, we should do just like the Colombian Mafia does. If you tick them off they don't just kill you, they kill your whole family. I kind of like the way the Israelis do it. When they ID the bombers they go to their house and bulldoze it.I've got no problem with adult entertainment. Magazines, movies, strip clubs, whatever. I'm not offended by porno, and you'll get mine when you pry my cold dead fingers off my VCR, or whatever my cold dead fingers happen to be wrapped around at the time.I don't believe the Rebel flag or a picture of an Indain used as a mascot is a symbol of racism, and if you find it offensive I'll remind you that there's nothing in the constitution guaranteeing you the right not to be offended. So I suggest you GET OVER IT.I like wearing leather, and I think animal experimentation saves human lives, and most of all, I like to eat the succulent, flame kissed flesh of dead animals. You see if God had intended us to be vegetarians, he wouldn't have made meat taste so good. Yummy...........And by the way, I hate PETA. Wanna really help animals? Join the ASPCA.I believe owning a gun doesn't make you a killer, it makes you a smart American. But I despise the NRA and think they went way overboard with their fiasco after the Columbine shootings! .....oh yeah, and as much as I despise bumper-sticker philosophy, it's true.. "If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns." Period, Paragraph, End of story.I smoke cigarettes, and if you don't like that, find another seat at the bar!I believe being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to a one damn thing!......and the same goes for being a woman by the way.I believe in free speach but there is nothing in the constitution that garantees you have the right to be heard or even the right for me to listen.Reality T.V. sucks ass and is more proff that the average population is fucking stupied.I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, or renting me a video cassette try to do it in ENGLISH, OK!I hate liberal, non logic thinking, gutless mamby pamby, chicken boned, babyfide trumpet monkeys.I also hate sanctimonious, self serving, conservatives pushing their idea of family values down my throat. I have my own set of family values thank you very much.I think fireworks should be legal on the 4th of July, and any other day of the year.While I am personally opposed to the idea of abortion, I do believe in a woman's right to choose, it's her body, and it should be between her and God. It's none of mine or YOUR business. BUT because I believe in equal protection under the law I also believe in a mans right to choose. If he doesn't want the kid he shouldn't be forced to pay child support. If a woman can choose why can't a man? Humm? If she chooses to MURDER her baby than fine, but don't force a man to pay child support for a child he would choose to let LIVE but doesn't want to father. Hey! What's good for the goose...Oh yeah, speaking of which 80% of men ordered to pay child support pay it, while only 20% of women ordered to pay child support do. Now you tell me, who's the DEADBEAT again?I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God whenever and wherever they want to.I've never owned a slave, nor was I ever a slave and guess what, NEITHER WERE YOU!! So, SHUT-THE-HELL-UP already, you're not getting one thin dime out of this dude.While I'm thinking about it can anyone tell me which church is it exactly where the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson practice, where they get their money, and why are they always part of the problem and never the solution?I believe that the military should be patrolling our borders. And I think, that if you sneak across the border from Mexico you're not an "undocumented worker" you're an ILLEGAL ALIEN! If you want to become an American do it the way my great, great, great, Grandfather did, or get out of the country and go the heck back where you came from.I believe in law and order, I respect the police. They have one of the tuffest jobs on earth. I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry butt if you're running from them. I also think they have the right to pull you over if you're breaking the law, regardless of what color you are......and if you punch him or otherwise assault him he's got every right to slam your fat head into the trunk of his squad car …….. more than once!I believe if you are too old or too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don't want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years.I hate those chowderheads standing in the intersections trying to sell me crap or trying to guilt me into making "donations" to their cause. I view these people as targets.I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it only takes two parents.My heroes are as follows.... John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, everyone on the declaration of Indepence, JFK becasue he banged Marlyin Monroe, Ron Jeramy becasue he banged lots of hot gals, Jenna Jamison and Christy Cannon for helping me through puberty, John Lennon, Hugh Heffner, Martin Luther King Jr., Howard Stern, Sonny Barger (The Hells Angles), Neil Young, Frank Zappa, Nirvana, Bill Manders, my Mom, the spice channal, and whoever canceled Rosie O'Donnel.Like it or not I'm proud to be an American. And by God I'll fight for her! This is the greatest nation on earth and Americans are the finest people alive. There's too many dead bodies on too many battlefields all over the world through our history to allow the continued erosion of our personal liberties in this country. There you have it. Just a few of the things I believe in. Maybe you think I'm a huge jerk because of what I've said but I could care less. Maybe you feel the same way. Maybe, just maybe we've found some common ground.
