Pearls of Wisdoms and Mindless Rants

Everything hear is subject to change depending on life, mood, and alcoholic intake.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I was brushing my teeth Yesterday and I heard a sound that sounding like a fish slapping around on the floor. I looked down and it was my belly jiggling and slapping the edge of the sink.
I couldn't believe it. I've gained so much weight and fat.

I turned to my full length mirror and did a turn around to notice, "Back-Fat"! I hadn't noticed it before, because everyone know the color Black hides fat and the hair on my back is Black.
I began drinking my Cayenne Pepper/Maple Syrup Drink like there was no Tomorrow.
Today I see that my pants still fit fine, so that through me off, but my gut completely hangs over the belt and front pockets. I have to grab a bit of flesh and lift to get my car keys out of my pocket. I never noticed that before.

I was always afraid of throwing up, but since I had the Flu I kind of got used to it. I know bulimics have trouble with the enamel coming off their teeth and turning them funny colors, so I bought some Whitestrips to put over my teeth before I puke. That's thinking ahead!

I hope I lose a lot of weight today before I head over to The Village Pizzeria in the later this afternoon.

I've got my priorities.

Posted by MrV :: 1:27 PM :: |