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Thursday, December 30, 2004Friday, December 31, 2004 A bit of reflection Well hear we are on the eve of another year and America is on the verge of entering another stage of pubescene. It's been a great year filled with both the highs and lows of life. At times it seems the year was filled with much more of the lows than the highs. But the year is ending on a very high note as I type this Blog in a 757 some where over some fly over country on a return trip from the Big Apple.New York what can I say that has not been said about that amazing city, it is truly a fantastic place one that I could never really express in word; it's just one of those places you have to experience yourself to truly comprehend.Sadly the "Bellar's take Manhattan" has come to an end, while we did not see Kermit the Frog or Fozzy Bear we truly saw and experienced an amazing trip. Honeslty I can say neither the west coast Bellars nor the East coast Bellars wanted this week to end. But on a positive note a bridge was crossed and a family was united after far to many years apart. It's as if a few pieces of the puzzle was missing for nearly 29 years and all of a sudden the puzzle was put together. 2004 will be a year that despite all the lows will end on a emotional high, it will end with a feeling of completion an satisfaction.The year as a whole is one that I will chalk up to a draw. While I can reflect on the positive things such as my beautiful family, my health, and well being it has been a hard year both fancily and emotionally. But I am determined to take 2005 by the horns and make it my own. I am going to take my wife loosing her job this month and me finishing school shortly and make it an opportunity for us to truly explore what we want to do with life. Both of us will stand at the door, but instead of waiting for opportunity to knock we will grab that little son of a bitch and drag him in.While I feel an outpouring of emotion wanting to burst out sadly the battery light is beginning to blink and I don't have a lot of time. So tonight and tomorrow I am going to bring in the new year with my six string lady's a couple of drinks and an outpouring of song.Happy New Year all!!!!!!!! posted by MrV at 3:33 PM postCount('110471888726510652'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110471888726510652'); Trackback (0)Trackback Saturday, December 25, 2004 Merry Christmas So Christmas has come and it is almost over. I hope all had a merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. I bid you all the best wishes for the new year. I would also like to extend a personal bit of thanks and sincere gratitude for those of you that have stopped by and read anything hear at my little piece of the world.I am taking the family to New York for a few days so I don't plan on Bloging until shortly after the New Year. But bridges will be crossed and family ties will be made. I am sure this visit will be the first of many flights criss crossing the country as to branches and a trunk all unite to form a family tree.Peace and love people posted by MrV at 9:52 PM postCount('110404068069331608'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110404068069331608'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, December 24, 2004 MY Christmas Eve Post The MrV Family Christmas Tree Well hear we are on the Eve of another Christmas. I have been sitting around this morning wishing I had went snowboarding with my buddy MrP but alas to much to do not to mention I really can't afford the drive.But on a positive I must say that I am rather excited and looking forward to tomorrow and the week to come. I have not been much of a Christmas fanatic in the past but then again I am not one of the "Poor me I hate Christmas because my life fucking sucks" crowd. I have been sort of in-between and just went with the flow. I had my happy moments and my shitty moments.I remember when my mum was married to MrD I enjoyed those Christmas very much. When they got divorced they tried to keep it the same but it just wasn't we bounced around between the two houses Christmas eve and Christmas day, all in all they did the best they could and sadly hear I am doing the same thing with my own littleV. But at least she has nothing else to compare it to.One of my favorite Christmas I remember as a little kid was working with MrD in his work shop until about two am on a aquarium he was building for my sister, that was the first time he ever gave me coffee he said "hear boy this will put hair on your chest". After their divorce it only took a few years until I felt more like the third weel and like I was in the way of him and his daughter. MrM one of my mums latter boyfriends was a shit bag and I truly hate him. Christmas with him was awkward and shitty in the beginning and horrible toward the end. May I never run into that mother fucker in a dark alley someday.Me and littleV mom spent one Christmas together when littleV was born. Other than littleV it really sucked. The whole idea of a Christmas without littleV after that just seemed unbearable. Of course like most selfish adults her mom and I do the alternating thing. The years with littleV used to always seemed rather hectic and somewhat exhausting because I wanted to make all the