posted by MrV at 9:29 AM
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Florida "I feel your pain"
The poor unsuspecting Floridians, who thought they had seen the last of Count Gore,in 2000, must now coward in fear, and peer out their windows, to see if Gore has left their neighborhoods. It has been revealed that John (FUBAR) Kerry, has made the request of Gore, the 2000 Democratic presidential nominee, over the weekend in a telephone conversation, to campaign for Kerry, in Florida during the last two weeks of the campaign.For the love of god hasn't Florida suffered enough, first they have had to deal with Four hurricanes and now they have un-natural disaster of Al gore roaming their land. This man has spent the last four years roaming the earth spouting off how he was wronged in the 2004 election to anybody who would listen to him. He is uptight, ridged, and has the personality of a tree stump not to mention he has long ago went over the deep end. But then again if you look at it I guess it makes sense. I guess the old saying "Birds of a feather flock together" is true. I am not sure if you looked any harder you would find two duller nitwits who have absolutely no personality and have not got a fucken clue about the plights of the common folk. What a friggen team, think about first of all you have Kerry whom also roams the earth spouting off how he "has a plan" who is enshrined in the Vietnam war museum as a war hero for his work against the American forces upon returning home and then you have Al Gore who is the inspiration for such creative minds like the Uni-Bomber.Stand fast Florida the rest of the country feel your pain....
posted by MrV at 10:36 AM
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Good ol Farmersville
My last post I mentioned the "good ol" town of Famersville. Having went to Exeter last week I was kind of impressed on how that town has changed and think in large part it has a lot to do with the fact that the Farmersville kids no longer feed into that school.Farmersville is a great place if you are a corrupt cop, an illegal alien, a gang banger from Southern cal hiding form the law, heroin addict, or a first time home buyer that got suckered into a cheap home. The latter is where my mum fit in.I moved to that piece of shit town the summer before starting the 4th grade. From day one I did not fit in mainly because I was white and although we where as broke as could be we still appeared to have more money than most people in the town. Could be because we actually kept a nice home, drove a nice car that was not parked in the front law on blocks every weekend, or just the mere fact that we took pride in what we owned. But whatever it was I will always remember my mum working three jobs to support us and my self having a paper route that started every day at 330 am before school. Their where a few white kids, one in particular whom happen to live near me named MrL and I where the best of friends. We have long since drifted apart but he is by big connection at Ernie Ball and whenever we talk we can pick up right where we left off.The town itself was a piece of shit and the police force was full of rejects that other towns would not hire. A couple of officer in particular had a habit of taking a few of the 8th girls whom where walking home from "Farmersville Jr. High" (clever name real creative) and forcing them to give their fat asses a blow job till one day one of the pigs got dumb and raped one of them and she ended up pregnant. Another one would shake down the local gang bang rejects for some weed only to turn around and sell it to MrL and myself for a few extra bucks he could keep from his wife. Then their was always the poor illegal who would get drunk at the bar and show up the next day with bruises and cuts that strangley looked liked they came from a police baton. Not to mention the big heroin producer whom was rumored to have continatil out reaches and mascaraided as a totilla factory.Being yourself was not permitted as a kid. You either wore the color (red) or you wore Raider Black. Mettallica or Grateful Dead shirts, Mosimo shorts, and birkinstocks just did not cut it in that town. As far as music if it wasn't NWA or Easy E don't listen to it to loud. Anthrax and Megadeath "where for punks and could get you the beat down"Between every bar you could also find a church willing to save you sole. In fact a church band was actually one of the first "bands" I ever played in. (very ironic, but for a latter post). The sole savers where deffianlty unique because any other day but Sunday if you looked hard enough you could see them pay off the pigs so they would look the other way when the whore got in their car. But they did love god so it was ok.I am truly grateful I did not get into anymore trouble in that town than I did. Very rare do I come across a name from "that time" whom has not bore or sired a heard of children out of wedlock, done serious time, or ended up dead.I do owe a bit of thanks to MrL dad and a couple of teachers and my dear mom for heaving the patience to see something in me and keep me on the right path. A special thank to the priciple who could have expelled me many of times yet for some reason let me stay. I now realize why you did what you did and truly respect you and feel you got a raw deal.As for the rest of that town may it rot in hell.....
