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Thursday, September 30, 2004Thursday, September 30, 2004 Debate or a Joint Press conference Well the first of three debates have come and gone. I am sorry but calling these things debates are a friggin joke they are nothing more than "he said, I said" joint press conferences.Now both sides have run out to their spin machines and are going to try to claim victory for this so called debate. Personally I think both of them sucked ass. The thing about Bush is he may suck ass but you know where he is coming from. I have been both impressed and unimpressed with speeches from Bush and lets just chalk this one up to a draw. As for Kerry he came out swinging punches and he swung a few of them. But Bush held his ground fairly well(sidebar) the local news talk station has come out and said Kerry has won the debate and 26% of undecided has swung a bit more favorable toward Kerry ...This same media also declared Al Gore the winner of the debated on 2000 but the poles showed otherwise so we shall seeA quick thought on the undecided....If anybody and I guess there are quit a few of them have no clue whom they are voting for this late in the election cycle during this "specific election" cycle then I personally feel they have no business casting their uniformed vote.Now Kerry has dug himself a hole and has flipped flopped on key issues so many time I am not sure where he stand. In fact the most interesting thing about this debate was trying to watch and see if Kerry flipped flopped in mid sentence. Kerry really has no credibility on Iraq because he has in fact changed his opinions so many times. It was interesting to see how many time he keep relating to his vietnam service to the war in Iraq but lets be honest the true comaprison are Kerry didn’t want to be in Vietnam, he thinks the war in Iraq is the wrong war and the wrong time. Kerry did everything possible to undermine and cause dissent in the war in Vietnam, and he uses those same tactics when he talks about the war on terrorism and the war in Iraq. Kerry says he supports the troops in Iraq, yet votes to not supply the tools necessary for the troops to fight the war with the significant upper hand.Bush's credibility comes from his straight fowardness and the fact that he does not waiver in his opinions. But Bush missed a key oppertunity to tell Kery that you do not sit down and hold summits and talks with people that cut the heads of civilains and massacure inocent school children. Bush really needed to come out swinging and take the offense but he sadly missed a couple of key oppertunity and spent most of the night on the deffensiveIn my humble opinion I will give this one to Kerry, but as far as substance I will stand by Bush and hope that he wins. I personally feel that if Kerry wins this election then we the innocent Americans within our own borders will be at risk and some of us will die.BUSH/CHENEY in 2004 posted by MrV at 7:57 PM postCount('109660076973175792'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109660076973175792'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, September 29, 2004 Slow News Day "thieves steal world's tallest woman's van" , "8 puppies found in dumster" and "Lennon to quit Tonight show in five years"...The interesting thing about these headlines is that they where considered of national importance and under the national news ABC banner on my ISP homepage. Is it me or does it seem like a really slow news day. Is this the best that ABC can do is it any wonder that the big three news networks are sinking, think about if this is the best that ABC can do and CBS (Contrived bull shit) has to make up story's then things have gotten pretty bad. CNN (communist news network) and FOX news are not much better either.As for Lenno, he was never funny anyway its to bad he has never relized it and it is going to take him another five years to get the fuck of tv. It just goes to show how intelluctly challenged this country has become when Lenno can actually beat Letterman in the rateings. Prehaps if Dave used smaller words and took the time to explain some if his sourcasim then the brain dead mornons whom think Lenno is funny could keep up and tune in, but then we supperior ones would then have to regress back in time to enable these retards along.This is what happens when you relize you are wasiting your money in collage posted by MrV at 5:03 PM postCount('109659197742392013'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109659197742392013'); Trackback (0)Trackback Saturday, September 25, 2004 If the Dems get their way in CA Well I was reading the paper this morning and see that some Mexican American advocacy groups are pissed off the "the Govenator" vetoed the latest attempt to give "illegal aliens" drivers licenses. So now these fucktards are threatening to boycott..Big fucken deal go an attempt to provide some touchy feelings to the situation the California press has taken to calling the people undocumented workers, but I reuse to give them that dignity and call it like I see it they are law breaking illegal aliens. Now I know the common argument "we where all alien's at one time unless you native Americana" that stupid argument holds about as much weight as blaming all white men for slavery. We are a nation of laws and the law says that if you want to come to this country then do it legally. What the proponents will try and say is it will make the roads safer because more people will pass the DMV test and have insurance. Wrong...The fact is my 6 year old daughter would have very little trouble passing the written test in fact my friend whom "immigrated for Scotland legally" had his middles school son take the written exam and he scored a 100. As for insurance the CHP sadistic say that 25% of all drivers on Ca freeway have no insurance at any one time. There is no follow up so some one with a month to month policy can obtain insurance in order to get their license and then drop it.The other argument is that these people do the work that we American's won't do. Well that dog just don't hunt with me, I have spent many of time mowing lawns, washing dishes, and picking oranges as a kid to make money. The fact is their is no real punishment for people whom employ these aliens. Border patrol and Homeland security has fallen short in this area. Really all we can do is curse and wish a pox upon the people that hire these "illegal aliens"What this is, is an attempt to allow