round to all the family so they could see her as well; almost putting their desire to see her over mine. The years without her like I said earlier where almost unbearable, to the point where I sometimes would volunteer to haul that Christmas load or at least would lie and tell the family I had to work. That was my Christmas for some time until this person came along.....MRsV This women right hear made Christmas worth something again whether I have my daughter or not. Although it was not just Christmas ... Because for a few years their I lived entirely to work and see my daughter on the allotted days. But more so MrsV made every day worth something and I am fortunate to have found her. From the day I first noticed her smile when I was picking up the load at the feed mill I knew that somehow this woman would change my life. (It was only after she made fun of my broken hand did I ever get the nerve to ask her out )But that is a story for another Blog.She gave me the motivation to back to collage and find a career that I really wanted. She showed me that I was more than "weekend dad" and she gave me the encouragement to pick up the axe again. In fact that woman will sit with me on the couch or on the patio and listen to me pick chords, play songs, and write music for hours at a time. I could not ask for a better fan or a better audiance. In all honesty it is not joke when I say she is my better have. She has taken to my daughter like she was her own. I often ask myself with all the crazy, insane, stupid, and cruel things I have done in my life how in the hell I deserved her.I often dream that I will wake up and find her gone...A figment of my imagination and cruel punishment for my sins.I am truly lucky and got the best Christmas Present I could have ever asked for the day she cam into my life. No matter what I ask for nothing will compare to her.But don't I am still not asking Santa to Bring me anything it's a small list and with one or two item should be rather doable. I have been very good almost to the piont where i apear sicafantic at times. so santa if read this take note:Star Wars DVD trilogyNirvana Box Set "with the lights out"iPOD (ok this will almost compare to MrsV) A Christmas with no more Fucking Clothes!!!!Booze (not picky)My jeep fixedThe CIA to stop bugging my cellphonea Chia PET :)MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLE!!!!!!! posted by MrV at 10:59 AM postCount('110391479061756608'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110391479061756608'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, December 22, 2004 A Christmas Present Idea for that special someone posted by MrV at 7:26 PM postCount('110377239022416628'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110377239022416628'); Trackback (0)Trackback The New Politically Correct Way to Say Merry Christmas I wish I could take credit for it but i borrowed it from the The Ultimate Pig "Please accept without obligation, express or implied, these best wishes for an environmentally safe, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, and gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday as practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice (but with respect for the religious or secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or for their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all) and further for a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated onset of the generally accepted calendar year (including, but not limited to, the Christian calendar, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures).The preceding wishes are extended without regard to the race, creed, age, physical ability, religious faith or lack thereof, choice of computer platform, or sexual preference of the wishee(s)." posted by MrV at 7:18 PM postCount('110377229644857808'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110377229644857808'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, December 20, 2004 A Day of Christmas Shopping Yesterday I went Christmas shopping at the mall. To put in bluntly it sucked ass. People suck and I hate them all, they are rude and inconsiderate and I am sure the baby Jesus or God would not be happy with them. People have no respect while I on the other hand am polite and curtiouse. I say thank you and please as well as hold door's open. I am a rather nice guy. Here is how it went1.MrsV talks me into taking a family portrait. So we all get dressed up and head to the mall. I suddenly realize why I hate the mall and remember it was this time last year when I last went. We are running a bit late so I drop off the lovely MrsV and my spoiled Demon Child of a daughter at the entrance and tell them "to go sign in with the photographer I will meet you after I find a parking place." After wondering around the lot for what seemed like an eternity I finally see a little car backing out of a "compact space" so I wait paitently for her to back out so I can somehow squeeze my gas guzzling SUV in the space. Suddenly out from no where a little old lady in a Toyota comes form the opposite direction and whips in the space just as I was putting it in gear. I had my signal on and it was plainly obvious she knew what I was doing. So I jump out of my SUV and and pull the old lady