posted by MrV at 9:46 PM
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Pajama wearing Sunday rambles
Once again its Sunday my favorite day of the week. My wife is still sound asleep and my daughter is at her moms house. So its just me and JoAnn (the name I gave my computer.)I have a hard time sleeping during the day but then it could be the shitty mattress I have but once that first bit of light enters the edges of the curtains I am up. Today I was up a bit earlier because we got rain, yes it actually does rain hear in central California it wasn't much but it was still kind of nice. Unfortunately I was gone to mow the yard today...fuck it!! I mowed the front last week so it wouldn't be to bad although the back looks like like a small jungle and I will half a hell of a time getting it done next week but o'well such as life.Friday was a great night me and Mrs.V went to Exeter to see a great band and partied a bit around my old stomping grounds. Man that town sure has changed. It looks a lot better and has a better vibe.I grew up in the neighboring town of Farmersville. It's still a dump and always will be a dump and I would love to see it leveled with just about everybody that still lives their in it. I am not sure how we ended up their but my mum bought a house there the summer before my fourth grade year. Upon arriving to my first day of school I realized I was in for a ruff few years. I realized that people judged you by the way you dressed and the color of your skin. Although I was white I was in a very small minority and because of that I remember getting into lots of fights. Yes I won some but overall I think I lost more than I one.I think I am getting seriously burned out in school. I am not sure if it's because of work and being so tired or the instructor is a big ass or perhaps I can see the light at the end of tunnel but whatever it is I just don't give a shit. Between work, school, and that fucken commute I am about ready to snap. Living of of No-doze, Redbull, and Stacker-2 is really starting to show and affect my moods. I seem to be a bit more confrontational these days and I don't like it...bla bla bla o' fucken well.In case you haven't noticed from the past couple of posts, I've kind of had it with politics for now. I know what I believe and how I will vote, but I'm just beyond caring about how others think about it or how they will vote. Even if Kerry wins, life goes on. It'll be a (further) insult to Vietnam veterans as well as a slap in the face for those no serving, but life for us all will still continue. *shrug* America will deserve the president it elects .
posted by MrV at 9:39 AM
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Friday, October 15, 2004
What a week
What a week (yea I know I say that every Friday but hell these weeks just keep getting busier and busier) I am a little pissed off right now at the jeep wrangler gods who have decide to bless me with cracked exhaust manifold. The repair shop wanted to charge me 600 bucks and half of that was for the part. I said fuck that and ordered a part from my brother in law who runs a MACO up in Santa Maria. I really hate asking for favors from anybody but I just did not have the 300 buck besides he got the same part for 175. Now comes the labor, the guide says four hours but those are under ideal conditions. i.e. Proper tools and hydro lift and alas I have neither. I might be able to swing the tools but he manifold is held in by some pretty ridged bolts and because of the thermo expansion that occurs down there I am afraid that I might break one of the bolts off, then I would be fucked so hear I am a (mechanic) having to pay another mechanic to fix my pride and joy. Yes my pride and joy...If the house where on fire I would gather as many guitar as I could and [put them in the jeep and back the jeep out of the garage then go back in the house and wake up my wife and daughter.