illegal alien's the right to vote. Because one they have a legal form of ID they can then register to vote. Not to mention Gray Davis precursor to the "illegal driver license" issue which was the motor voter law which allows you to register to vote automatically when obtaining your licensee. If illegal alien's are given drivers license then the fact is they will have no incentive to come legally. We already provide free health care and education. Having married an immigrant who just last year obtained her citizenship; this idea of giving alien's the right to vote undermines the responsibility and effort she undertook. posted by MrV at 1:12 PM postCount('109614315143723426'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109614315143723426'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, September 24, 2004 Music reviews and political opinions I picked up a couple of cds today. The new Green Day and Franz Ferdinan. I have never been a big Green Day fan, I had the privilege of seeing them years ago before the really broke big with their first commercial album. The venue could not have been much bigger than my living room and they where playing with a local favorite at the time called Plaid retina, anyway to get to the point most of the crowd left after Plaid retina and Green Day sucked ass. But their new album is really good the riffs and the guitar playing has really progressed into something and the lyrics are thought provoking. I may not agree with then but they make you think. But the best of the to would be Franz Ferdinan a Scottish group on a quest to bring back pop music. The beats the guitar playing and the change ups are fantastic. A really great album that will stay in my CD changer for some time. I also picked up an old favorite that had on cassette from days long gone that I found on CD, The Ramons "Acid Eaters" I had forgot how much grease that Johny had on that guitar but what a fantastic album. That's another group that I will regret never having seen live.Is it just me or are the strings hanging off of Kerry becoming more visible. He sunk to a new low the other day when he berated on the Prime minister of Iraq at the same time Ayad Allawi was thanking our people for our sacrifice. What a shit bag Kerry has become and the last minute desperation of his campaign is almost laughable. To watch is metamorphasis from a pro war presidential candied to flip flopping, no back bone, anti war canadaint is dam near amazing. If you don't believe me just watch this 12 minute movie. This is not right wing commercial this is a video narrated by non other than John FUBAR Kerry himself. Kerry has no core principles and new true set of values. I don't have to agree with everything a politician says but I do respect them when they have a vision and principles and do not wavier from the, hence George W. Bush.I had the privilege of seeing "America's Mayor" yesterday. I have never paid before to go a political event ($25, usually the events are much more and out of my price range) but Rudy was hear campaigning for Bill Jones senate race. I got say I really like Rudy and I think I got a glimps at the future republicans nominee for 2008. It was a great speech and a great event, but like a dumb ass forgot to charge the batteries of the camera. Unfortunately I do believe his efforts on Jones are wasted. Jones is a great canadiant and would make a fabulous Senator but their is not fire in his campaign and he is virtually unknown throughout the Southern part of the state and bay area. It is those to parts which unforntantly seem to determine whom our representatives are.I just found out the other day that that old song by REM "what's the frequency Kenneth" is based on a time where Dan Rather got the shit beat out of him on the street by a nut bag who thought CBS was sending signals to his brain. I never new that but really thought that was cool.My predications is that Baghdad Dan will soon be on his way to the old folk home....CBS = Contrived Bull Shit posted by MrV at 11:40 PM postCount('109614078248595394'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109614078248595394'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, September 22, 2004 Watching a man die I just watched a man die... Nothing I can possibly say will truly express how revolting and awful it was. I am not sure why I sat through it other than I had to see just how disgusting and truly pathetic Islam and those who kill in the name of Islam are.I saw a man who was scared and knew he was going to die, it looked like he was sitting in a kneeling position and his legs underneath him. He was bound with his hands tied behind his back and blind folded. He was unarmed and crying....Then he was killed.An unarmed, bound, crying man killed in the name of fucking Allah by a pathetic sub human of a person ....Once again though the Muslim community remains quite and says nothing....A religion of peace whom treat their women like dogshit, massacre children, and behead unarmed bound innocent men who where there to rebuild their piece of shit country.I may not sleep as well tonight because this image is burned into my head. Eugene Armstrong brutal death makes the Nick Berg video look G-Rated, once again Islam you fucking amaze me. Nothing I could say is adequate enough to comment on those fucking cowards who kill innocence and those who keep quite in there name. posted by MrV at 8:40 PM postCount('109591229045023215'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109591229045023215'); Trackback (0)Trackback Tuesday, September 21, 2004 I am a "pajama wearing" pissed off nut job! I am so fucking pissed right now! I am surrounded by idiots whom have not got a fucking clue on life and it is a goddamn wonder that these jackass can fucking dress themselves. If have of these fucktards manage to finish school and get there A & P liecesne and degree then so help my god I will never fly again.I am so sick of this panty ass state and its dumb ass fucks whom sit around and elect a fucken moron like Arnold Swartzanigger to office. So he was in town again yesterday to help campaign for some other puppet piece of shit he wants elected to the state house. As if we need any more reason to think Arnold is a self serving piece of shit let me give you reason 4,894 and 4,895 to hate the fuck. First of all he signed the ban on the 50 caliber gun. While that in it self is really not a big deal it is the reasoning and lunacy behind it. While I am a supporter