from her car and shout in her face "YOU FUCKING CUNT THAT WAS MY SPACE" I then ripped off her glasses and threw them to the ground and stepped on them and screamed "THEY DID NOT WORK ANY WAY OR YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN ME YOU DUM BITCH" I then kicked her windsheid in for good mesure.2. I am buying ONE item at the market. I stand in a line. The woman in front of me has a big basket full of items, whereas I only have ONE item. She looks at me holding the ONE FUCKING ITEM but does not ask if I would like to go ahead of her. It took precisely 4minutes 23 seconds to serve this woman. It took less than 10 seconds to serve me. Why did she not show me a little bit more courtesy...because she is a BITCH and has horrible parents who did not raise her correctly.3. I go into a shop, it has a dedicated lottery register. The people who want to buy lottery tickets go to that register. I am standing in a line and infront of me is a man who is holding lottery slips and when he is served he hands over the lottery slips and asks for the lottery tickets. Meanwhile I am standing behind him, waiting.... SO I SHOUT INTO HIS EAR.."GET INTO THE DEDICATED LOTTERY LINE YOU FUCKING ASS MUNCHING DICKHEAD!!!!".4. I purchase an item in a shop which has a gift wrapping section. So I take my gift and join the line, it isn't a long line, no more than 3 people in front of me. So I wait. The man at the front of the line is now being served, he has a remote control car and asks for the gift wrapping people to make sure it works before they wrap it. They unpack the remote control car and start hunting around for batteries to power the car and then they have to read the instructions so they can be sure it works. When they have completed their tests they then have great difficulty getting the remote control car back into its original packaging. Meanwhile the line is getting longer and longer, and time is ticking by rather slowly. Ten minutes passes and I get fucking pissed off with this fucking guy so I get out of the line and approach him, I pick up the remote control car and throw it violently against a wall. I then say "I GUESS IT'S BROKEN!!! GO AND GET FUCKED AND HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS ".5. I go into a clothes shop and pick out a few nice blouses for the wife, I join the line that kind of looks very loose and informal, where exatly does the line start??? Well anyway, about ten seconds goes by and then the register operator shouts at me "HELLO???????" in a very impolite tone. I take my blouses to her and she looks at me as if I am from another planet and then laughs with her colleague. While she serves me she is talking with another customer, but totally ignoring me, even though she is serving me. Then she throws a pen down on the checkout and flicks a receipt at me - she then grunts at me. I sign the receipt and she then starts talking to the other customer again. . I was rather pissed off with this register operator so I bitch slapped her and laughed then to get my point across I poked her in the eye. She deserved it.6. As I walk into a shop I have a door close in my face, the person in front of me couldn't be bothered waiting for a brief moment to keep the door open, he just let if fly back in my face. That MOTHER FUCKER really got it, I shouted at the asshole "YOU MOTHER FUCKER" and charged at him knocking him down onto the floor. I then started jumping up and down on his shopping bags and then I kicked him hard in the face. I then shouted "WHEN YOU OPEN A DOOR YOU WILL KEEP IT OPEN FOR THE PERSON BEHIND YOU".Have a merry Christmas all posted by MrV at 5:44 PM postCount('110359561646062898'); Comments (2)Comments postCountTB('110359561646062898'); Trackback (0)Trackback Sunday, December 19, 2004 From the Sound Booth Ok I'll admit the view is not alwasys the best, but dam it's still one of the best seats in the house.... posted by MrV at 1:16 PM postCount('110348739619539327'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110348739619539327'); Trackback (0)Trackback Saturday, December 18, 2004 Political Rants and Other Stuff I have been taking a break from the whole political commentary thing because frankly I am getting a bit fed up with the whole seen and I had a powerful revelation that my little bitty blog really did not mean a whole hell of a fucken lot. It's not going to change the world, Muslims still hate America, politicians all are big shit bags, and frankly I was running a bit low on time and was not following them as close as I had in the weeks preceding the election. All of that regardless of the fact that I never intended this to be a "political Blog" and I have no desire to join the ranks of the pajama wearing "fuck Bush Blog's".But this past week I have been following this new intelligence bill reform that was signed by president Bush and while on the internet, I stumbled across an interesting quote on a left-leaning website. "They dicked around on the intelligence reform bill while 9/11 families stood outside and asked why their loved ones died for nothing." ( Died for nothing? Then according to this, what did they die for? So our politicians in Washington could create more bureaucracy with an intelligence reform bill? I sure the hell hope not.Lets get one thing straight, they