The really shitty thing is I am working on a deal that may take off and provide a good part time income actually doing what I want and love but unfortunately my small investment is now being thrown at the jeep even with the reduced part it is still almost 400 bucks. But such as life. I am to the point where I want to tell the "Fire House" to fuck off. Last week I asked that my hours be cut back to a max of 20, so what did the dumb shits do they gave me 38 this week and 35 next week. If I did not need the cash-o-la I would fuck that place off. If this idea I am working on pans out then booya baby I am out of there.
This week has been a long week at school in part because of the court date but more so because of school. I have been drowning in 4-5 hour lectures the last few days. The material is interesting but sometime hard to follow. I have to go in today to make up some missed time and perhaps it is a good thing it will help me catch up. I am hoping that I can get some time with the instructor and have him break some of these system own for me a bit more. But do to the fact that he is a royal asshole I doubt it.
Musically I have been very dry, I am really looking forward to being able to throw myself at it once more. That's why I am working on a money making venture at a venue in Visalia the ground work has already been laid out and has proven to be profitable I just need to come in and pick it up. We shall see....
posted by MrV at 8:21 AM
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
A Mild Sweet Victory
I have been looking forward to this day at the same time I have been dreading it. But it has come and gone and I can claim a mild and biter sweet victory. I went to family court expecting a mental and emotional roller coaster as me and my daughters mom could not work out our differences like adults and had to bring the legal system into it. But she decided not show up prepared and did not file the adequate response to my petition. So a very big disappointment as the judge issued a two week continuance was somewhat overcome when the judge issued my daughters mom a stern rebuke and ordered her to pay the attorney fees I had incurred during that day. So a small victory mentally and a small victory for my wallet.
posted by MrV at 9:06 PM
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Debate fatigued
The debates are over, but the plastic smiles and rhetoric remain like a toilet bowl ring that just won't go away. I like Jon Stewart's idea - you know the Comedy Central Daily Show guy. He too is debate-fatigued and has suggested letting the candidates wrestle. Now wouldn't that be something! But sadly that is not the case so round three has come and gone. After the smoke has cleared the various spin machines have run out to delcare there winner and I for one cannot not possibly give a shit. Politics have sunk to an all time low in this country and will only get worse. The next three weeks will unveil a whole new rash of bullshit and lame ass attempts by both parties in order to secure their victory and win this election. Unless their is a overwhelming landside our next election will be mired lawsuit's and court challenges and it may take weeks if not months to declare a winner.Not being the biggest Bush fan in the world I watched him with an equally critical eye. I found that Kerry was a formidable debater and did well in all three of the debates. Debating is not Bush's strong point and sadly I thing the substance of his message will be overlooked by his verbal mishaps and mistakes. While on the other hand Kerry's message had no substance and just constent of mindless retorich , vote pandering, and the stupid phrase "I have a plan". On that note I did visit his web sight like he told us to, I wanted to see if their was actually any substance to his plan. Alas their was just more rhetoric and no real outline for doing anything different.I have said it before and yes I will say it again, I just cannot see how anybody this late in the game can look at those to candaints and sill be undecided. If your still undecided this late in the game perhaps you should just keep your uniformed ass at home on 11/2. Personally I would love to see some sort of i.q. voting test. It does not have to be hard just a few basic questions i.e. if your voting for president; What is the first and last name of both the Democrat and Republicain ticket? Who is you senator? Who is your congress man? Who is the current president? What day is this? ...Simple questions nothing hard and if your voting for a ballot measure like we due all the time out hear in California thanks to our dumb ass representatives then you can pick a brief summary of the ballot measure from a Multiple choice section. I would venture to say that if you can't score at least a 75% then the pollster should give you some study material a hand shake and tell you to come back next year.Uniformed voters make uniformed choices and cost everybody....