of the 2nd amendment I think old Charles and his group the NRA are a bunch of fucking nut jobs. But the fact that Arnold signed the bane of the 50 cal because he believes it can be used by a terrorist to bring down a jet liner. "WHAT FUCKING PLANET ARE YOU ON!!!" A 50 cal has about as much of a chance bringing down a jet liner as me and my daughter standing on the roof tossing stones. As for reason number 4,895 he signed the bill that would outlaw the use of Indian mascots in high school sports. Brilliant move dum ass, take a city like Tulare which is already suffering from your budget cuts and strap another $96,000 each year for the next 2 years for the purchase of new uniforms, letterhead, and painting of the school. As for you Indians that are offended by the use of your image as a mascot, grow the fuck up. I won't get offended by your tacky casinos springing up all over the dam state (using the same fucking mascot) and you can lay off the high schools.A & P school is a fucking joke and a big waist of my time. I have laid farts that where more challenging than that school. The fact is I have so much invested in it I won't quit but I seriously doubt that I want to spend the rest of my life working in some shop surrounded by a bunch of imbreed, war mongering, racist bigots that would fuck their own sister if they thought they could get away with it. If the people of Fresno Ca are any relfection of the rest of the country it is a serious wonder how this nation rose to be the supper power it is. I did not walk away from a dam good paying job to continue my education and spend a ton of money, take out student loans, and barley see my wife for a year and a half so I could settle for some p.o.s. 11 dollar an hour job. People are so fucking stupid around hear and so brain washed by business that they think and 11 dollar an hour job is as good as the fucking lottery. I was working for a company a few years back that paid 13.75 plus overtime after 8 but you where guaranteed 12 hours a day. It wasn't a bad job till the fucking owner sold it to the compition and they cam through and told us we would all do the same job for 9 and a guarantee of 10 hours. Well it was peak season and these fuck would not have found anybody to their job for them so I tried to organize the crew and counter offer but those panty waist chicken sit assholes sold out for 9 bucks.The thing about it and this has been the topic of some very serious conversations with my wife is that in hindsight I would not have wasted my fucking time with going back to collage. It has affected everything in my life and I may be self serving and selfish but I am tired of people telling me to think about the fucking future. This past two years has all but drained me finaicaly, my music has suffered, me and my wife are nearly strangers masquerading as roommates, the summer is over and I have not done a fucking thing worth remarking on and I feel me and my daughter are drifting apart. To top it off I live in one of the most undervalued economically depressed areas in the country so the prospect of a great job waiting for me is about as much as monkey flying out of my ass. Relocating is no big deal but I am limited somewhat because of my daughter, their is a whole different story....I have recently discovered why it is so much fucking easier just to walk away. Maybe the chain was not meet to be broken, but the fact is I have a penis so that is a serious drawback when facing the judge. Once again in hindsight it would have been so much easier just to cut the loses and skip town. Seriously driving a truck was not so bad in fact it was quit good to me...The thought of being a drain to my daughter and wife has seriously been fucking with my mind. I could be in a truck tomorrow half way across the fucking country with no god dam care in the fucking world.The story of my life in writing would be the great cure all for insomnia. Hear I am sitting in my "pajamas" (fuck you Dan Rather) full of regrets and pissed at the world. But the fact is I would not walk across the street to piss on the neighbor if they where on fire. I have had problems with anger before but have delt with them usually by kicking some ass or getting a good ass kisking but I have to much to lose...But then again do I posted by MrV at 11:33 PM postCount('109582530580099476'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109582530580099476'); Trackback (0)Trackback Sunday, September 19, 2004 Influential Music I got so excited yesterday when I hear the the Nirvana box set is going to finally be released late in November. It looks like the lawsuit's and arguments are finally finished so us fans can have a little more.Nirvana by far was one of the most influential groups of my generation. I was debating this fact a few months ago at the aniversiery of Kurts death with my socialist friend Paul. Being from the other side of the pond and a few years my senior Paul seemed to think that Nirvan was "bloody piss" and that music had reached its pinnacle with John Lennon and the Clash. I then tried to explain to him that as John Lennon spoke to his generation he did not speak to mine. We could not relate to him, his message did not resonate in our ears he had a different message for a different time. So he gave me a copy of a NYC concert and told me to give it a good listen to. Sorry buddy but Yoko shrill screaming stole whatever message he had in it. God and Imagine where some powerful songs don't get me wrong but for the most part he did not speak to me and my generation. The Clash on the otherhand never had much commercial success in America so was not until latter in life when I found them.I remember sneaking out of my moms house my freshman year and me and some friends drove into town. During those years our small little town had a pretty cool Indy music scene. I remember going to the rec center and paying my 2$ to see a group I had never heard not seen I my life. All in all their was probably 30 people there tops (including the group) . There it was where I "felt" my first bass line. I stood right there in front of the speaker and could feel the notes vibrate down to the bone. These guys where three of the most ragged bums I had ever seen their cloths where thrashed and their equipment was worn. But they played with a heart and a passion that I had not seen and have seen very little even to this day.The bands name was Nirvana (pre Dave Grohl) and they spoke to me and changed me. It was