didn't die because there was no intelligence reform. They died because some immoral bastards took their lives away from them because they thought their cause is higher than the lives of the innocent. Let's stop doing things in the name of those who died. I say let's start doing things in the name of those who are still living, and protect those still alive. I hate to break it to you people but the dead "are dead" they don't really give a fuck what we do.If protecting lives means an intelligence reform bill, then so be it. But do not pass the bill in the name of those who died, do it to protect those still alive. More likely, this means attacking people who want and have the capability to see Western Civilization destroyed. We will never get anywhere if we continue on with the charade of taking action for those who sadly passed away. What good will come out of that? Absolutely nothing. Take action to protect those still alive. What good will come out of this? Innocent lives will be protected, and we can win the war against terror.Ok bla bla bla their is my most recent political Blog.Other than a shitty week I have not ranted about much lately. But the simple fact is that I still am as brilliant as I think I am and I am also getting better looking by the day...That said I fucking ROCK!!!Finals on Monday and Tuesday. Yippee ky hey!!!! Bring them on Sean Bring them bucking on...Visalia is the place to play in the central valley and is rapidly becoming one of the great places to play in the state. Thanks to my man MrA who layed down the ground work and graciously invited me to jump on in and ride the wave some great independent bands and up and comers are making their way into the Central Valley and blessing us with their presence. I am now assisting in Booking some of the talent and running all in house sound operations which gives me a awesome front row seat and a chance to play with some great toys. Last week we had a bitching show on Friday with a band out of LA called Irving who was fresh of a tour with Franz Ferdinad. it was a standing room only and many of the regulars said the sound had "NEVER" sounded better MAN AM I FUCKING AWSOME!!!! Saturday was more hardcore for the rockers and the group Death House Chaplin (not as hardcore as the name sounds) was fucking fantastic and we had a great local band open for them. The local band thing is also my idea I really want to give local talent a place to play and give them the opportunity to play for a large crowd and see some future stars in the making.Tonight I am off again to Howie's; for we are showcasing a new indy label out of Fresno (which by the way that town is green with envy because they suck ASS) the best lives shows they can muster up are bands that play shitty renditions of Freebird and washed up Mettalica want-a-bees.But first I am taking my lovely wife and daughter to see my great grandparents for a little Christmas time celebration. I want to steal some one on one time with them before all the lame ass cousins and ass munchers get their on the big day.Holly shit Christmas is next week. Boy what a week it will be, Mr Toads wild ride is going to get even more intense , bridges will be crossed, and emotions will run high but it will be fucking great. Plenty of Blog material coming up in the next two weeks posted by MrV at 9:37 AM postCount('110299918614970661'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110299918614970661'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, December 15, 2004 Slapping my forehead at the disgusting perfection of hindsight Isn't just fucking hilarious how one day optimism can be overtaken pessimism and fear. One day your standing on the brink of finishing the race and claiming a mild but sweat victory in life then with one collapse of your foundation pillar everything comes tumbling down.I am so fucking tired of looking at the irony of the last few days...Few weeks..Few months... But alas there it is in plan fucking view.Is it me or does hindsight often mock us when we look back upon it. Yes their it is laughing, pointing, and reminding you of what was. But you wanted more.A few years ago when my daughters mother and I where splitting up I felt like somebody had stabbed my stomach and was slowly turning the knife back and forth. Not so much for the lose of love because once again in the "disgusting perfection of hindsight" I knew that relationship was over well before it started. (a story for another Blog) but the feeling was because I realized that my position as a father had been regulated to "weekend dad" at best. (But once again a story for another Blog).Back to the point it was then when everybody keep telling me "it could always be worse"..."Chin up it'll get better" ..."Don't dwell on it"...and whatever chicken shit fell good "pearl of wisdom" they would spew out. All those well intentioned people and their fantastic saying really helped very little and I took that lesson to heart and try to remember to keep my mouth shut and just let people ramble when they are pissed, sad, or just upset...To bad I did not know about Blogs then. I guess what I am saying is I really don't want to hear "I have been their"..."Don't quit now"..."It will all be worth it"...or my personal favorite "at least you still have each other" just