posted by MrV at 11:00 PM
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
I wonder if dust particles can think and feel?Dust fascinates me because it silently creeps up on things like television sets, computers and dressing tables, it settles on top of them and it's like it doesn't evolve from anything, nobody gives birth to it, it just appears...and when we die they say words like 'ashes to ashes, dust to dust...' and I may be wrong, because I've only heard of it but never witnessed it myself, but I believe that our bones turn to dust, when eventually, after fuck knows how many years, they decompose and break down....So I was thinking, maybe all of the dust in the house, the silent dust that settles on television sets, computers and dressing tables, the dust that just mysteriously appears as if from nowhere, is really 'bone-dust', the dust from the bones of everyone who has died before us and after usand if that is the casemaybe dust can think and feel after alland it's possible we never really leave this planet when we die and we never really enter it when we are born, but that we are here all along, infinitely, in the form of little dust particles.When I think of dust I feel at peace with myself and the universe - so it's a good enough excuse for me not to bother cleaning up the house tonight.I'll just let the dust settle...
posted by MrV at 10:30 PM
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
Sunday Mornings
I love Sunday mornings. I am almost always the first person to get up and make the coffee and let the dog out and enjoy the stillness of the house. Often during the week because of my wives and I schedules I get the entire house to myself, but it is never as good as Sunday mornings. Perhaps it is just knowing that my wife and daughter are in their rooms sound asleep and the relative newness of the week is what make Sunday mornings so nice.I picked up my daughter from school of Friday. A pretty normal event but I was struck by one of those father moments. I am not sure what it was, it could have been the infectious smile she gave me as she got in the car, or the childish games we played downtown while we where waiting for MrsV, or the few moments shared over a cherry squishy. But whatever it was as I walked away to my trusty ol jeep after leaving Little V and MrsV at the salon so they could partake in mother daughter haircuts together, I was a bit jealous and somewhat sad but then happy as a several wonderful memoires danced around in my head. I was on my way to the "firehouse" but the memories kept dancing so I drove around for a bit and ended up at the firehouse 30 minutes late. The day time manger gave me a frown but she kept her fat face shut because she knows if she gives me any crap she will get a view of my middle finger and the back of my head. But alas that little "lovey, dovey, warm heart, squishy" father moment was quite nice and made the night go by a lot easier.
posted by MrV at 9:01 AM
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Thursday, October 07, 2004
I am fucking Sick of it!! (RANTS)
I am just getting sick and tired. The utter stupidity of some people mixed with the blindness of others has me so fed up with this country, I could just snap at any minute. First off I am sick of this Zoo debate. Now most of you don't know about it nor could give a fuck about it but its a big deal hear in the Valley but it's fucking outrageous. The Zoo commission has spent how much money researching this topic and when they had a great idea laid in front of them they nixed it. They could have built a wonderful new zoo, linked to the Aquarium and a shopping complex, and the land wouldn't have cost them a dime. It wouldn't be located in a sleazy part of town where people are afraid to go after dinner, and could have brought tourism into the area, but no. Everyone agrees they need to do something about the Zoo, if they don't it will continue to deterrent and in ten years will be closed for good. And then there's the issue of who's going to pay for it. Private donations aren't going to be enough so they propose a modest sales tax increase and still people balk. Then the Roeding family crawl out of their San Francisco digs to spout off about how they don't want to see the Zoo or Roeding park altered because that's not what Grandpa would like. Fine let's get over it. To hell with the Zoo, vote against proposition Z. Let the Zoo go to crap and demolish the damn thing in 10 years and be done with it. If you can't play nice with each other nobody gets to play at all.I'm sick and tired of this stupid nonsense of illegal aliens drivers licenses. And illegal aliens voting rights. Hello? Has California lost its collective mind? These people are here in America BREAKING the law. But no, the Democrats are once again pandering to