there standing in front of the speakers that I decided I was going to make music. I finally had a voice, an outlet, a venue to vent my fustrations at life. I walked out of their with a buzz in my head, a buzz in my ear, a cheaply packaged cassette of "bleach" (which I soon lost), a sizzle platter with six songs on it (now very rare, never been played, and signed), and a passion to play music.I soon got my first guitar and formed a band, and couple of years latter recorded some of my first songs on a shitty sounding 4 track. I spent those years following Nirvan and remember where I was when I found out he had killed himself. He was a voice for me and my generation. He spoke from the heart and transformed the face of music forever. While I think grunge has been grossly perverted since his time Kurt and Nirvana will always be a major part of me and my influence.Remember Santa November 23 ..... posted by MrV at 11:08 AM postCount('109561916853985527'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109561916853985527'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, September 17, 2004 John F(fubar) Kerry I have taken a break from politics for a couple of days because I have to spend most of my day with a devout socialist who has been spewing forth his retorich the last several days and being that most the people in my class have an IQ around the size of their shoe I am usually the one that steps up and debates his ass.But yet it is also funny just to lay back an observe as desperation sets in and campaigns began to self implode. I really enjoyed Howard Deans meltdown and it look like Kerrys will be even better.I ws reading an article and it seems like Kerry called in to the Don Imus show (Going for the more intimate audience being how Imus only has about 8 listeners) anyway he say he is not going to take it any more and is going to get tuff and take the gloves off. Big talk from the same man the cried "mommy" when the Swift Boats for truth cam forth or when Bush and Chenny try to expose your senatorial record. Look at it this way 19 years in the senate and he has not authored one major piece of legislation. Hey John instead of bitching about the assault weapons bill and telling us it is Bush fault that it has expired why didn't you author the piece of legislation to extend it? Simple answer you won't do anything that might get your hands dirty.Kerry wants to make fun of the "W" in George Bush name saying it stand for wrong, ok then. We all know that John Kerry secretly wishes the "F" in his name stood for Fitzgerald but what it really stand for is FUBAR(fucked up beyond all recognition) John if your going to throw the punched and play with the big boys then stand up and take the ones thrown at you like a man. If you can't even run a campaign how the hell are you going to run a country.Now on to something else....Yesterday I cam home and went to the garage and pulled out this big old Rubermaid bin inside it it are several hundred cassette tapes (a music media gone but not forgotten) after finding the right one I put it in the tape deck and hit played and remembered....Hell I even picked up my stratacaster and hit a few notes along with the song...The Romanes will me memorlized by the commercial bands that they influenced such as the Chil peppers, Greenday, and Pearl Jam. But they will also me remembered by those of us musicians and bar bands that have never and will never strikefame and comercailization. I was about 14 when I to relized that "I wana be sedated"....John Kerrys new war on Terrorism posted by MrV at 8:33 AM postCount('109543743934514703'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109543743934514703'); Trackback (0)Trackback Thursday, September 16, 2004 "For the love of the Game" I may be un Americana in saying so but I really don't give a rats ass about sports. Yes I do follow the end results of the various season and generally know who is out in the front of the pack. In my line of work and place I hang out it is kind of hard not to. But overall I really could give a shit who makes the play offs, finals, super bowl, or world series. Just the shear fact that the winner of these predominately Americana (I say that because their are a few Canadian teams) are crowned "World Champs" is bullshit because the last I checked the world was a bit bigger than North Americana.But on to my point, today during lunch some fellow classmates where debating the current hockey lockout. The only thing that kept me from falling asleep during the conversation was my sandwich was dribbling mustard down my chin. But I had to get invovled when I heard someone state "these guys should feel fortunate and be playing for the shear love of the game"....What a bunch of crap. This is how these guys make their livings, it would be like saying I should go pour beer tonight for a bunch of sportfans (kind of ironic) at the bar tonight for the shear love of pouring beer. Or perhaps the guy that took my cash at the gas station should be doing it for the shear love of watching "Big Oil" fuck me over at the pump. I am no big fan of unions I personally think they have outlived their need, but I do think they are appropriate when dealing with professional sports. These guys train all their live and have a shelf span of maybe 5-7 years tops, so far be it from me to get in the way of them making all they can. Hell if they did not make the money could you imagine how much would be pouring into the pockets of the team owners.Personally I think all pro teams should lock out their players and try to restructure their salary caps and really I could give a shit who wins. But if pro teams are not playing then FOX would have no reason to pre-empt "The Simpson" with some dumb ass game. posted by MrV at 5:26 PM postCount('109538173574224574'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109538173574224574'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, September 15, 2004 Bloging on The most interesting thing I have learned this past couple of weeks is that a turbine engine has more in common with your average street hooker that their distant cusine the piston engine...Something about suck, squeeze, bang, and blow....It's enough to turn me on. I better be careful or the wife will get jealous. Its rather interesting to fire one of those engines up and see the power that those things put out. A understanding has been reached between me and Sean, although I still have issues with his attitude and style I do