shut the fuck up already....It doesn't help.Who the fuck down sizes before Christmas anyway...Isn't that the kind of shit that happens in the movies. Where is Jolly old St. Nick when you need him...I guess you can keep the I-pod there big man; I have a car paymet and fridge to fill so it's probably end up on eBay anyway.Oh well fuck it...what can you do to late to turn around to far in it to drop out...just keep looking toward the prize and hope you don't loose your temper. posted by MrV at 6:30 PM postCount('110316669481850815'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110316669481850815'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, December 13, 2004 Irony...It sucks...sometimes What the fuck, can you see the irony in your wife getting layed off at her job (which is your family cheif source of income) when you have just 1 more semester of school and finacialy your falling to pieces. Wait... did I mention that it's less than two weeks until christmas.Who ever came up with the old expesion "when it rains it pours" ..fuck him, I would like to punch him or her in the face. I mean just what the fuck do stupied sayings and expresions do to help the person. Hey fuckass unles it's pouring twenty dollar bills I don;t give a fuck!!!!FUCK FUCK FUCK THIS SUCKS.I have my health (which better last becasue the insurance is gone with the new year), I have my wife, my child, my dog, my cat, my house (hope the lanlord is understanding). All of that is fucking wonderful... but I also have student debt (worth ever penny), utilitie bills (who needs heat), car payments (one still does not work) , a family to feed (the wife can afford to loose a few pounds), and a dwindling checking acount.But I laugh and pour myself a drink. After all it is all part of a devine plan...right...hey GOD if your not fucking bussy appearing on a tortilla some where do you care TO FUCKING ENLIGHTEN ME. Some fucking plan this is working out friggan la la la I'm so friggggenn happy!!!!!!!!!!Son of a BITCH this blows this day really sucks hairy sweaty ass.Fuck You world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by MrV at 6:44 PM postCount('110287831284233847'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110287831284233847'); Trackback (0)Trackback Sunday, December 12, 2004 How do you know if your on the right track? when the tracks are goneand there'snothingleft but us,we'll wonder how long it's beenand how much we've lostfor what we've gained.and i'll think thatit's all just beenone giantgamebutyour smilewill makeeverythingseem rightand i'll know thatthe tracksarejuststarting. posted by MrV at 3:56 AM postCount('110299381520303288'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110299381520303288'); Trackback (0)Trackback Thursday, December 09, 2004 Only the Good Die Young "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott (1966-2004 )...I will never forget the first time I heard the album "Cowboys" from hell. I was still in high school watching the fall and demise of most of the great Metal Bands of the 80's and watching the rise of the grunge Bands of the 90's. The riffs cemetery gates alone made the album worth buying and all these years latter that CD quite often makes it's way into my changer.The first time I saw "Dimebag" was at a Pantera show in Oakland. While the lead singer Phil Alesmo vocals where powerful and captivating it was the riffs and the guitar playing by Dimebag which made Phil the singer he was and the band Pantera was. Imagine watching the shower seen in the movie Physco but with no sound; yes the seen itself was intense and could hold it's own weight but it's the music and sound which brought the goose bumps on the back of your neck. The energy at that particular concert was perhaps like no other and was one of the best shows I have been to. A couple of years latter I was fortunate enough to see them play again In Fresno.The intensity of his licks could pour out of his finger tips through the neck of his ax and resonate in my bones from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. Having somewhat evolved from my metal days the shear fact remains that "Far Beyond Driven" and "Cowboys from Hell" are two of my favorite metal albums ever.I would honestly have to say that the music industry lost one of the greatest guitar players ever last night. "Dimebag" will never get the name recogition and the respect as some of the old foggie fucktards that have come before him but he was truly great and will be missed.MrV rips a 21 riff salute to Dimebag posted by MrV at 11:26 PM postCount('110272498549718632'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110272498549718632'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, December 08, 2004 Takeing a walk As I walk through the miles of the thoughts in my head I wonder where I might find my mind. With my feet on the ground I step ahead. Step by step I follow the path. I am confused all the time. These feelings that make me feel the way I do. I feel like we are just living a memory. You think the ending to be such as a movies ending. Will I ever get it?. we relate with others feelings as they are of our own. Such as love and sadness but how can we do this?. I hope that one day I could be who I want to be. Will I ever catch up to these chances. Or