Mexican votes so we're off to the races with this. But it's not all Democrats is it? Even the president is pandering to them by offering amnesty to illegals. The only thing they should be offered is a bus ride back home. And when the INS finely starts doing it's job in California, rounding up illegals by the vanload, we hear of how wrong this practice is because it's scary for them. We're scaring them? GOOD! Maybe they'll get the message to stay the hell out of someplace where they aren't welcome. And it's not all California either. Arizona want's to set up water stations on the border to make it easier for the illegals to slip across without fear of dying of thirst. We know that Al Quida terrorists are using the Mexican border to slip into the United States and still people want to play politics. Playing politics with safety is a great way to get dead! I'm sick of it.I'm sick of this continued waste of time debating High School mascots. If the name Redskins offends you I suggest you either don't look at the schools mascot or you simply "get over it" It's not important. And when some liberal whiner from L.A. sticks her big fat nose into the politics of those of us in the valley I say, "Mind your own fucking business Be-otch." I'm sick of it.I'm sick of Scott Peterson. He did it. But the dammed prosecution team is once again proving to the world just how inept our government lawyers in California are. Welcome to OJ part II. Just wait till the Marcus Wesson trial starts up. I fear we are in for another fiasco.I'm sick of these domestic terrorist called Crips and Bloods. They shoot up our streets, sell poison to our kids and we're supposed to worry about their civil rights? The hell with their civil rights. I say let's turn the full fury of our police force loose and round them all up. If they look like gangsters, round them up. And those we don't round up, shoot um dead in the streets.I'm sick of these insurgents in Iraq. We should have leveled Falugia, and we didn't. We should level Najaf and we aren't. Screw their holy shrines, screw their mosques. LEVEL them. .I'm sick of people who refuse to see the connected dots between Saddam and worldwide terrorism. It's as plain as the partisan nose on your face. But their blind hatred of the president doesn't allow them to see it. I'm sick of celebrities with their political statements. Have you heard the latest? Janet Jackson is saying that the Bush White House used her boob to distract the American people from Iraq. HUH? President Bush sure has amazing powers don't he? Not to mention her boob was not that great if he really had the power he should have used Jenifer Anniston or somebody remotly attractive. I guess he caused her boob to fly out that night last January. Not to mention the fact that the man at the FCC who raised such a stink over it is a Democrat. JESUS CHRIST WILL YOU STUPID CELEBRITIES SHUT THE HELL UP ALLREADY!!!I am sick of all thes godam ballot mesures. 14 of them, if we are going to vote on every god dam thing in this fucking shithole of a state then why the fuck do we elect a bunch of fucktards to represent us. Isn't makeing these decisions thier fucking jobs.I guess most of al I'm sick of this damned election, There are so many issues we could be concentrating on in a presidential election. We could be discussing Social Security reform. We could be talking about taxes. We could be talking about the war on Islamic terror, which is the biggest issue facing not only our country but also the entire world. But no we're talking about Vietnam, who served and who didn't and whose got the most compelling attack ad. Just remember ... it was John Kerry, not George Bush, who decided that this election would be all about his service in Vietnam. In 1992 when the Democratic draft dodger Bill Clinton ran for president Kerry was saying that the presidential election should not be about who served and who didn't. Then when he decided to run it was ALL about who served. John Kerry didn't make one single campaign appearance during the primaries where he didn't highlight his tour of duty in Vietnam. Then, of course, there was that goofy "reporting for duty" salute at the convention. Kerry loaded the gun on this issue and now he's getting shot in the foot. OOOOOH another purple heart. Moveon.Org runs ads comparing Bush to Hitler, questioning his service in the Texas Air National Guard and Kerry say's nothing for a year. Then the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth run an ad pointing out the lies of John Kerry and his minions know that to minimize the damage they have to discredit the Swiftees. That shouldn't be a problem, should it? Doesn't John Kerry have quite a bit of experience when it comes to trashing Vietnam Vets? Yep he do. Then Kerry calls in the FEC. WHAT? When runs ads critical