understand him and respect the challenge he has laid down. He got me once but he won't get me again.Not to be out done by United Airlines I see that Delta is announcing layoffs and impending bankruptcy and Americana Airlines is also filing for bankruptcy the for the second time in two years. Way to go, I wonder of Bush and Co. Will think about bailing them out again. "the future is so bright I gotta wear shades" I better practice my hamburger flipping technique because jobs at McDonald's are going to be pretty competitive. But alas it could be worse I could be by own boss cruising down the highway in charge of 80,000lbs of raw power with my favorite tunes on the radio in my comfortably climate controlled cab seeing this beautiful country and all its wonders...Yes hindsight is always 20/20...Never thought I would miss those beast but I guess its true what the "old timers" say "once its in your blood you cant shake the feeling"....Pandaro's box and all its fuery has been opened. Hopefully I made the right decision ....once again that dam hindsight thing......Ok, on to politics but I am tired so only for a bit...Dan Rather is a piece of shit lyeing douce bag and needs to be put out to pasture....Dan all I can say is Bagdad Bob would be so proud of you.Hear is a hypothetical....Just pretend that you are a full time student and working part time as a bartender/flunky at a local establishment. Your beautiful wife on the otherhand his working her ass off at her primary job and is also working a couple of nights a week at a part time gig to help out. Pretend your friends ask you to go out for a few beers on the one night in several days that you and your wife both can be home at the same time. Even go on to pretend that you call and asks her permission and in that sad disappointed voice she says "yea if you really want to go ahead and go" ........ The point of the story is to be prepared to sleep on the couch, have the JC penny card maxed, and hear about it for the next two weeks......"CBS News is not prepared to reveal its confidential sources or the method by which 60 MINUTES Wednesday received the documentsOn this occasion, I am not going to mention the number of the infidels who were killed and the number of destroyed vehicles. The operation continues. posted by MrV at 5:05 PM postCount('109529653720245957'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109529653720245957'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, September 13, 2004 A letter to Manual Even though I have never meet you, I feel like I know you very well. Your sister has your same infectious smile in fact it is what attracted me to her. Your portrait graces our living room and I have been fortunate enough to have had many of story's involving you shared with me. Your sister Luisa has become my wife and to this day she believes you where there at our wedding. Luisa has said many of times that we are a lot alike and she swears we would have been the best of friends.Its been several years to the day since some vile shitbag of evil took you away in a senseless act of mindless violence. Why they did no one is quite sure. The coldness and the randomness of your tragic end is gut wrenching and unexplainable. But the loss of yourself has created a family who's bond is stronger than ever before. Sisters have grown up and gotten married, your brother and sister has had more children, two wonderful girls, making you an uncle once more. The older nieces speak often of you "Uncle Manual" keeping your memory alive for those of us who never got to meet you. you parents have overcome the heartach; while they will never forgett they have learned to except. They are on the verge of moving to a new house, they are empty nesters now and moving on to a new chapter of life. A whole community came together to lay you to rest and to this day mention or memory of your name will bring a smile to the face of anybody that new you.They say that when you die you are taken off to a better place. I have always had a hard time with that one because I do believe that life with all its heartache and pain is truly a great thing. Sadly your life ended after only 20 years, but I have never heard or meet someone that has touched so may people in such a short time.Manual Toste Jr. We never have and never will (at least on this earth) be formerly introduced, but name is Vinson Bellar. I wish I could have meet you for I am sure we would have been friends. Your sister is a fabulous person and is the sanity to my life and I give you my word has I gave it to your father and to George that I will look after her and protect her for the rest of my life.Tonight i will take my wife out and together we will relfect on how preciouse life is. We will laugh and probably cry and over time everyone heels but no one has or will ever forget. So take a moment if you can and look down on Luisa adn give her a wink, smile, hug, or even a nod she could use it coming form youEvil can only separate loved ones from each other for a short time. Someday you and your family will all be united again. Perhaps we will all sit down for a traditional Portuguese food. Until then keep the beer cold and take care....your brother in law....Vinson posted by MrV at 11:12 AM postCount('109509933970819320'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109509933970819320'); Trackback (0)Trackback Saturday, September 11, 2004 What to say..... Today is September 11, you would have to be living under a rock the last three years not to know the significance of the day. But there is nothing more I can say that has not already been said other than I have personally have changed since then I will always remember where I was and how I felt when I found out. If By chance this is the first post you have read of mine then scroll on down and you will see how I feel about terrorism and Islamic shitbags.But how about some insight for I have no formerly introduced myself. One thing up front this is not intended to be a purely political rant Blog, but I do love politics so be it, but I would also like to blog my life and observations so please indulge me....Imaturitiys: While there are lots of them some of my biggest ones are farts. I think its hilarious when people fart and I find great humor in knowing that everyone I come across has more than likely farted and sat down to squeeze a turd within the last 24 hoursConfessions: I do judge "books by the cover" and find that my first impression is generally right