not because the vision of who I want to be will change every time I reach, because I will want to be different then that when I am there. posted by MrV at 11:16 PM postCount('110264912618672249'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110264912618672249'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, December 06, 2004 Check your leval of insanity I have a sense of humor that most people probably don't understand. I am quirky and a bit wired and I can tell it is beginning to rub off on my daughter. I find it pleasantly easy and rewarding to maintain a small level of insanity and a warped sense of humor.Hear is a list that someone emailed me so you to can maintain a leval of insanity.At lunch time sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer att passing cars. See if they slow down.Page yourself over the intercom and don't disguise your voice. (always good for a laugh)Every time somebody ask you something, ask "if they want fries with that"Put a garbage can on your desk and label it "IN"Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everybody has gotten over their caffeine addiction, switch to espressoIn the memo line on your checks write "FOR SEXUAL FAVORS" my wife hates it when I do thatFinish all your sentences with "In Accordance with the Prophecy"Don't use any punctuationAs often as possible, Skip rather than walk.Ask people what sex they are then hysterically laugh when they answer (his is one of my fav's)Specify all your drive through orders "to go"sing along at the Operago to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhymeput mosquito netting around your work areas and play tropical sounds all dayfive days in advance tell your friends that you can't attend their party because your not in the mood (your almost assured not to ever be invited again)Have your co-workers address you by your wrestling or porn namewhen money comes out of the ATM Scream I WON! I WON!When leaving the zoo start running towards the parking lot yelling "run for your lives, they're loose!!!!"Tell your children over dinner "due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go" (that brought my daughter to tears it was hysterical but my wife was pissed)incorporate a few of these in your daily routine from time to time. It's great, worse case you will make yourself smile at best you will make someone else smileInsanity is great!!!! posted by MrV at 6:32 PM postCount('110238847816839291'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110238847816839291'); Trackback (0)Trackback Sunday, December 05, 2004 MrV Rule 456,678,923.87 "when asked to help someone move fake death" The next time somebody ask me to help them move I am going to fake some life threatening illness or just punch them in the gut real hard and run away screaming like a girl.That said you can guess how I spent my Saturday and I am none to happy about it. But what could I do, it was my in-laws and I was being teased and rewarded with some great sex.But the fact is my inlaws have far to much shit. I don't think my mother inlaw has thrown a dam thing away or gotten rid of anything in the past 19 years at that house. The best way to move these people would have been with a dumpster. My in-laws are great people but man are they packrats.I have decide that when the time comes for me to move I am just going to set fire to this place, collect the insurance money, walk away, and start over. posted by MrV at 10:26 AM postCount('110227151973123016'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('110227151973123016'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, December 03, 2004 Why have thou forsaken me!!! Broken again; Dam it!!!!!!! A cry of anger and a curse of frustration to the almighty Jeep Gods!!! "Why has though forsaken me!! You fucktards!!!Yes after parking my beloved Jeep because of a crack exhaust manifold and waiting a grueling six weeks (due to a extreme lack of funds, thank you collage) to be able to afford to fix it I finally get it back today. Just in time for the current snowboarding season.Now that MrV is reunited with his true love it should be cause for joy. Happiness for MrV can now spread throughout the land. The clouds will now part and sunshine will flow upon the Central Valley and the grass will turn green and the birds will chirp. Strangers will smile and say "I am happy for MrV". Wars will stop and peace will spread throughout the world. The hungry will be feed and the sick will be healed....But wait The Jeep Gods are not pleased with Mrv....Just thirty minutes on the mark after leaving the mechanics shop the Jeep Gods hurle their awesome power upon me and my love and destroyed the water pump.Now to the unbelievers they may say that because the jeep sat idle for six weeks the o-ring may have shriveled up and the bearing may have seized. They may say that because of the mileage the accessory drive is a bit old and time to be replace. But I the all mighty MrV a true believer in the power of the jeep gods say "FUCK YOU unbeliever"After bearing the humiliation of having my pride and joy towed to my garage and tucking it away nicely I sacrificed a whole day of doing my homework to please the jeep gods. If they find my sacrifice appealing maybe they will bless me with the funds to buy a new water pump.