of Bush its free speech. When the swifties run their ad it's a violation of campaign laws. Typical of the Democratic Party Double Standards. And something else....who gives a fucking shit on one hand we have a fucktard who spent 4 months trying to do everything he could to get out of vietnam and the other hand we have a rich little frat boy who spent his time prottecting the skys of texas from the veitcong airforce (sourcasim) wait a fucking minute the vietcong did not have an airforce.And fuck you to the media who's focus on the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has been more on investigating who is funding them rather than investigating what they are saying. And fuck you to the Swift Boat Veterans for truth for taking the focuss of the election and turning it into a "he said, I said, who said" fucking debate about a war that was 30 years ago. Let me tell you I don't give a fuck as to what John Kerry did in vietnam it was over twenty years ago nor do i give a shit if George Bush was snorting Blow and Laura was turning trick in order to pay for it.What I give a fuck about is the amount of money I pay in taxes and get fuck all for it. What I give a fuck about is my health insurance is going up 34% after the first of the year to over 350.00 and it still sucks ass. What i give a fuck about is the hundreds i pay in Socail security taxes to support a bunch of old fucks who should have planned better to take care of themselves.And fuck you to whoever does not agree with me...
posted by MrV at 9:02 PM
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Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Opinions on tonights so called Debate
Your hometown newspaper has taken to calling you "Senator Gone." You've got one of the worst attendance records in the United States Senate. Now, in my capacity as vice president, I am the president of Senate, the presiding officer. I'm up in the Senate most Tuesdays when they're in session. The first time I ever met you was when you walked on the stage tonight.This is probably the best and most stinging quote of the night given by Dick Cheney to John Edwards. Whatever mess that Bush got into last week with is dismal performance at the debate I think Dick more than made up for it. Although I am still unconvinced that there is an overwhelmingly large amount of undecided voters that are making their decision based on the performance of these "joint press conferences"(sidebar) I can't remember her name but I thought the moderator was excellent and very fair unlike Tim Lear from last weekI taped the debates and have not gotten a chance to watch the performance yet. But I did listen to them (probably got a better feel for the actual substance that way) and thought the while Edwards was a worthy opponet that Dick Cheney pretty much spanked his ass.I am sick and tired of this whole Haliburton bullshit. The "I (heart) Haliburton" bumper sticker on my jeep will be the first clue. Which by the way has gotten me a hell of alot of stares and smiles since I put it on last week. My big question to all you "FUCK HALIBURTON" morons is why was it ok for Bill Clinton (whom i stll think was a good pres and would have voted for a third term if i could) to award Haliburton a no bid contract for the excursion into Kosovo and Cheney is reaked over the coles becasue of the no bid contract to Iraq."These are two individuals who have been for the war when the headlines were good and against it when their poll ratings were bad," the vice president said. He added, "If they couldn't stand up to pressures that Howard Dean represented, how can we expect them to stand up to al-Qaida?" Cheney said. That was the second best quot of the night.All in all I think Cheney won this one and it really does not matter like I said these are nothing more than jiont press conferances and if some dum ass out there has not made their mind up by now then they really should not be voteing.
posted by MrV at 9:26 PM
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Monday, October 04, 2004
Life sucks
I am not sure when I have become so cynical in life. Every since I can remember I have set the bar of life's expectations very low whether it be emotionally, socially, or economically. By setting the bar so low I was allways somewhat cheered and surprised when the expectations where meet or even surpassed. But then I always found disappointment and failure much more easier to deal with.I am not sure I like whom I have become. I have put the important things in life on the back burner to fit a the mold of husband, son, father and what ever else people fucking expect of me.The wheels life have become flat. They need to be changed but the question is will they get changed is it worth to even bother. Maybe life has just plain run out of fucking gas.....