whether it be people or books.If it was not for my daughter and wife I would probably be smoking a lot of dope and drinking more.Some of my fondest memories are while I was drunk, stoned, or both leading me to believe that drugs and drinking are not all that bad.Don't tell me wife but I really do not like Portuguese food........Facts:I find it impossible to take people as serious after seeing them nude.People do not want an honest answer to the question "Do I look fat in this?"I am as brilliant as I think I amI really dig CSI and am looking forward to CSI NYC but the promo for CSI "insert your address hear" really freaks me out.I think the CIA is tapping my cell phoneMy wife really lowered her standards with me.If I was a woman I would be a slutty one.Questions:Why is it that when people are showing off photos of new born baby's everyone says "how cute, awe, its so darling" when truffle most newborns look like a pink or purple ball of flesh?Who came up with the idea that tipping is based on the price of your meal. Is a 35 $ steak dinner harder to carry than 10$ hamburger and fries?Does my Ford Explorer have a machinist pulse that attract all shopping carts to hit it?Why is it the only times my wife and daughter ever listen to me; truly the times I wish they wouldn't?How many dam licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?LikesWatching my daughter get me a beer and seeing the satisfaction when she can open the twist off.Stealing money fom my wipes purse, hell stealing from my daughters as well.Frank Zappa, Neil young....molesting my guitars and hanging with my familyLaughing at geeks who spend to much time on the computermaking fun of people who are to stupid to realize they are being mad fun ofLife is grand and I am blessesd. Take some time out today to look back, remeber, ponder, reflect, think, or even pray. "A Tuesday in September" America's terrible reminder of just what war is all about I'm sure many of my favorite song writers are also filled with inspiration they'd rather be without They write better songs than I do but somehow I have to try to create one thing that is true sometime before I die Chorus: Deep in my heart I do believe that peace will come some day I've got no good reason but I believe it anyway They say we've lost five thousand, five thousand, maybe more and the people all around me are getting ready to go to war Flags and white ribbons won't bring anyone back from the dead but be careful where you say that or they'll call you a Godless commie red Chorus People say it's like a movie or a terrible dream I just want to climb to the top of a mountain, yell and scream I begin to pray to the God I doubt is there "let me be your lantern in this long night of despair." Chorus What once was posted by MrV at 2:30 AM postCount('109485063239356484'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109485063239356484'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, September 10, 2004 Speak up or F#CK OFF Islam One of the most decorated soldiers in World War II. The 100th had the dubious distinction of being called the "Purple Heart Battalion" because almost everyone who served in the 100th had at least one Purple Heart. Like the Tuskeegee Airmen, the 100th Battalion/ 442nd Regimental Combat Team had to fight two wars, one in Europe and one at home. At full strength the 442nd only numbered 4,500 men, but this unit earned over 3,900 individual decorations.-From the book "Americans:The Story of the 442nd Combat Team"Other sources recorded higher numbers, but I decided to use the more conservative numbers. Being that I am product of the public education system I do not let that hold me back because while I am humble I relize that I was blessed with above average intelegience and I am literally a genious. So I remember reading about this in high school and it only took about 30 minutes to research it on the net. So what's my point...Go grab some coffee and I will explain it to you..... Ok ready folks hear goes, my brilliant point is this. These folk where second and third generation Japanese American's who overcame interment and bigotry brought on by the attack of Pearl Harbor and went on to defend their country (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not Japan) bravely becoming one of the most decorated Battalions of the war. These young men came from the interment camps and despite that still fought for the country in which they where born, lived, and loved. Now to bring it to today....Islamic Muslims are not new to this country, many have been born hear and many have family roots that go way back. In today's society we are not rounding them up and putting them in interment camps what we are doing is defending ourselves whether preemptively or after the fact. What we are doing is liberated not one but two country's in which woman are treated like cattle and the common folk live in stone age conditions. These animals, and I use that term loosely because I don't think most animals would behave in the way these subhumans are, have killed thousands of innocent people, blown up civilian targets, kidnapped civilians and beheaded them, and more recently killed three hundred plus children after rapping and mutilating them. One particular story about that school massacre is the one where the little boy asked his captors for a glass of water then was stabbed several time with a bayonet, that image haunts me. These people are sub human scum and the Muslims of the world are doing very little to stop these savages. I read an article the other day about American Muslim leaders debating whether to support Kerry or Bush, unfortunately I did not save it it was pre blog. But it should not even be a debate the choice is a no brainier. The Americana Muslim needs to stand up and unite and give us 442 because all I see is a bunch of want to be intellects trying to justify savage behavior and convince me that their religion is one of peace. Well Muhammad ...I got news for you I am no fool and I have read the English translation of the book of Koran and their is nothing peaceful about it and I dare you to prove me wrong!! I am fed up with it like many other Americans, if the muslim community wants us to believe they are a religion of peace then they need to unite as one and come out against these fucktards. I am talking on a large scale I don't mean to impune the work or the voice of Joe blow Americana Muslim I WANT TO SEE THE EQUIVALENT OF A MUSLIM 442. Because until then I would not walk across a street to piss on a Mausk if it was on fire...... (click the title of this post to read about the 442) posted by MrV at 9:20 AM postCount('109480820341371169'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109480820341371169'); Trackback (0)Trackback Wednesday, September 08, 2004 Wonderful Wensdays!!!!! Ok guys ready for a ramble, go grab a beer and sit back will I rant for a bit this whole Blog is new to me and I have been having fun with it.Its seems the Dems and especially McAuliffe are once again dredging up "W" national guard record. Now I am by no means the biggest Bush fan in fact I part ways with him on just about everything other than his war on terror. But this crap about drudging up his service record over 30 years ago is a bunch of shit. I can sum all this up in three letters people; CIA, think about people I don't give a rats ass who you are if your father is the head of the CIA then you are not going to a foreign country to fight in a war. Hell even during peace time you will probably serve some cushy desk job. I'll put it to you people another way I could care less if bush was a draft dodging, peace loving, dope smoking, sax playing hippie, protesting his country overseas ...."Wait a minute that was Clinton" and I liked him and could care less that he got a blow job in the oval office. I could give a rats ass what Bush did 30 years ago I care about what he did the last four years and what he will do the next four years.Now I have not comented on this Russian hostage crises with these Chechnyan "Islamic Terrorist" because I have been blown away by it as I watched it unfold. Like 9/11 nearly three years ago I remember exactly where I was when I heard about it. People we need to wake up because this is scary and if we think it can not happen hear then we are blind and stupid. My question to you peace loving Muslims is where is the outrage where is the anger? These people have rapped, killed, and mutilated over 350 children in your name. I was reading a French paper this morning and it referred to these people as "commandos" hell Dan Rather won't even refer to them as terrorist he likes to use the term "freedom fighter" or "hostage takers". These people are terrorist and nothing more they are animal's who have high jacked a religion and perveted it in such a fashion that very few people know the really meaning of being a Muslim.It's to bad this had to happen for President Vladimir Putin to get his head out of his ass to see the problem of global terrorism do something about it.On to more pleasant things I have just read the first issue of Sound & Vision and kudos to Vernal Falls for putting out a great local magazine. Looking forward to seeing the next issues and catching your next show.Let's not forget you Sean, yea you still can kiss my arse you truly are a piece of work. Don't sit their and let half your class fail then have the nerve to tell us its our fault. When over 50% of your class is failing then you really ought to think of teaching style. But then again putting people down and showing us who's the boss must make you feel real good. Must be be the short mans syndrome don't forget you fucktard this is not the military. Get a clue and get a life you can trip me up on some unrealistic subjective test but thankfully the labs are worth more. Either the engine works or it doesn't ...Right short man....Piss off!!!! posted by MrV at 6:18 PM postCount('109469578292548997'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109469578292548997'); Trackback (0)Trackback Tuesday, September 07, 2004 Terrible Tuesdays I see United Airlines is laying off 4,500 A&P's to bad for them not bad for the Chinese. See they are laying off 4,500 Americana workers so they can outsourcing their mantiance to the Chinese. Wasn't it our government who bailed these dumb ass's out just a couple of years ago? Way to go guys... I feel so good about going to school now. See me and my wife where just having this discussion yesterday. I am very grateful for all her hardworking sacrifice but hindsight being 20/20 if I had realized all the bull shit and crap that would go on in life I would not have quit my job and gone back to school. My wife was a little dismayed at that attitude but I was just being honest. Not to worry though I have to much vested into it and I am 7 months shy of being done so I will not quite now. But I can see the future and it will probably sound something like this "hello, I have and A&P license and a collage degree, would you like fries with that"Is it me or do long weekends as great as they are usually lead to what seems like long weeks even though they are usually a day or more shorter. Speaking of weekends I had a good one and want to give kudos to local talent "Vernal Fall's" great show guys. Musically I have come up with a few new melodies and songs and perhaps I will lay down some tracks in the near future. Chapter 11 has evolved into the band "dull intentions" a named that I coined in a song I had recently written. It seems that in the nearby town their is a band called Chapter 1 that has been around longer and really sucks so we did not want to be confused with them. Although things are rather slow with us right now to to our schedules we are hoping to do a few bar gigs latter this year.Well on to better things a cold beer and dinner await me..... posted by MrV at 8:10 PM postCount('109461385117043686'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109461385117043686'); Trackback (0)Trackback Monday, September 06, 2004 Hey Bruce "Shut the F#ck Up" Well it seems that a bunch of musical elitist are coming out of their mansions and gated compounds so they can form an alliance and go on tour and tell us all not to vote for Bush. It also seems that Mr. New Jersy is the ring leader of this ensemble of rerun hasbeens sprinkled with some decant talent.Way to go Bruce, you have not got a dam clue but way to go. I am glad "the rising" did well for my friend because you have not released anything worthy of a nod or bugger pick since philledaphia. REM, Dave Mathews, and Sheryl Crow are just a few of the more noticeable bands on this tour.Let me state I have no problem with these people having an opinion, hell they can even write songs about there opinion. But lets flash back to the ditzy Chicks and their brilliant front person Natalie. You have a right to say what you want but the fans have no obligation to support your opinion nor do they've life long