posted by MrV at 11:48 PM
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Saturday, October 02, 2004
Confession of a "Pajama Wearing Bloger"
Ok folks I have a confession to make. I am secure enough in my manhood to finally come out and admit it....ok are you ready; hear is my confession..."I really like Advril Lavigne new album (under my skin)" and I think she is somewhat hot"... "Sigh"...Whoa do I feel so much better now what a weight off my shoulder. Now you must realize I tried to fight it for sometime. Her first album although it had a couple of track did very little to impress me. I really tried to resist the siren call of cooperate teeney bopper rock for some time but this album is not bad.Now hear is the dilemma...I am going to put this album in the top 10 albums that cooperate rock has produced so far for the year 04. Now the problem is a bit complex. I really think most mainstream music sucks and if the bar was a bit higher I really doubt I would even bother listing to her. But alas hear I am trying to confese to the inter-net pajama wearing cyber junkies who have taken a few minutes from writing their fuck Bush blogs; that just because I like Advril does not mean that I am exposing some suppressed homosexual rage. The real problem hear is the utter crap that main stream record labels are putting out.Now in an attempt to regain so of masculinity amongst the "pajama wearer's" I will also confess to digging the hell out of the new GodSmack album "Otherside"...It is an acustic LP with about 7 songs that sound like it was recorded with some original feel within about 1-3 takes. I have seen Godsmack several times before they really broke big and mainsteam labels successfully managed to shove them down our throat. I really dug their first album but pretty much thought their latter attempts sounded like a cross between two cats fucking in the middle of the night outside my window and my hard boiled egg farts. The guitar playing is pretty much second rate and subpar at best, he really blew his wad on their first album and has been giving half ass attempts at pre mature ejaculating every since.Well my daughter has painted me a wonderful piece of rather abstract art. It is nothing in particular but she calls it "her feeling" it is rather bright with vibrate colors, circles, and hearts. You will have to use your imagination because my scanner no longer seems to be working. It is rather pleasant and is one of the many I will be dating and putting away to someday look back upon (probably around the time she is 16 and has told me "fuck you dad" for the first time...I will sigh and think of what once was)Well me and the lovely and gratiouse MrsV will being heading out tonight to go see a band we have not seen before "Pidgion, and Nik Fretias" I have never heard either one so I am not really sure about their sound.
posted by MrV at 7:15 PM
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Friday, October 01, 2004
A Friday's worth a rambles
What a week, but it is slowly winding down; tonight will be a bit busy at "The FireHouse" but then I have a nice weekend off and spending some time with my wife.I have decide that I am going to cut back at the "Fire House" and I am going to tell my wife to cut back on her second job as well. The money is really not worth the extra time so we will just have to adjust the belt a little bit. I only have several more month until I finish school so we will mange to survive. It seems the last few months a few of our priority's have been misplaced and life has accerlaerated and began to pass us by. So it is time we need take control and bring life back down to the speed limit and enjoy it.Has anybody been paying attention to this private company that has been working on space flight this is some pretty fascinating stuff and I think it is only going to take off in the future. I am going to try to find out when the next launch is and cut out of class and check it out. This may very well be the future of aviation.A big congrats to our good friends (Mr and Mrs. F) up in northern California. Mrs F gave birth last week to a big old 9lb ball of purple flesh that somewhat resembles a baby boy. After some thoughtful consideration they have decide to keep it. It is turning our to be a rather cute kid...Thanfullly Mrs V has not gotten any ideas.....I personally have nothing against kids, they come in handy when you can't find the remote or don't want to get up to get a beer. But it's all the crap and baggage they bring with them. They need food and attention and are rather expensive...Hell they are worse than a pet. But at least with a pet if you get tired of them you can put them outside for a while; I guess their are laws against that..."Who knew".

Posted by MrV :: 5:50 AM :: |