contracts to support your music. Haveing been a one time fan of theirs I would not walk across the street to piss on them if they where on fire. Make your point with your music or be brave and take a stance every time your on stage or in print in some pathitic rag of a music magizine but then be prepared to reap the consicuensies of your statements weather good or bad.The fact is when I go to a concert I don't want to go to some dam political rally. Alice Cooper said it best on the teli the other night (one of the few noticeable things he has ever said) "these people are rock stars, what the "F" do they know about politics." This is not to diminish there charitable work or even their opinion. Bono was on O'Reily the other night and refuse to endorse anybody (golly Bill ever stop to think he could'nt vote) but Bono's point was that he is doing for the cause not the person if he endorses a person then the cause gets overshadowed. I can respect that Bono, I can also respect the millions that you have given to fight AIDS in Africa.I am just friggen fed up with a bunch of millionaire eleastist coming out of their mansions, compounds, and small island and trying to relate with me the common man and telling me they no what's best for me. I live hear in CA where every dam has been of an actor is trying to run for politics so they can tell me what's best. Queen Streisand came out a couple of years ago during the black outs and tried telling us common folk to conserve energy use candles and cloths lines and try driving smaller cars. When pictures of her plush 22 room estate with stadium lighting and no cloths line along with her Hummer limousine appeared in the paper she had the nerve to say, those suggestion did not apply to her.My point is simple, musician should just shut the F#ck up and play. Put on a show a tour or make a video. Just dont turn it into a political rally. I would like to think that the people where not booing the Kerry girls or Bush twins (both sets of girls booed just as equally) the other not at the MTV video awards because of their politics or message but they where booed because of the inappropriateness of their message with the venue they where in.Keep it simple people preform and do what you do best but dont grand stand and turn everything into some political ralley espically when you dont have a friggen clue. posted by MrV at 8:12 AM postCount('109448361690909998'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109448361690909998'); Trackback (0)Trackback Sunday, September 05, 2004 The fruits of my labor What a day. Time to sit back and relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I spent yesterday with my lovely wife doing a few odds and ends around the house. Now I am being absolute lazy and seeking out in front of my computer. Latter I plan on taking the "Black Rose" ( a name given to my 20 year old Cruiser guitar whom I was recently reunited with) and ripping out a few rifs and perhaps put a lyric that I wrote to music. Then off to work at the "old Fire House pub and pizzeria" where I will no doubt pour beer for some mindless sports fan now that collage football is underway and perhaps yell at some ditzy teenage girl for not doing her job. I really enjoy it when I can insult them intellectuality to the point where they start to cry. A seniority complex perhaps or maybe I am just plain sick but all in all the more they cry the better and more fun I have.tomorrow I will crack the books and study for my power plant class. I am determined to do well and not give that Jar head arse whipe of a teacher the satisdfaction of watching me struggle. Perhaps in a few years time when I am in the world doing and he is still teaching because he can't do will return to the the school and allow him to kiss my arse.The pandora's box is soon to be open as Kiersten's Mum realizes that no body and nothing will stand in the way of me and my daughter. Reasonable negonations and communications have failed and I have given her enough rope so she can hang herself. Perhaps to much some may say, because it is obvious to most that in the last couple of years I have given up far to much. But nobody can ever say I did not put kiersten best interest first and always try to take the high ground. But that battle will be one fought out the next few weeks and I am sure I will have more rambles to come out on that.Clinton under the knife today or tomorrow...regardless of your politics best wishes to the man and his family. posted by MrV at 11:55 AM postCount('109441052657481509'); Comment (0)Comments postCountTB('109441052657481509'); Trackback (0)Trackback Friday, September 03, 2004 The right man for the Job Last night as I watched the president give his acceptance speaks I realized that this was not the same man whom four years earlier had done the same thing. This man has grown and matured far more than I had ever expected. Not only has the presidency changed this man, this man has changed the president.Now to be honest I really disagree with Bush on many of his ideas and stances ranging from emigrant to education and healthcare. But September 11, 2001 changed the world for me and many others. While I did not vote for Bush and really thought McCain was the right man I am truly thankful that Bush was their instead of Al Gore.Bush has had to endure countless attacks on his character, intellect, religious believes, and overall presentation. The left, liberals, and "Moore"-owns have tried to portray him has the second coming of Hitler, an oil loving monster, war monger, and blood thirsty tyrant.But through it all this man has turned out to be one fine president. He has shown a true sincerity as he governs and leads by his heart and what he feels is right for this country. There is true compassion and concern for our troops overseas. You can see his eyes well up when he talk of the families whom lost loved one on September 11. Most of all you can see the sincerity and thankfulness in his eyes when he is told by others that they are praying for him, thinking of him, or supporting him.World opinion and polls to not dictact how this man governs; the United Nations is not responsible for the safety and sovereignty for this country and Al Gore is back in Tennessee making love to a tree.I see it as plain as day when it comes to a choice between Bush or Kerry then it is as obvious as my reflection in the mirror. George W. Bush is the right man at the right time to lead this country the next four years.